She is the childhood sweetheart of her hometown that should be thousands of miles away - the life of a woman disguised as a man. .

Chapter 274

  Freezing in place, her slender throat trembled, and the first round also clicked.

  —Ah, why, how.

  What Haruhi embraced was not the joy of reunion, but a sigh that was enough to make her feel hopeless.

  The childhood sweethearts who laugh with him, the good memories of the past, are all watching the current self who has fallen into the body of a prostitute.

  What a shame! !What a shame! !What a shame! !


  Why, now?Why is this time?

  Obviously it won't be long before we can never see each other again——

  Under the sight of Fate, and under the watchful eyes of the serene prostitutes, Haruhi opened her trembling lips and said:

  "You, recognize the wrong person. Little girl, I don't know someone like you..."

  Hearing the refusal, Mikoto opened her eyes wide and showed a face that was about to cry.At this time, as if it was accurate, a voice calling for Chun Ji came from the depths of the brothel.

  "Chun Ji, someone ordered you."

  "Coming soon..."

  Haruhi obliterated the shaking in her heart and stood up.

  Towards Haruhime, who was about to disappear from sight, Jin desperately tried to stop her, clinging to the lattice window.

  "Wait, please wait, Your Excellency Haruhi!?"

  With her back to fellow 14's confidant, Haruhi walked out of the lattice window seat.

  "Don't make a fool of yourself today."

  The brown-skinned Amazon prostitute who came to call someone didn't ask anything, only admonished her like this in a transactional manner when she passed by.


  Haruhi, who was a little gloomier than usual, replied, and then quietly walked to the room where a man should be waiting for her.

  Looking down from that room, you can have a panoramic view of the brightly lit Flower Street.

  Through the window, Aisha looked at the prostitute street in the far east, far below, and after confirming that the Lord God had entered through the open door, she left the window and went to the center of the room.

  This is the palace (stronghold) of the "Ishtar Familiar", and it exists in the large room on the twentieth floor.

  There were several Amazons sitting on the messy chairs and sofas, and the fighting prostitutes who were proud of the "families", such as cadres and top combatants, gathered together.The giant girl (Fliny), who creaked the custom-made sofa and had it all for herself, was also among them.

  Aisha picked out an empty chair and sat on it roughly. At this time, Ista, who had just come in, also came to the side of the group members.

  "Everyone is ready."

  The young Servant (Tamuz) who followed her into the room pulled out a chair for her, and Ista, who was smoking a pipe, sat on it.

  The reason why Aisha and the others gathered in this large room was because the Lord God issued an urgent summoning order.

  "Suddenly called us here, what happened, Ishtar-sama?"

  "I'm still going to find a man today."

  Treating the complaints of the Amazons as nothing, Istar said, "You guys, be careful not to be discovered by Freya's gang and bring Nangong Xiao back."

  The direct order from the Lord God made the room shrouded in silence for a while.

  "In the end, it was snatched by Lord Ishtar."

  Soon the Amazons began to express their dissatisfaction.Towards the family members who made jealous and protesting voices, "Don't say that." Istar smiled.

  "'Be careful not to be spotted by Freya's gang'?"

  Asked Aisha, who was leaning back in the chair.

  "That goddess didn't make a move for some reason, but she seemed to be very obsessed with him. That is to say, I want to win love."

  Based on the beauty that anyone would be fooled by, Ishtar showed an ominous smile.

  "If I knew that the kid was already in my bag...what kind of expression would that woman show?"

  I don't know if I imagined the scene at that time, Meishen raised the corner of his mouth and was immersed in extreme joy.

  Really bad-hearted, the surrounding girls looked at each other and smiled maliciously, while Ishtar looked around the faces of the family members and said, "You are not allowed to eat, especially - Phryne."

  "...Quack quack quack, what an accident, Lord Istar, how could my mother steal someone from you?"

  Ishtar issued a stern reminder to the captain of the giant girl who had been silent until now, who has the nickname "Men Killer".

  The goddess narrowed her eyes as if she could see what the sloppy-eyed Friney was thinking.

  "You can't steal it. If you shoot that kid, you'll be a waste. I'm the first... I'll give it to you when it's over, and then it's up to you."

