The battle must be resolved quickly. This state can only last for about half an hour. If the level is not as high as Apollo, it cannot be consumed by him. If it is consumed, it will only be pressed and beaten.

  "I underestimate you."

  Apollo put away his wild laughter, but he did not expect that Nangong Xiao could reach the realm of God as a mere human being!

  "But it's still a long way off!"

  Apollo's voice fell, and Nangongxiao subconsciously put his hand in front of him, and then he felt that he had been hit and stepped back.

  Shaking his numb hand, he observed Apollo's movements.It was too fast to counterattack at all, and it was a little reluctant to even block the attack.

  At this time, Nangong Xiao also felt that Apollo, who was close to the level of God King Zeus, could not be singled out by himself now.


  "The ruthless Queen of Steel, the holy sword that slays demons and slays demons—here I am transformed into a steel sword, and grant me divine power."

  The contract spell was uttered, and the holy sword fell into Nangong Xiao's right hand.He feels that his state is very good now, and the increase brought by Esther has almost doubled all his attributes.

  Esther was a very powerful holy sword at the beginning. At that time, her own strength was much higher than that of Nangong Xiao, not to mention that she would continue to improve her strength as Nangong Xiao grew.

  The power of Esther, who holds the protector of the world, the highest elf, and the holy sword that kills the demon king, is unimaginable.

  It's just that Nangong Xiao has his own pride, and he will never let others interfere in his own affairs unless it is absolutely necessary.

  "Come on, Apollo!"

  Nangong Xiao pointed the tip of his sword directly at Apollo.

  "I'm really not afraid of death!"

  Apollo is no longer in the mood to play. It has been ten minutes now, and he feels that the gods will come over if he does not solve his problems.

  Facing him who was standing still, the enemy's sword reflected the sunlight, shooting a dazzling light.

  Apollo's golden sword shone with the brilliance of the sun, and then disappeared from Nangong Xiao's field of vision. He was about to take advantage of the situation to make a thrust.

  Apollo raised the corners of his mouth as if he couldn't wait, while Nangong Xiao moved his body back slightly.

  "Hahahaha! Hurry up, hide! If you get hit, terrible things will happen!"

  Apollo ridiculed his behavior as a sign of cowardice.Nangong Xiao ignored Apollo's words, and swept towards Apollo with a sweep.Apollo evoked a smile, colliding with a mortal weapon against a weapon constructed of divine power. Anyway...  

  The two long swords collided, but Apollo's lightsaber began to dissolve from the collision place. He drew the sword back and injected divine power to repair it...  

  Nangong Xiao chased after the victory and narrowed the distance with Apollo.As long as it is energy, it will be eliminated by the Demon Slayer Sword.

  Right now, the Phantasm Killer is activated!

  Nangong Xiao hit Apollo and drew a scar on his body.

  "I got hurt..."

  Apollo looked at the scars he was scratched in disbelief, how much he was not hurt?

  "I dare! I dare! I dare! I dare!"

  Apollo, who was flying in the sky, raised his hands. In the sky, fire elements and light elements began to swarm, and gradually began to change into the shape of the sun.

  "Just use this blow to kill you!"

  Nangong Xiao is not hiding either, anyway, the ability of the fantasy killer has just been exposed, so let's just use it generously.

  The sun was still in the air, and its rays shot from all around, and the rays of light slowly became dazzling.The hot light shone on the plain, making a "chichi" sound, and the scorched smell spread.The grass quickly turned yellow and started to burn, and the moisture in the soil began to evaporate and become dry.

  The ground began to collapse... No, it should be said that it could not bear such a high temperature and began to melt. Taking the land below Apollo as the coordinates, the land of the entire plain began to sink!

  Nangong Xiao frowned, even if he blocked this move, he would still suffer a lot of damage.

  "Just use that."

  Immediately he no longer hesitated.There is no one around here, and the city used in the siege battle is also far away from here, so there should be no problem.

  Nangong Xiao changed the holy sword to his left hand, and continuously injected spiritual power into his right hand. The light gradually spread from his hand. Unlike the sun in the sky, this light was soft and warm.

  "Apollo, come and take my move!"

  "Exactly what I want!"

  With a wave of Apollo's hand, the sun in the sky fell, as if something inexorable was pulling it down and slowly sinking into the horizon.

  A beam of light then shoots from the ground, contrasting with the falling sun.The sun and the beam of light were stuck together, Nangong Xiao and Apollo both increased their power output, and the energy in their bodies was rapidly decreasing.

  "I can't do it. Surrender now can spare your life."

  Apollo's face was dignified, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.He already knew just now that the wound from Nangongxiao's wound cannot be healed. If he eats this trick, he will definitely become disabled.

  "That's unlikely."

  At this time, Nangong Xiao showed a weird smile, which made Apollo panic.At this time, Nangongxiao reduced his output, as if he was not physically strong, which made Apollo see the odds of winning and began to increase his efforts.However, the closer the sun gets, the brighter Nangong Xiao's smile becomes.

  The sound of the chain being released in the body sounded.

  "In my name, give you death!"

  When these words fell, Nangong Xiao felt that Apollo was full of weaknesses.Because Nangong Xiao gave Apollo the concept of death, he has changed from an eternal life to a life that can be killed.

