I really didn't expect the person in front of him to be a local tyrant.It seemed that the decision to pull him into the family was correct.

  "First of all, let's change to a bigger place. It doesn't look like it can live here. As for the residence of the family, I will find a better place after I get enough money for a while."

  If it was like Hestia, it might not be able to recruit people at all.First of all, even the place where people live is in tatters, and secondly, Hestia itself does not have the temperament or ability to make people loyal.

  Just like the Loki he met before, even if he is a stranger, he feels very happy to get along with Loki.If it hadn't been agreed with Hestia, then it seemed like a good choice to join the other party's family.

  In order to have some time for himself, he had to find someone in person. As long as he found the number of people who could support the operation of the family, he, the head of the group, could be a hands-off shopkeeper.

  In fact, it is a fact that the gifts of God are essentially indistinguishable.

  After receiving the gift, no matter who it is, it starts from the same starting point.What happens after that depends on individual circumstances.The difference between joining a veteran family and a new family is that the veteran family can find someone to help you, just like a master who brings players through the novice period.The new family is like a player who has no novice tutorial and can only explore by himself.

  That is to say, for the family, it is mainly determined by the abilities of those they belong to.Not because God himself is incompetent or anything.


  Hestia remembered something and put the hash browns on a plate.

  "Here, this is breakfast."


  It sucks.When I met her yesterday, she seemed to be selling potato balls. Could it be that she only made food made from potatoes?

  "I suddenly remembered that I still have things to do!"

  He went straight all the way to the underground city.In fact, the potato cakes made by Hestia tasted good, but the thought of eating them all these days made me feel sick.


  Nangong Xiao felt that someone was staring at him, and the other party obviously did not intend to hide his identity.He raised his head, there was a tower that seemed to reach the sky, Nangong Xiao and the other party's eyes met.


  The other party didn't expect that she just glanced at it, and Nangong Xiao was able to find herself so accurately.

  "Ah~ I'm thinking more and more..."

  Nangong Xiao frowned, not knowing what the other party meant.But it doesn't seem to be malicious for the time being, so let's put it aside for now.


  She was wearing a white shirt and a wakaba-colored dress that reached below the knee.On top of this was a slightly longer half-waist apron.

  The thin, dull-colored hair is tied into a small bun at the back of the head, with a tail hanging under the bun.It seems to be a subspecies of single ponytail.

  "Miss Xier?"

  "Are you going to go to the maze so early?"

  "Well, after all, the Lord God is a piece of crap."

  Nangong Xiao answered feebly.

  "Really, didn't you have breakfast or something?"

  "Yes, it is so."

  To be precise, he was not full. After all, he could predict the situation of Hestia's wallet, and Nangong Xiao, who was embarrassed to argue with her, only ate one potato cake.

  Seele made a gesture of thinking about something, and then suddenly left here in a hurry.

  What she didn't have when she left here—a small, upright basket, held in her slender wrist.Slightly smaller bread and cheese can be seen in it.

  "Please eat this if you can.... It's not a formal meal since it hasn't opened yet..."

  "Uh...isn't this your breakfast...?"

  The clerk smiled shyly.

  She is an amazing girl from another world.

  "...If I ignore this, I will be blamed by my conscience. So please accept it."

  "I have written down this favor, and next time you need help with something, you can come to me."

  "Adventurer, it's all in the same stake. Although I'll lose a little, in exchange for you being able to fill your stomach here. Tonight, you have to have dinner at the wine shop where I work."

  It turns out that it is definitely worthwhile to exchange bread for a guest for a meal.

  "Too cunning."

  Do you want to try it yourself, for example, if you save someone, let him (her) join the Hestia family in exchange.

  "Hehe, hurry up and accept it. My salary will definitely go up today."

  "Miss Seeer, then see you tonight. By the way, you're beautiful!"

  He was very happy when he acted.

  "Okay, I'll wait for you."

  Before the gods came to the lower world (Li's), the labyrinth had already existed.

  At that time, although it was not as large as it is now, there were already streets built on top of the labyrinth, and it is said that there was an organ that was the predecessor of the guild at this time.

  In ancient times, there were people who fought against monsters only by cooperating with the old guild without receiving the favor of the gods.The underground labyrinth known as the dungeon remained, and a huge city was built above it.

  In the city, or in other words, the city that thrived around the guild that manages the dungeon, there were all kinds of people, not only humans, but also demihumans of all other races.

  For those who enter a dungeon and then earn income from there to make ends meet, they are called adventurers.

  This dungeon should be a living thing.Nangong Xiao looked at the monster coming out of the wall, and then pressed it back.

  Today is also a day of hard work (laughs)! .

Chapter 199

  The first floor of the maze.

  The walls and ceilings that fill the horizon are dyed thin cyan.

  The natural labyrinth that cannot see the sky grows endlessly in all directions.Fork in the road, cross road, gentle downhill.And this neat and orderly road is scattered all over the underground space, making people think that this maze is a man-made thing.