  Phew, Ishtar blew out the purple smoke from the pipe.

  Furini, who was bathed in smoke, frowned fiercely, showing dissatisfaction, but he couldn't disobey the order of the Lord God, so he nodded reluctantly.

  Deservingly, Aisha and the other Amazons stuck their tongues out too.

  "However, Ishtar-sama."

  "What's the matter, Sharmila."

  "How do you choose this kind of time to shoot Nangong Xiao? I think it's better to shoot after the 'killing stone' ceremony."

  Sharmila, the gruff, gray-haired Amazon so called, gave her opinion casually.

  "Although I obtained information about Nangong Xiao through some channel, I don't trust the guy who gave me the information. It won't take long for that guy Freya to know that she has a handle on me, and I must get Get him before he gets surrounded by her."

  Ishtar, who told the members of her thoughts, immediately revealed a defiant look in her amethyst-like eyes.

  "When the 'killing stone' is ready, fight with Freya. Let that kid come in handy as a provocation prop... don't forget it."

  "You can't do it on the ground, you can't do it on the ground, you have to find a place where no one will see it."

  Ishtar interrupted in the conversation of the Familiar.

  The "Familia of Hestia" that has become a topic of conversation in war games is very eye-catching.If something happened to them, the information would soon spread inside the city.It will also reach the ears of the guild and the enemy (Freya)

  Orari is extremely sensitive to Bell and the others' intelligence, and for Istar's claim,

  " it really a dungeon?"

  Aisha gave everyone's general opinion.

  Crime in the labyrinth is the common opinion of adventurers. There are only a few high-level adventurers in the "middle class", and it is not easy to attract attention.

  "And the way to get him there?"

  "As long as you take out the name of Lord Ista, you can do anything, and you have to use it as much as you can."

  In place of the unruly leader, Aisha became the core to answer the members' questions.

  "Hmm." Seeing her like this, Phryni snorted angrily, "Why, I have an opinion." Aisha also glared at her.

  "Then, do you want to take Chun Ji there?"

  Phryne and Aisha were fighting, as Samila, rocking her short gray hair, asked a question.

  "Although Chunji didn't contribute much, she has been with her family for so many years. It's okay to let her go outside in the end."

  Hearing this abrupt and abrupt proposal, the Amazons stopped and looked at each other.

  Immediately, Phryny's laugh echoed.

  "Don't show the lower limit, okay? What if she escapes, or did you plan to let her go, Aisha?"


  "That thing, it's impossible for other factions to know about it."

  Phryne's mockery was mixed with murderous intent, and Aisha didn't answer any questions.Only at this time no one supported Aisha, and Sharmila just shrugged.

  "Why does Aisha always care about those dawdling guys, I really don't understand. Anyway, I hate Haruhime."

  After Sharmila smiled lightly, the silent Ista breathed a cigarette in the air.

  Purple smoke floated in the field of vision.Aisha was stared at by eyes like amethyst, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably. .

Chapter 275

  The center of Orari, the top floor of the white-walled tower.There was a sharp boot sound.

  The voice walking down the corridor sounded a little sinister, and the black dress with deep slits couldn't stop rolling with her footsteps.In the dimly lit passage, her beautiful fair skin was faintly visible.The servant waiting in front of the room door opened the oak door for her, and she walked into the room.

  "Ota, bring some wine."

  In the room on the top floor of the skyscraper facility (Tower of Babel) where the moonlight shone, the "God of Beauty" Freya just said this and sat on the chair that had been prepared.

  The luxurious and delicate back of the chair bears her soft buttocks, slender waist, and silver-haired flowing back.

  A pig servant with a huge rock-like body, Ota silently obeyed his master's orders.

  "what happened?"

  The glass was placed on a high-end table infused with the image of a fruit tree, and Ota asked after the owner brought the wine into his mouth.

  Freya, whose quiet beauty had a rare tinge of displeasure, glanced at him who was standing on the side.

  "Didn't you hear from Mia?"


  The short answer didn't hurt her mood in the slightest, and Freya poured the wine into her mouth again.

  Huh, long silver hair fell from her shoulders, she told the valet.

  I told him, according to the information provided by Hermes - what Istar, who is also the "God of Beauty", knew.

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