Dungeons are alive.When the monster mother is attacked by excess, this living underground labyrinth will exert its self-defense instinct and give birth to that.Birth equates to the presence of an immune response.An adventurer who gives birth to an apostle to remove foreign objects from outside—invades his body (dungeon).

  Even Uranus can get rid of the "Kami" that suppressed the dungeon.

  "You mean the sabotage that took place five years ago is happening again in the dungeon?"

  "I'm afraid so..."

  The one that fell to the ground five years ago is an anomaly.

  Needless to say, the Astoria family and the Rudra family, and even Uranus, were genuine unknown monsters.

  The Loki family and the Freya family, even the two major factions of the male god (Zeus) and the goddess (Hera), have never seen it before.In other words, it is a unique phenomenon that has only been observed once in the thousand years since the arrival of the gods.

  Only Ouranos, who offered his "prayer" to the dungeon, noticed "that".And only those who were at the scene of the tragedy witnessed the nameless monster.

  "In the past five years, I have checked it out! What is the opportunity and how to call out that monster, I have thoroughly checked it out! I didn't even tell the dark faction gang, I came alone!"

  "Why call out that monster again!"

  "Of course you want me to tame it!!"

  Jiuluo answered very quickly, making such an assertion with a split-eyed expression.

  "I was fascinated by it even though I was scared to incontinence! Leon, do you think that looks like a monster? I'm different! In my eyes, that guy is more beautiful than anything else, even better than anything else. Mere goddess!!"

  Lyu looked back at Kyuro with incomprehensible eyes.At this moment, she seemed to have trembling feelings for a man for the first time, her voice stuck in her throat.

  "Massacre, destroy everything, that overwhelming presence! I want, I want that, want to own!!"

  Possibly by nature as a trainer, his pupils lit up like a child, showing perverted joy.The man showed a fear that made him tremble, yet yearned for that existence.That could even be considered a kind of deification and worship.

  The one-armed tamer is fascinated by the monster, and the fascination with the monster that causes tragedy with its overwhelming power goes deep into the bone.

  "So stupid...that monster is different! That's not that kind of thing! That's impossible to tame!"

  "It's impossible with ordinary methods! But I have this!"

  He took out the retractable collar.By resonating with the whip, even deep monsters can be manipulated. It is a magic tool invented by evil forces.

  "And then as long as there is that guy!! I'm not afraid of anything! Nothing can scare me! Leon, I won't be afraid of you anymore!"

  Jiura instantly burned the fire of hatred and pointed at Lyu with the only remaining finger.

  "To this day, I haven't had a night without a dream of you! Yes, you are my nightmare! But as long as that monster is called... In this way, I can surpass that night's nightmare!"

  "That's mine! I won't give it to anyone!"

  The man looked up above his head and shouted loudly.

  Jiuluo, who spent five years conducting investigations and researches, came to two conclusions:

  No matter how much damage is done to the upper layer near the surface, there will be no screams in the labyrinth, and no precursors will occur.In the upper area near the surface, the "magic power" of the old god (Uranos) is powerful, so monsters cannot be summoned from above.

  He judged so.

  Another point is the condition for the appearance of nameless monsters, that is, the floors of the dungeon that cannot be repaired in time are destroyed.Do this and monsters will spawn on the same floor.

  Jiuluo can't call out monsters without preparation." He compared the number of flame stones he used in the past with the memory and map of the labyrinth that collapsed five years ago. The conclusion is "the scale of destruction of about [-]% of the floor".

  The answer is: destroy it together with the maze structure.

  So he sacrificed many tame guards (monsters) for a five-year experiment in sabotage.In the end, the subtle reaction he made from the dungeon confirmed that this water mystery would be regarded as one floor.

  "This is a dungeon taboo that no one knows about. If you deliberately set restrictions, it means to clearly tell everyone that there is a ghost... I have no other way than to hide that existence and never mention it."

  Wanting to carry out large-scale destruction on the vast floor below the middle floor is not something that can generally be done.What's more, there is no such person at all if they risk their lives to do it.

  "Five years ago, I noticed the abnormality, and after confessing everything to the 'hereticians' who were more afraid than anyone at that time, I asked them to help prevent the same thing from happening again. However..."

  "Only this time, Reed and the others are participating in the man-made maze clearing operation!"

  "Exactly, there are no immediate countermeasures..."

  Hearing the groan of Fellowes from the flickering crystal, Uranos nodded heavily.

  "The location is in the middle level, no, it's the lower level... the mandatory mission to be delivered, the expedition location... Could it be that the people on the scene are the Hestia family?".

Chapter 355

  And now, the monsters that have ravaged this floor are treated as pathogens and wiped out—


  Nangong Xiao looked at the far side of the labyrinth where the monster was still barking like ecstasy, and the sound came out.

  "It must be removed!"

  Although it was only a few minutes before the monster was born, the movement that came from made Nangong Xiao feel bad. If it continues like this, it might be bad......


  The goblin's pale snow-white hand grabbed his arm.

  "You can't go! You can't fight that..."

  Sky blue eyes flickered fragilely, as if crying without tears.

  "I think so, Leon! How dare you let him go! You who have fought that thing directly must know better than me how terrible that monster is!"

  At this moment, Jiuluo burst out laughing again.Then……

  "Of course you don't want to kill your companions again with your own hands!"

  The man sneered.

  The roar burst out.The chilling cry made the floor lose all sound in an instant.Lyu froze on the spot, and Jiuluo's one-armed body twitched.The long-cultivated adventurer's senses and biological instincts sound the greatest alarm bell.The trembling wind blew only for a moment.

