"Please help us."

  "It's not wise to gamble your future on someone who doesn't know the details."

  But the intention has already been conveyed.

  What's the matter with this emotion that fills my chest?Why do you feel so safe now?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

  Countless lights illuminating the entire Tokyo area replaced the function of searchlights, completely driving away the darkness of the night sky, and the pitch-black army of gastritis seemed to be exposed to sunlight.

  That's tens of thousands of gastrula.[-] gastrulae had already pushed the [-]-strong Self-Defense Force and the [-]-strong civilian police force into a corner, not to mention tens of thousands of them.

  And Nangong Xiao didn't know when he was floating in the air, and behind him was the half of Tokyo that had not yet been destroyed.

  Nangong Xiao's right hand exudes a gentle white light. To be honest, this is the first time he has used this trick since he learned of its existence.To be honest, this move is very dangerous. With his body that is too weak for his own soul, he would lose his right hand with only one percent of his strength.

  For him, it was the equivalent of a killer.It's just that when others use the killer, they will use the best operation method. It's hard to imagine his casual posture.

..... 0...

  At this moment, a faint ray of light gathered from behind, the light of prayer and hope.Thanks to these rays of light, he consumed less spiritual power.

  Then, a beam of light shot out from the right hand, a brilliance that used only one-thousandth of its power.When the beam of light flew into the air, it turned into a beam of lightsabers and fell towards the gastrula below.

  The carcasses of large and small gastritis were piled up like mountains, and the remains of police officers whose original shape could no longer be seen rolled down.The blood from these dead people pooled together and turned into a small river.

  The intestines from the human body were covered with soil and spread on the ground, and the ground mixed with the brains formed a pink.The eyes of the deceased with flies gathered on their bodies no longer reflect anything.

  The burning muscles and head gave off a strong stench that penetrated the skin of the survivors.Presumably, no matter how many times you take a shower, it will be difficult to get rid of this smell.This extremely sour scene extends infinitely out in the field of vision.

  This is the end of the hero who fights to bring down the gastrula.Instigated by the reputation of protecting the Tokyo area, the Fool voluntarily threw himself into the cauldron of hell and embarked on this road of no return.

  But what is the scene in front of you?With his own behavior, who can guarantee that hell will not be created on top of hell?

  Killing one person is a murderer, killing a million people is a hero.Killing everything in the world is God.

  After a period of time, the ribbon-shaped dawn broke through the clouds and emerged from the eastern sky, and the dark blue sky was slowly dyed with the color of dawn.The sky that changed from indigo to pale blue exudes a touch of beauty, which is awe-inspiring.It was the first time in four days that sunlight was seen due to the heavy cloud cover caused by the albino megalith.

  It's just that what is illuminated by the sun is not a warm paradise?

Chapter 188

  At five o'clock in the evening when the sunset was piercing, Tendo Kazumitsu stepped up to leave work from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and led the secretary Shiina Kazuomi to the destination in a hurry.

  The moment he walked out of the room, he was immediately attacked by the heat that enveloped his whole body. He wanted to call for an extended limousine as usual, but only today would not work—he secretly convinced himself.

  Then he noticed that the tie of his suit was crooked and adjusted it with his hands impatiently.Usually I don't have this kind of gaffe at all.

  Today, I have been in this state since early in the morning, and I am completely unable to concentrate on work.

  Unable to hold back the non-stop sweating, he took off his suit jacket and looked up at the megalithic monument from a distance.If the weather is good, you can see a corner of the megalithic monument, but no matter how good the weather is today, you still can't see anything.

  That's a matter of course.The collapsed megalithic monument No. 32 has only recovered to a height of [-] meters, and it will take some time for it to be [-] meters away from the original normal.

  Two weeks after the event, it's back to summer in the Tokyo area.

  In the days when the temperature dropped suddenly due to the dust of the boulders covering the sky, I was so eager for summer to come, but when the summer heat returned to my side, the infinite extension of life became a reality, which would only make people feel extremely depressed.

