In addition, the people in the center of the vortex also have various emotions, watching the direction of the battle that is about to kick off.

  Sitting on a luxurious seat made of pure gold, Apollo brought a glass of wine to his lips.

  The mansion, which is the base of the faction, is far away from the noise of the street, and is now surrounded by silence.Only a very small number of members were left, and the members had already set off towards the ruins of the ancient city that served as the battlefield.After all, the Apollo family stationed in the ancient city had to prepare as much as a mountain for the upcoming battle.

  The difference between combat and war games is whether there are clear guarantees.Compared with the former, which annihilates the enemy to achieve the goal, and at the same time lays the seeds of trouble around, the reward that the winner can get in the latter is also guaranteed by the rules, that is to say, the latter is a sacred duel, and at the same time. It also ruled out the possibility of the guild or a third force trying to profit from it.

  The proxy war between the gods is not only the place where the daigo of the lower world is located, but also the supreme entertainment for the gods.

  Not wanting to be disturbed by anyone, Apollo sincerely looked forward to the board game of chess pieces in the name of the family.That was the undisguised sincerity of Apollo—and the unavoidable nature of God.

  Numerous desires surged in his chest, and the male god wearing a laurel crown suddenly raised his eyes.

  This fortress, erected in the middle of the plain where there are no forests and mounds, is one of the defensive strongholds built in ancient times.

  Before the huge tower (Tower of Babel) and the huge city wall that served as the cover were completed, in order to prevent the monsters emerging from the large holes in the dungeon from attacking the cities and towns behind, or to minimize the damage caused by such attacks, Similar fortresses are not uncommon in areas relatively close to Orari.

  Although almost all of them are now in ruins, except for the ruins of the ancient city of Suymu, the once prosperous kingdom still guarded this place as a major force until a century ago.

  Although it has been abandoned now, various functions including the city wall are still intact, and the battlefield of the war game is also selected in this place.

  Although the tower on the city wall collapsed in several places, it did not reduce the height of the stone wall, which was probably more than ten meters by visual inspection.It is not easy for even an advanced adventurer to break through a wall whose thickness is not to be underestimated without the use of artillery bombardment.The existence of the city wall has contributed to the existence of the city's prototype in the easily attacked plain to this day.

  The total number of them who have settled here three days ago is about [-], which is almost all members of the faction.Under the instructions of the captain, the members of the group divided their work and cooperated. Some of them carried out the repair work of the city wall, and some of them were responsible for the storage and configuration of the prepared weapons, props and food.

  "Hmph, boring... pointless behavior."

  In the tallest tower in the fortress, Jacintos, the regiment leader, snorted in the command room used by the supreme ruler, and looked out into the castle where regimental members were everywhere.

  Since the form of the war game is a siege battle, the period of engagement is also set at three days.The condition of victory or defeat is that if Yacintos, the general, survives to the end without incident within a limited period of time, or if the enemy general cannot continue the battle, then the victory of the Apollo family...  

  Although he was still preparing for a defensive attack as a defender of the city, his victory was already a sure thing, and at best it was an incomplete issue.

  "What are you doing, I'm afraid others won't know where Yacintos is..."

  Standing on the solid city wall and looking up at the command tower, the short-haired female cadre Daphne muttered.

  I don’t know if it was the order of the main god who likes to show off and show off. The extremely thick tower where the throne is located can be said to stand out among the fortresses.Seeing the flag of his own faction flying on the top of the tower, Daphne only felt that he was about to burst into laughter.

  "Little Daphne..."


  On the city walls, where the magic stone lamp was lit in place of the lantern, Kassandra called out Daphne's name in a trembling voice.

  The long-haired girl's profile was reflected in the flickering light. She hugged her body with both hands and said, "No way... Let's escape from here."


   "The city, the city is going to be destroyed..."

  Facing the nonsense Cassandra, Daphne looked impatient.

  "It's a dream again? It's all over now, you have a similar one, right?"

  "Please, I beg you, just believe me!"

  The precognition dream said is completely unreliable, even so, Cassandra insisted again and again.

