"Ah, Cassandra! What are you doing, you're going!"

  Daphne called out.

  "But... can you not, join the crusade team...?"

  She caught everyone's attention and uttered this plea.

  "Something terrible will happen...so...let's not go!"

  She trembled in warning.Lily and the others were so shocked that they almost rolled their eyes at such a mindless request.Sure enough, it was Daphne again who immediately stepped forward to curse.

  "Cassandra! Are you going to say something inexplicable about your dreams? I told you not to make trouble!"

  The best friend who has had friendship since the Apollo family, completely refused to pay attention to her.Daphne refused to believe in precognitive dreams.No, not only Daphne, no one would believe in precognitive dreams.It's almost like being controlled by a curse.The same is true of the war game against the Hestia Familia.

  Lily and others too, although they looked a little confused, no one believed Cassandra's nonsense that "terrible things will happen".

  (Before, no one wanted to believe me...but now...!)

  Cassandra's reliant vision was transferred away from Daphne and others, and turned towards Nangong Xiao.There is only one person who has ever been willing to believe in precognitive dreams that no one wants to listen to.

  What should I say, yes, Nangong Xiao has a "blessing" that can be called "luck", which is strong enough to break Kassandra's spell.Ever since she visited the old base camp of the Apollo family to find the lost pillow that day, those who are willing to believe what they say have become a special presence to Kassandra.

  "I believe you."

  Nangong Xiao answered like this.Before Cassandra could be happy, Nangong Xiao said the next sentence.

  "But I trusted my instincts, and it told me that this trip would never be life-threatening."


  The other three all had expressions of disbelief.Does this count as another theologian?One believes in his own precognition dream, and the other believes in his own "intuition".

  "Since... the commander thinks so..."

  The "intuition" mentioned by the head of the regiment, Nangong Xiao, is as incredible as her precognition dream, but the other party believes in her precognition dream, so should she also believe in the other party's intuition?

  Just thinking of that weird precognitive dream, her face turned pale.

  "What's wrong with you, Cassandra?"

  Lily and the others panicked, and Daphne hurriedly grabbed the girl's body.Daphne originally wanted to ask if you were okay, but she couldn't take her eyes off Kassandra's profile from blue to white, and her heart was shaken for a while.

  Because as far as Daphne is concerned, although Cassandra usually behaves strangely and has a bad face, this is the first time she has seen Cassandra look so haggard.

  "Hey, I'm sorry. I was originally scheduled to go to [Hyakuza] together..."

  Daphne supported Cassandra's body and looked around the others embarrassedly.

  "But the child doesn't seem to be feeling well, so...can you let her rest? Although I'm sorry, I also want to stay with her in Rivera."

  At this moment, Kassandra, who had bowed her head in a slump, suddenly widened her eyes.

  "No! No, it can't be like this! Only this thing, absolutely not!"

  Seeing Kassandra flatten her back, repeating her claim as if it was broken, even Daphne was shocked.This surprise gradually turned into a strong confusion, and even turned into a strange look.

  She held her head in her hands, tossed her long hair, and her slender body kept shaking.The girl was not understood by her companions at all, like a prophet of tragedy.

  (Only me, never leave them...!)

  Cassandra's precognitive dream, even if it cannot avoid the outline of its content, can deviate from the line of prophetic poetry, thereby escaping decisive destruction.And only Cassandra, who knows the content of the dream, can take a path different from precognition.As long as they stay in town, Kassandra and Daphne will be saved.In exchange for Cassandra not long ago, she must have prioritized the safety of her best friend and her own life.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said willful words... I'm going with me too."

  Even if there was still a surprised reaction, this sentence restored the morale of the team that was a bit disappointing.After the final confirmation, the group set off from the town to meet other adventurers.In the entire team advancing, Cassandra secretly made a tragic decision.She wants to walk with this march to destruction and save them from their most tragic fate.

  "Sharp-eared elves tell the past, vengeance will be drawn to the abyss, but the sun will guide the girl's path..."

  Nangong Xiao whispered softly, and no one in the team heard the words similar to Cassandra's precognitive dream. .

Chapter 341

  About three hours have passed since the decision to defeat [Gale Wind] has passed.Adventurers get ready and start from the eighteenth floor.