  The whole floor shook, followed by a very brief silence, and then they rushed into the cave together.Led by Porus, the adventurers appeared.It seems to be the main force of the crusade team.However, the number of teams was significantly reduced.The same is true, everyone's clothes or armor are sprayed with blood.That large amount of blood did not flow out of them.

  At the entrance of the cave, in the depths of darkness.The dark red eyes that appeared dimly grabbed his heart.next moment.The shadow bit through the darkness and disappeared.

  First there was the sound of the crystal ground shattering, and then an astonishing slash flew past, brushing past Poros and the others who were fleeing.

  The shadow's speed remained undiminished, and it flew diagonally above everyone's heads, after which Boros and the others were one less number.

  That one is like a spider, attached to the junction of the ceiling and the wall.At the same time, a desperate adventurer was bitten between his fangs.

  The body illuminated by the crystal light is thin and huge.

  It has arms and legs.The arms are too slender to fit into the huge body, which is chilling.The equally elongated legs are inversely articulated.The amazing thing is that the body has almost no muscles, and what covers the skinny body is a shell that looks like an armor, wrapped in an incredible blue-violet brilliance.

  A hard tail of at least four meters protrudes from the waist.The head with complex protruding parts is also completely like the skeleton of a beast. Deep in the two empty eye sockets, there are blood-like red light groups.

  Dinosaur fossils in armor.If you want to describe it, this is the whole picture.In the dungeon where countless monsters inhabit, it still clearly belongs to the alien species.

  It smashed and grabbed the crystal (Li Nuozhao) with its claws, maintaining a posture of head and feet looking down on the majesty here, and its body was three meters high.Undoubtedly belonging to the large class.

  The most unusual part is the claws that can be mistaken for fangs.Those were six slender fingertips, disproportionate in size, glowing with a deep purple brilliance.

  Seeing that figure, Liu was full of despair, and Jiuluo showed a stiff smile.The monster that caused the tragedy five years ago reappeared in front of Lyu and the others, staring at the remaining adventurers with red eyes.Yang.

Chapter 356

  "Help, help—"

  Then, a grunt sounded.

  In front of their line of sight, that thing caught the adventurer with its fangs, and gnawed it to pieces without hesitation.That was the tragic culprit of the Astoria family.

  Lv.3, two. Lv.4, eighth.It took ten second-level adventurers to expel that nameless monster.

  This monster, which was not recorded in the records of the management agency, was named by the old god: Zagnot.

  Meaning: Destroyer.

  The head quietly fell from the gap between the teeth and shattered on the ground. This scene scared Poros and the others with pale faces.

  As for the monster, it moved, and the moment the anti-joint knee stretched, its figure disappeared again.

  The unreasonable acceleration force, the wind pressure strong enough to beat the hair, the blue-purple slashes that are too fast.The next moment, screams sounded on the spot.


  The orc man was cut to pieces.Leaving a dark purple trail, the flashing claws cost him his life.

  With just one blow, the killing was never relentless.The long tail that swept over like a flail caused the two dwarves to deform, spitting blood and falling to the ground.The raised palm smashed the goblin, causing it to sink into the ground.The goblin was pinched in the palm of the hand like this, becoming a victim of fang-like claws, turning into pieces of meat, and the hands and feet were peeled off from the body.

  The maddened avant-garde adventurers held great swords, hammer spears, and battle axes high above their heads.But just a moment ago, the anti-joint leg bent slightly, and the crystal ground burst open like this.

  Leaping to the side, Zagnot made all three attacks end with swipes, landed on the side of the huge crystal cluster, and kicked with his feet.Another 600 rounds of slashes shot the upper body of the three avant-garde into the air.

  The blue-violet giant body does not stop.It landed on the crystal column growing in the cave, and then jumped continuously, setting off a dance of death.

  Every time the shadow flew by, the adventurer spurted blood, and the torn armor flew into the air.

  The intricately intersecting slashes are like the spider web that surrounds Poros and the others.The prey that fell into the cobwebs vomited blood one after another, or lost their limbs, and fell one by one.

  ──This is the true face of the catastrophe that appeared in the girl (Kassandra)'s precognition dream.

  Only the ultra-high-speed maneuvering that is impossible for a large-scale class can realize the actions that even the floor master can't do.

  In a cave that is at least fifty meters wide, the exaggerated leg force that moves from edge to edge like a projectile can quickly remove pathogens—annihilate all adventurers.

  It is like a ricochet in the passage, jumping continuously between the ground, the ceiling and the wall, killing countless adventurers in this killing space in an instant.Don't even give them time to understand what's going on.

  Facing this nightmare of recovery, Lyu's voice dried up.Even Jiuluo, who was the initiator of the whole thing, had his feet trembling.

  The adventurers fell one after another, the brave warriors and shields were turned to shreds, and the cowardly who turned and tried to escape were impaled.

  The sorcerer turned his trembling chant into a requiem and was slaughtered.Not even fighting, just ravaging.In just a few seconds, everyone threw their bodies out, which made people feel emotionally broken.

  "Damn, I can't catch up!"

  Nangong Xiao felt that he should have fallen into an emotion called anger at this time.In the final analysis, he was just a young man with strong vigor. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but feel angry.

  [Go, you don’t need to suppress your thoughts, everything obeys your heart. 】

  Although every time the figure flickered, he would be closer to the monster by a kilometer, but it was too far, and he couldn't get there when the monster appeared.

  There was a low muffled sound on the spot, and blue-violet fragments flew into the air.The attack from the flank forced it to stop the attack.Those crimson eyes completely captured the huge body that was moving at a high speed, and with the super-high speed that surpassed the human body, he used a sword to beat him.The monster's skinny slender forearm blocked the blow of the great sword.

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