  Daphne didn't intend to listen carefully, but today's Cassandra made her feel more annoying than ever. She frowned as if she was irritable. At this time, Cassandra suddenly froze in place. Move again.

  "It's too late...".

Chapter 259

  On the day of the long-awaited war game, Orari was enveloped in an unusually fiery atmosphere.

  Early in the morning, all the wine shops opened their doors, and vendors could be seen on the streets and alleys.The wall near the street was covered with countless colored parchments under the mission of the gods, who feared that the world would not be in chaos.As for the contents of the poster, the image of the sun symbolizes the family of Apollo, while the image of the hearth and flames represents the family of Hestia.

  Today only, almost all the adventurers stopped exploring the labyrinth, and instead flocked to the wine shop to prepare for the battle.Workers and ordinary citizens who tried their best to apply for vacations also came to the streets or the central square, waiting impatiently for that moment to come.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhh, good morning everyone, nice to meet you all, I'm the live broadcaster of this war game, Ibli Archer from the Ganesha family, who speaks loudly , also known as Huo Yan Bao Yan Huo Yan, please join us a lot."

  A slightly exaggerated stage was randomly built in the front courtyard of the guild headquarters.A young man with brown skin reported his home, holding a megaphone made of magic stone in one hand, claiming to be the host of the war game.It was also crowded here.

  "It's up to our main god, Lord Ganesha, to explain! Lord Ganesha, do you have anything to say?"

  "I am, Ganesha!"

  "Okay! Thank you Ganesha-sama for your wonderful speech!"

  Beside Ibli, who was in charge of the host, Ganesha, the male god wearing a giant elephant mask, shouted, and the audience also cheered.

  Through cooperation with merchants, the war game that makes the whole city noisy can be said to be a kind of performance.In order to enjoy this performance, there are not a few spectators who come from far away from the city, and it is natural to charge an entrance fee.Not only that, the guild also used it as a demonstration to show the world Orari's strength, hoping to attract potential adventurers to the city.

  However, the most important thing to ignore is this: war games are one of the unparalleled entertainments that the gods seek.

  "Oh, it's really lively."

  Loki, who pressed his face to the window, looked down at the scene before him and said.

  The thirtieth floor of the Tower of Babel.Most of the gods who looked forward to war games more than anyone else came to the Tower of Babel, and the two main gods who carried out proxy wars, Hestia and Apollo, were also waiting here.

  In addition to this, a small group of gods acted differently.Some of them rushed to the wine shop and mixed in with the adventurers, while others stayed at the stronghold and watched the development of the situation with the family members.

  "It's time."

  On the pocket watch he took out, it showed that it was noon.

  Hermes raised his jaw and said into the air: "Then it's not too late, Uranus, please give permission to use power."

  His words shook the space, and after a few seconds, the voice of reply came.


  It was as if he heard a loud and powerful declaration coming from the direction of the guild headquarters.

  The gods of Oralina snapped their fingers in unison.

  In an instant, mirrors appeared in the void at the corner of the wine shop and the street.

  Seeing the countless round windows all over the city's nooks and crannies, people immediately exploded.

  The power of the gods that can be used in the nether - the mirror of the gods.Through its clairvoyant ability, even if the object is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, it can still see its every move.This is the only exception that is recognized in order to allow the gods to fully enjoy the rituals of the lower world.

  With this mirror, even small children can effortlessly watch the war games played away from Orari.

  "Since the problem of the mirror has been solved, let me introduce it again! The two sides of this war game are the Hestia family and the Apollo family, in the form of a siege battle!! The warriors of both camps have already Go to the battlefield and wait for the bell to tell the arrival of noon!"

  The ancient city with the sun flag and the surrounding plains are reflected in the circular windows of different sizes depending on the place such as the wine shop or the street.The whole city suddenly boiled, and the host also began to explain the outline of the war game through the loudspeaker.

  "Is everything alright!? If you hesitate any longer, you won't have the chance to bet!"