  The crusade consisted of nearly half of the residents of Riviera Street, as well as adventurers who happened to pass through the town.Few of them are driven by a sense of justice, and almost all of them are strong-willed people who want to solve the well-known bounty target [Blast] and become famous in one fell swoop.

  "If the information at the time is correct, [Blast] is Lv.4! And it is undoubtedly the highest peak of Lv.4! Please, Mr. Godslayer, I can't think of a way to suppress her without you!"

  "It's really shameful to throw it to someone else to do it..."

  But that's fine.Since he had to be the first to contact Lyu, it was easier to get information by staying at the core of the subjugation team.

  Not limited to [Gale Wind], it is a laborious task to capture the whereabouts of the seeker in the vast dungeon.What's more, the scale below the nineteenth floor is completely incomparable with the upper floors.

  There are many adventurers who ask for assistance in locating the missing, and the fact that it is difficult to find relics, not to mention the remains, is a good example.Not to mention that the target of this search knows neither its purpose nor its destination.Based on this, this crusade should take several days.Needless to say, the manpower also invested a lot of food reserves in the town.

  "You don't need to tell me about the figure, and you are not allowed to overlook any suspicious traces! If you encounter other adventurers, ask for information! Now is a good opportunity for you orcs to express themselves. Make full use of your proud noses!"

  Boros, who was in charge of the command, sent people from the nineteenth floor to investigate each floor as much as possible, and after the end, let people guard the passage between the floors.As long as you pay close attention to the only route to the upper floors, even if you miss something, the target will definitely be caught.While everyone left behind enough combat power that even Lv.4 could not take lightly, the main crusade team, which was joined by many second-level adventurers, entered the lower floor.

  "After rummaging through each floor, send someone to guard the entrance and exit... Well, if you want to find someone in a dungeon that is too big, this is indeed a common method."

  "This is a crowd tactic that can only be used when there are enough people, but Lily thinks that Boros-sama's judgment is not wrong."

  "That is to say, the title of the head of the rogue town is not for nothing."

  The current location is the tree maze on the twenty-first floor.

  When the adventurers took a break in the spacious cave, the Hestia family gathered together, and sat on the ground in the center of the cave, a flowerbed that was not easily attacked by monsters.

  "Even if the method is considered passable, if you really want to say, with such a large group of people moving together, do you think you can really find [Hale Wind]? Although there are teams in the split search, but... I don't think we are the first. If you act, these people will first make a fuss and be torn apart, right?"

  The more adventurers there are, the higher the chance of encountering monsters of course.A few acquaintances would be fine, but high-level adventurers who are confident in their abilities should probably say no, they don't join forces at all, they can fight whatever they like.They often abused each other at every turn, and the supporters were so exaggerated that they took out spare weapons from their backpacks and began to sell them - bartering magic stones or dropping items.

  Even now, Daphne watched from a distance as some people quarreled for the spring water gushing out of the cave, dexterously turning a short sword that resembled a baton, and sighed.

  It's been half a day since the crusade started its action.Lily checked the pocket watch hanging around her neck, and shrugged her small shoulders to everyone and said, "Don't entrust adventurers who are looking for someone in the dungeon in the future, it's not worth it."

  Cassandra was the only one in the circle formed by the team, with a tense expression on her face.Although it was a precious rest time, she couldn't relax, but fell into contemplation.

  (Foreknowledge is the most tragic ending... It can be considered that once the prophecy is fulfilled, we will all die... In order to avoid this ending, I have to carefully interpret the meaning of the oracle...)

  She has repeatedly speculated and investigated the content of the prophecy.In the past, the girl would die because no one believed her, or she would only mourn for the inevitable future, but now she is desperately trying to find a way to break through the current situation.

  (The incarnation of great calamity and destruction, and then the mother's lament will call out calamity... Calamity, avatar of destruction and calamity should mean the same thing...)

  Most of Kassandra's precognitive dreams give an outline of the future in the first stanza.And this verse is always something that Cassandra cannot interfere with and cannot avoid.

  (The mother must represent this dungeon. The labyrinth is the mother of monsters, which is a commonplace in Euleri. In this case, the disaster called by the mother (dungeon) is... Together with the word "falling to the ground", it is like falling to the ground... monster.)

  Cassandra gripped the battle suit tightly on her chest.