  After the chain was released, Nangong Xiao's power suddenly soared, and the beam of light penetrated the sun and shot towards Apollo in an instant.

  "What the hell is this..."

  Before he could finish speaking, Apollo was engulfed by the beam of light.

  - Apollo, the sun god, fell. .

Chapter 264

  "It's day!"

  Nangong Xiao, who had been through a great battle, finally came back. He was riding a carriage on the road whose spiritual power was almost exhausted. The bumps along the way almost spit out his lunch.

  Darkness fell, and under the night sky of the crescent moon, the light of countless magic stone lamps filled the streets and alleys of Orari.

  Adventurers Street prospered centered on the solemn Pantheon, the headquarters of the guild; the industrial area where the sound of iron and iron collided one after another; the bustling street with applause and cheers resounding in the sky with the Coliseum and Casino as the center.Thanks to the favor of the dungeon, the hustle and bustle of the city, which is still very lively today, never stops.

  It is a corner of a vast city that is bustling with prosperity as if it were a symbol of prosperity.A mix of happy voices leaked from the buildings.

  Countless prostitutes that exchange all lust for gold 14 coins.

  "Night Street" is different from any place in the city. It is as dimly lit as it has been cut from other streets and districts, and it is filled with a charming atmosphere.


  People indulge in the prostitution street of desire, and she is on the top floor of the highest palace in it.Crowns, earrings, jewelry, pectorals, wrist and foot wheels made of gold and silver.

  The only things that can be called clothing are the belts and loincloths, and the muslin belts that cover the plump peaks.Her limbs are delicate, with her graceful waist at the head, and her brown skin that seduces men is exposed without hesitation. Her figure is undoubtedly a beauty that is enough to make the king ignore the government.

  Its divine beauty is even more moving.In fact, it is not limited to the opposite sex. Around her body that once captured thousands of people, there has always been a sweet and even choking scent.

  The windows of the dimly lit room were open in all four directions, and the cool night wind blew through, and she looked up at the direction of the center of the city.As if staring at the enemy.

  The place where she is now is higher than anywhere in "Night Street".But even so, she was still not satisfied.

  If you want to ask why, it is because the towering white-walled tower stands in the center of the city as if mocking itself.

  She stared fiercely at the top of the tower.

  It's still there now, hating the silver-haired goddess who is also "beautiful", she thought.

  "Why are you there? Why not me, but you become king?"

  Not convinced, can't swallow this breath.That goddess (woman) has been standing on the highest place looking down at herself.As one of many things, from the highest point of this land.

  She despised herself by taking all the praise of this city, no, "the most beautiful in the whole world" in her pocket.

  No kidding, it's impossible.Whether it is the eyes of the lower world (children) or the eyes of gods, is everyone blind?It is absolutely impossible to even put me aside and say she is beautiful.

  She was full of curses—the beauty of the goddess Istar was distorted.

  "Don't go too far, Freya..."

  Moonlight poured into the room through the wide-opened window, illuminating Ishtar's profile.

  What annoyed her was not only the opponent's reputation as a goddess, but Freya's strength as a faction was also above Ista.The gap between the latter was so great that Ishtar was far behind.

  With her beauty and status as the strongest faction in the city, the goddess reigns at the apex of Orari.

  Istar, who had been staring at the skyscraper facility (Tower of Babel) just now, suddenly burst out laughing.That is the smile of the beautiful god that can "charm" those who see it, but it is also full of dark feelings, the smile of a woman.

  It doesn't take long to drag you out of there.

  Ishtar gave a creepy smile.

  "Wait and see."

  She got up from her chair after saying that at the end.

  She picked up the pipe placed next to the fruit bowl and walked out of the uppermost room.The beautiful young entourage who was waiting at the door followed her with smooth movements, and went downstairs with her to the inside of the palace.

  Ishtar swayed her dark hair, which was thick to purple, and blew smoke from her mouth biting the pipe. She walked up the long stairs to the upper part of the hall.

  Towards a large number of members on the lower level - the prostitutes, she shouted from the position of the handrail: "Listen, you go pick up the guests! Just have fun tonight!!"

  From cute teenage girls to mature women, the Amazon-centric members burst into big cheers.Looking down at the prostitutes who were both glamorous and lustful, Ishtar smiled.

  The goddess gave an order, and the prostitutes went out in full force.It uses its color and fragrance as a weapon to attract men, seduce men, and search for a favorite male to the fullest.Men don't notice that they have become prey, and they indulge in happiness like that. After paying a lot of money, a lot of information, a lot of price, and even love, they are sucked up by them.

  Just like the ancient capitals that symbolize decadence and silver, all the places hold a feast of pleasure. .

Chapter 265

  A very rare flower street full of exotic flavors in Oralene.

  The brothels with red pillars and red walls imitated from the island country are so ornately decorated that passers-by always stop involuntarily.The Amazonian woman stared at a brightly lit luxury building for a while, then squinted her eyes as if to obliterate her compassion, and turned away with her long black hair.

  In the brothel street she was staring at, walking in the direction of her companion, there was a latticed window seat.

  The large room with lattice windows faces the street, and many prostitutes gather in it, some greet passersby, and some wave to them with coquettish smiles.

  Among the prostitutes who were scratching their heads, there was a young girl sitting solemnly in the corner of the room.

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