  No—Wako shook his head.

  Extraordinary life still holds up, at least for him.

  The stomach hurts again from the pressure.This stomach pain has been tightly entangled with Wako since the day the report that the [-]nd stele was targeted by Aldebaran appeared.

  In addition, the place where Wako and Shiina are going has a lot to do with this incident.

  Transfer to the train and get off at the 37th district, the outer area of ​​the Tokyo area.The exit appears empty.This is also a matter of course. It will be night in a few hours, and staying here is full of ruins and no street lights, which is tantamount to suicide.

  Heguang and the others marched on foot, and before long they stopped in front of a ruined dojo.It was a bungalow with a high ceiling, and the building was half-destroyed.The sign hanging outside the door is Tiantong Sukeyu, who is also a calligrapher.

  Tiantongliu was originally an extremely secret school that was only inherited in the Tiantong clan, but after slowly opening to the outside world, a dojo was also established like this.This is one of the precious dojos.

  Looking at the rotten and decadent dojo, Wako sighed.Tiantongliu may be over.

  He first gestured to Shiina, opened the sliding door that was about to fall, and stood at the door frame.

  "Welcome, Brother Wako. No, maybe I should call you Your Excellency the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism?"


  Wako never thought he would call out his sister's name with such hatred.

  The long straight black and gorgeous hair, and the setting sun shining through the reflection window slanted in, formed a subtle contrast with the skin like white porcelain.In front of him was Tendoki, who was wearing thigh-high socks and a black sailor suit.More than anything else, it proves that this is the final battleground of life.

  There was a young man next to Mu Geng, who he knew, named Nangong Xiao.It is a monster that has defeated tens of thousands of gastrula with the power of only one person.

  "Brother, according to the agreement, you didn't tell anyone about your coming here, right?"

  Heguang shrugged and responded, "Thanks to you, I haven't left the car for a long time on foot. Did you bring what you agreed to bring?"

  "You mean this?"

  Mugeng, who had finished speaking, took out a bunch of documents from his arms and threw it at Heguang's feet.Even though he pretended to be nonchalant, Wako wanted to groan in his heart.Taking the document that Shiina helped pick up, Wako quickly flipped through the pages.Unshakable evidence lay before Kazuki's eyes.

  "Damn! Where did you get this from?"

  Mu Geng let out a mocking laughter:

  "Found it by accident."

  "Impossible to find out. I got rid of it all!"

  "Even so, I found it. My connections are still useful."

  Kazuo glared at Mugeng.

  "You bastard, sneaked into Tiantong's vault."

  A smile appeared on Mu Geng's face, and he responded with a shrug.

  "Brother, let's discuss the follow-up."

  "When the third Kanto battle was in full swing, we always thought it was incredible. At most, it was only Aldebaran in the fourth stage, why could it be attached to the megalith. At first we suspected that it was the geographical conditions and the special ability of Aldebaran. As a result, in the end, the focus was on whether there was any problem with the stele No. 32 itself. After investigation, it turned out to be true, and we found something suspicious. The person responsible for building the stele No. 32 at the end of the Gastrogen War was Brother Heguang. Bar?"


  Mu narrowed his eyes more like a cat chasing prey, spread his hands in a sadistic way, and continued to speak.

  "In order to prevent corruption or tying of bids, the public bidding system is now adopted in the contracting of public works, but the process is relatively complicated. The production of megalithic monuments is a time-sensitive project, so it is handed over to the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China to direct the construction of the contractor. Of course, , I have no objection to this kind of expedient system. However, my brother, it is not worth encouraging to join the mixture in it to make a cheap monolith, and to enrich the excess funds for selfishness."

  He Guang's body shook violently, and his clenched fists were shaking.

  "Of course, the mixture will lead to a decrease in purity, and the ability to create a gastrula's aversion to magnetic fields will also be reduced. This way, as long as the gastrula is strong enough, it may survive the weakened magnetic field of the boulder and attach to it."