  Bathed in the sound of commentary coming from outside, in many wine shops along the street, gambling sponsored by adventurers colluding with merchants is going on in full swing.Naturally, what they were betting on was who would win or lose the Hestia family and the Apollo family, that is, who would win the war game.People who made big bets clutched their tickets tightly, leaned against the wine table, and stared at the mirror floating in the air.

  "The odds of the Hestia Familiar are more than twenty times... It's lower than I thought. Where on earth would an idiot bet on that Familiar?"

  The sturdy adventurers figured out the general situation of the casino after counting the wagers and rolls.From the perspective of power, there is no doubt that the bet will be tilted towards the Apollo faction, but there are not a few people who don't expect to bet on the Hestia faction.

  "It must be those gods anyway..."

  Those mindless gods always like to upset people, and the sturdy adventurers with this kind of thinking can't help laughing.

  "Everyone, please pay attention, the time is about to enter noon!"

  The host's voice rose a few degrees.

  The noise spread like a wave in the vestibule of the guild headquarters.Whether it was adventurers, shop assistants or gods, all eyes were on the mirror at this moment.

  "War Games - Officially Begin!"

  As soon as the order was given, the sound of the big bell and the cheers opened the prelude to the battle.

  Contrary to the boiling Orari, the morale in the ancient city as a battlefield was very low.

  The fighting time for the siege was three days.The opponent will probably delay the time, and then take advantage of the last day of negligence here to start the official siege.Most of the people of the Apollo family thought so, even if there might be sporadic attacks, but under the protection of the sentinels and the strong city wall, it would not be a climate.

  There was an air of laziness in the city.

  There are few objects on the plain that can block the view, and although there are rocks from time to time, none of them are big enough to hide people.From the north to the east, there are only a few vegetation scattered in the wilderness, and there are rivers in the far south.To the west, you can see the woods.At this time, the conversation of people came suddenly.

  "The only thing you need to pay attention to is the chanting of magic."

  "Well, if they dare to show up, I'll greet them with this."

  Hearing the reminder from his colleagues, the orc youth smiled and tapped the longbow and custom-made giant arrow with his hands.

  The power and range of magic are proportional to the length of the chant.The city walls here were originally very strong, and even if they hit a few short-form chants, they wouldn't be affected too much.The only thing to watch out for is the long chanting, which is easy to detect due to the spreading magic power.

  If they approach the city wall casually, they will be greeted with a rain of arrows, and if they choose to use a long chanting from a distance, they will be sniped, the youth said proudly.

  The guards chatted and laughed with their companions, while alerting where there were magical fluctuations or enemy members coming.

  At this moment, the guards seemed to see something incredible and stared somewhere in amazement.A flash of fire lit up from a distance, and then the unknown thing magnified in their eyes, and fireballs visible to the naked eye flew towards this side.

  Dozens, hundreds, or thousands?They had no time to think, and the only thing they could do was to crouch down and try to make the building withstand this wave of attacks.

  In front of the people on the city wall, the violent shelling exploded.

  "What, what's wrong!?"

  Feeling the impact from the front of the city wall, the city fell into chaos in an instant.

  The people nearby were agitated by the violent vibrations and explosions that were still unbroken.The people who ran from the entrance of the fortress to the outside looked up and saw the scene, and their mouths were instantly stunned.

  Part of the city wall was destroyed with smoke and dust.

  "No, I can't believe it!? Those guys are calling!?"

  Rouen hurried down the stairs of the city wall, and when they saw him coming back, the members asked anxiously, "How many people?"

  "One, alone!"

  Unlike his comrades who couldn't believe what he heard, Rouen slurred as if scared:

  Hearing Rouen's shout, the adventurers froze in place, when a more powerful explosion hit.The upper part of the city wall was hit, and the bowman with the longbow in his hand fell to the ground along with the rubble.

  Along with the roar that resounded through the sky, the following flame cannonballs set off a whirlwind of explosion somewhere on the city wall.

  The fortress fell apart like a sand sculpture, and a large hole opened in the city wall on the north side.

  "Damn! How did this guy do it?!"

  How could such a thing be possible with so much magic being cast out in a short period of time?

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