  (From the time of the birth of Despair, there will be tragedies... The road to the sea of ​​blood, the river of blood... From the experience of predicting dreams so far, it is inferred that such bloody words are inseparable, all implying death. Us adventurers chasing the "goblin who promised to be the leader of destruction"?)

  In other words, powerful monsters will emerge from the dungeon, causing many sacrifices.I'm afraid that's it, can't be wrong.Then, so far it's easy to speculate.

  With the words of the stanza, she recalled the dream scene.Cassandra hurriedly covered her mouth.Although the dream scene was as blurry as a daydream, the appearance of the slain companion was so miserable and disgusting.The impact caused has not yet been healed.

  (From the perspective of the dream, they, as well as the adventurers gathered here, will all be killed. The monster who can do such a thing...will it be the floor master?)

  Cassandra regained her composure and looked around the cave again.High-level adventurers carry various weapons, and there are roughly seventy people.If there is a being that can kill so many adventurers, she can't think of any other possibility except the Lone King of the Labyrinth.

  "... Excuse me, Miss Lily? Is the floor owner here about to be born?"

  "Did you say 'Amphis Valena'? Please don't underestimate me, Lady Cassandra! In order not to run into it on this expedition, Lily checked the appearance of it in the guild! Last time it was The crusade was just half a month ago, and there is still half a month left in the production interval!"

  "Say, it's also..."

  (Could it be the true face of Calamity—how many monsters are there? For example, a large-scale monster feast... bar)

  There is a possibility, but she always feels...it doesn't seem right.Cassandra thought for a while, then finally shook her head.

  No matter how much you can find the true face of Calamity, there is no way.She judged that she would get nothing if she continued to speculate, and decided to spend her time thinking about other stanzas of the prophecy.

  (The warning in this precognitive dream is only the part of [Resurrection of the Sun]... However, the sun it speaks of...)

  Cassandra's precognitive dreams sometimes provide warnings to avoid prophecy.Warnings tend to be abstract and connotative, and difficult to decipher, so Cassandra often suffers, but…

  (The meaning and symbol of the sun... Is it the sun god (Apollo)? The item related to the god can rescue you (me) who was locked in the coffin? Or does the sun imply time? It will happen during the daytime Something? But surface time is separate from the underground labyrinth. No, I don't know!)

  (Collecting fragments, offering flames, seeking the lights of the sun wheel... This verse should be connected to the sun, but if I don't know the cause and effect...)

  Cassandra squeezed her hands on her knees.

  (I can roughly know where the massacre took place...when it happens, as long as it is not there, it should not be involved in the feast of misery...".

Chapter 342


  Unconsciously, Nangong Xiao, who was sitting in front of him, called out the girl's name.

  "What, what?"

  "If you have any troubles, please consult with me."

  I'm afraid he had found out that she was suffering from precognitive dreams from before he left the hotel town.Cassandra couldn't help blinking several times, and two red clouds flew up her cheeks.

  "Thank you, that..."

  Cassandra didn't have the words she wanted to say at all and wanted to open her lips. At this moment... the direction of the exit of the cave became noisy.

  "Polus! It's the Mammoth Fool!"

  An adventurer notifies the monster of the attack.That huge body with a sense of presence even from a distance, although there are differences between individuals, the height at the shoulders is all six or seven meters.The two fangs that were gently curved and stretched out were also as long as spears.The fur is a bloody dark red.

  Mammoth Yugong is quite rare in the big tree maze with many special abilities such as abnormal attacks and insect-like hard shells, and belongs to the pure chariot type monster.And it is the largest type of middle-level ordinary monsters.

  "The large-scale class came so many times at once! Hey, little ones, let's go!"

  Nangong Xiao took the big sword from Poros, slashed at the monster's feet and made it fall to the ground, and at the same time used the flame "magic" to be heroic and invincible, just like a hero in a fairy tale.

  (That's right, it's just him...no explicit death hints.)

  ──The fairy who promised to be the leader of destruction will travel with the tumbling pure white fire and weave a cruel fate.

  The only verse that meets the criteria is "Pure White Fire".It's just that the flame released by Nangongxiao was clearly red, when did it turn white?

  There is no doubt that the fairy refers to the [Gale Wind].It was an inevitable fate for these two to meet.A little goblin flying with outstretched wings, and white flames blazing around her.The visual dream scene was just the same, and it was interrupted just before being engulfed by the dark disaster.

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