  "Theoretically, that kind of purity is no problem! In fact, in the past ten years, the No. [-] megalith has not been broken through!"

  "But it won't work for Aldebaran."


  Mu Geng raised the corners of his mouth to deliberately smile, and responded coldly to the other party's defense.

  "The one who brought in the gastropod, Aldebaran, ignited the fuse of the third Kanto battle, but it was Brother Waguang."

  Kazuhiro's clenched fist nails embedded in the flesh, and the skin bursts and oozes blood.He wanted to shut the woman up right away.This urge can never be erased.

  "But it's really ironic to say it. Citizens in Tokyo who did not get the eligibility for asylum were shivering and couldn't sleep at night because they were afraid of being killed by gastritis, but because you are a dignitary in the country, your whole family was automatically assigned the eligibility for asylum. When our policeman Didn't you hide in a bunker and enjoy yourself while fighting with your life? If this fact was announced to all the citizens of the Tokyo area, what do you think the result would be?"

  "...Is there a copy of this document?"

  "There's no more...only this one."

  "Can I trust you?"

  "Don't I also believe your jokes - 'I didn't tell anyone about your coming here'? In that case, let's make a gentleman's agreement here."

  Wako sneered with his nose and said, "Faced with the opponent who is going to fight next, I didn't expect you to convince me with a gentleman's agreement."

  Mu Geng also returned his cold smile.

  "I'm not interested in that, just asking. What on earth are you adding the mixture to the monolith? If it's for the money, aren't you enough?"

  "Hmph, Mugeng, it seems that you don't understand anything. The so-called success requires far more money than you can imagine. Those high-ranking officials all have different desires. Some want to hunt humans with rifles, and some want to have twins. Virgins do 3Ps, and some people want to shoot torture films that they participate in. In order to secretly satisfy the desires of those high-ranking officials, a huge amount of money is needed.”

  It was only now that Mu Geng showed his excited expression for the first time: "To be honest, I feel like vomiting after listening to it. Do you need money to satisfy those desires?"

  ""wrong.Using that money to satisfy senior officials and make them owe me favors, I was able to climb to the position of vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Communications at such a young age.This is not just relying on Tiantong's backing. "

  Mu Geng's eyes became sharper now because of his hatred for his narrowed eyes.

  "Scumbags like you should have died in the gastrula war."


  This time, it was Heguang's turn to laugh at each other.

  "You really don't understand anything, Mu Geng. The real bad guys don't die. As long as they throw money and pick up the money in death, they will be able to escape smoothly."

  Mu Geng first narrowed his eyes, then slowly opened them.

  "One less reason to keep you alive. Enough. Let's begin—witnesses from both sides."

  The Wako side sends Shiina.The witness on Mu Geng's side was Nangong Xiao.

  The two stood facing each other in the middle of Wako and Kisara, and Shiina raised her right hand slightly to take the oath.

  "I, Shiina Kazumi, served as a witness to this duel, and hereby swear that even if one of the parties is killed at the scene, I will not file a complaint against the police or other judicial authorities."

  "I really can't help you."

  Nangong Xiao also raised his right hand and said the same words.

  After both parties took the oath, the witnesses retreated to the wall, and the center of the wide dojo belonged to the stage of Wako and Kisara.Wako instructed the secretary with the chin, and Shiina took the gun from one of the two gun pockets and threw it.

  Wako caught the gun with one hand.It was a straight gun about the length of the chest.After holding the gun, energy seemed to flow into the body from the weapon, making Wako feel refreshed.The feeling of the past came back - a strong sense of self-confidence in the world as long as he had a spear in his hand.

  Wood even responded with a sarcastic attitude.

  "Brother, shouldn't he really only carry a long gun? I thought he would secretly hide a pistol or something..."

  "Looking down on people. You don't have to rely on that kind of thing to run through the heart of this guy.".

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