  "What kind of monster is on the first floor?"

  Although it is not necessary to exercise one's own stats on the first floor, it is also important to obtain information.

  Looking at the hordes of goblin legions and kobolds, Nangong Xiao complained, "There are also goblins in this world. It's hard work, little goblin."

  His right hand turned into a knife and swung from left to right, swept across with energy, and cut off the goblins' bodies by the waist.

  While talking about the hard work, I sent them on the road.

  Stone-like objects fell from them, which are magic stones dropped by monsters after death, and there is a small chance of dropping even rarer items.Taking this thing to the guild can be exchanged for money. In addition to selling rare drops at a higher price, this magic stone is the source of income for adventurers.

  It would be good to sell it for money, but even so, he has no plans to collect those magic stones on the ground.There is no other reason, just because the volume is not only small but also the purity is very low.

  "Go down a few more floors and see."

  The maze is alive.

  However, there is no such thing as a thick wall attacking you, and the terrain of each tier does not change.As proof, the map of the stratum created by the adventurer can be sold to the guild.However, the further down you go, the larger the area becomes unbelievably large, and it is said that there are a lot of classes who have not been able to make a complete map because of this.

  Being alive means that it will be repaired, and the structure of the destroyed maze will be repaired automatically.Only the composition of the labyrinth has not been fully understood by scholars until now, and it only remains at the point where it is shown that a phenomenon occurs.

  Also, since it is a substance similar to magic stone, the sunlight is bright even if it doesn't reach the labyrinth.Especially on the first floor, the area equivalent to the ceiling emits phosphorescence like lighting, so it is ridiculously bright at all times.

  And monsters are born in the labyrinth.

  It sounds like a joke, but they do in fact crawl out of the walls of the maze like chicks breaking their shells.Many people have seen this scene with their own eyes.This is why no matter how much adventurers hunt monsters, the monsters will continue to flow.

  However, the number of monsters that each class can produce is fixed.Although it has been heard that there are occasional exceptions where newly born monsters will run up from the lower tiers, or monsters from the upper tiers will run down to the lower tiers, but generally speaking, monsters will always appear in the corresponding tiers.Basically, the lower the monster, the stronger it is.

  Nangong Xiao came to the seventeenth floor, which is where he first encountered the Minotaur, the tauren.On the way, he inquired about the floor where the tauren monster was located, and then a few Amazon sisters kindly told him.It's just that the hungry eyes of a few Amazon sisters seem to want to drain him, making him want to leave quickly.

  Speaking of which level of monster the Tauren is, it doesn't matter anyway.

  Exercise durability first, because durability is an attribute that increases physical toughness, defense, and regeneration.

  The positions of the Minotaurs are far away from each other, and if it is an ordinary adventurer, I am afraid they would like to be a little further away, so that they can be defeated individually.For Nangong Xiao, the single effect is very weak, and it has to be gathered together. Otherwise, like other adventurers, it took several months to upgrade from Lv1 to Lv2. By the way, the highest level is Lv10.

  In short, attract hatred first.

  "How to do it specifically?"

  Although he didn't want to admit it, the level of detail in this labyrinth was much higher than he imagined, and he couldn't even see a larger stone around him.In this case, take the easiest way to do it, and hope that no unfortunate person is on the opposite line of his and the tauren.


  Nangong Xiao shouted, and the tauren who were wandering around the maze without a purpose heard the sound, and all turned around and ran in the direction of the sound.

  dong dong dong dong! ! !

  It was the sound of a large number of monsters running. The other adventurers on the same floor were taken aback by this situation. They soon made a decision, and the opponents who had left behind ran towards the stairs.The eighteenth floor is currently the only safe area without monsters, as long as you run below it, you will be saved.

  "Is that your opponent?"

  Defense enhancement ↑

  Spirit Armor Cover ↑

  With these two commands, the spiritual power strengthens the toughness of the body and forms invisible air armor on the skin.If the durability is increased after being attacked, then being hit should count as well.

  "Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

  The red-eyed tauren came to him and punched Nangong Xiao with a straight punch, but he just blocked the punch with the same force and didn't fight back.Just as the tauren hit him, he felt a slight change in favor.


  Then come again.

  Because of the size problem, there are only three or four tauren who come to him each time, and he takes all the fists that come over at an extremely fast speed.Monsters are also creatures. Just after a few tauren around feel tired, its head or body will instantly split into two halves, and then be teleported to a farther place.

  "Come on, hahahaha!"

  The feeling of punching to the flesh is not bad, it's better to say it's cool!

  A fleeing adventurer saw this eerie sight and couldn't help but stop and watch.

  "This old man is too fierce! He even used human bodies and monsters to be tough!"

  At this time, a fist wind came, and he hurriedly rolled to avoid the blow.No, let's run!Can't be as fierce as this old man.

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