(Oops! Didn't fix it!?)

  The water battle that had not been in contact for a long time made the second slashing shallow.The seriously injured piranha seemed to be calling for help from the sun, and quickly rose to the surface of the water.

  Nangong Xiao lay lazily on a chair and basked in the sun.There is nothing better than that, if not for a tinge of desire that arises in the heart.

  The young and beautiful girls are playing defenselessly, especially from time to time they leak a glimpse of the scenery to give him benefits. He is a little itchy after not eating meat for a few months.

  (I can't go on like this, I'll play in another place.)

  He didn't have the courage to push down the five girls directly. If he did, he wouldn't be wronged by a hatchet afterwards.

  "Why don't you go fishing to calm your mind?"

  Thinking of this, Nangong Xiao stood up straight with a carp and walked to a place with a wooden bridge.He saw the big ship in motion at a glance, and shouted with an attitude of giving it a try: "Can you let me break it?"

  "?? Someone wants to break the boat?"

  It seems that the people inside are not ordinary people, and the person who made the sound can be seen clearly at a glance.

  "Do you need help?"

  "Help! Why not help!"

  "Sure enough, did you like that gentleman? It's not good to eat alone. Would you like to share it?"

  "Go away!"


  When the two Amazons were chatting, they didn't forget to answer Nangong Xiao who was on the shore.

  "Sir, do you need us to be near the bridge?"

  "No, I'll do it myself."

  He tapped the water a few times with his foot and jumped into the boat.


  "It didn't sink..."

  The two chased after them - but at this time, a boat came in from the lake gorge.


  Seeing that the boat appeared in the forward direction, Piranha shot its tentacles to the bottom of the boat as if to vent her anger.Nangong Xiao looked at the ripples on the water and became excited.

  "Looks like a big fish!"

  Nangong Xiao pulled the fishing rod hard.Then--


  What is this?This strange thing doesn't look like a fish at all.Thinking of this, he raised his fist.

  "Goodbye to you!"

  With a punch, the "fish" flew back at a faster speed, but at this time it was dead.


  Ace's sharp voice passed through the crowd.When Kenji sensed the crisis earlier than anyone else, the members of the Loki Familia who stayed on the land also witnessed something strange on the lake.

  "The ship was...?"

  "There's something clinging to the hull!"

  The yellow-green tentacles sticking out of the water entangled the sailboat that had just entered Lake Rolog.I saw that the whip with the cut marks pulled the huge hull to tilt, and then the piranha appeared.

  The monster that created the big waves was about to bite the sailboat.

  "It's miserable, Ace, save people!"

  Lefia and the other mages moved to the open shore of the lake and immediately began to sing; not only that, but Ais and the others also used the nearby boat as a pedal and planned to rush out.

  A figure jumped up from the sailboat and flew the piranha.The large-scale head flew into the air, and while spinning, it fell to the lake.

  With the splashing of the water, the tentacles that were entangled in the hull were released, and the long body of the monster, which was weak and lost its strength, also sank into the water.Seeing this scene, Ais and the others froze.

  "What, what what?"

  "Down with the piranha?"

  Tiona and Tione suddenly showed their faces from the surface of the water, and they were both speechless... The piranha, which even high-level adventurers of Orari were difficult to deal with, was instantly killed.

  The surrounding ships that sailed to the lake were shrouded in panic and commotion, but Tiona and the others didn’t pay attention and looked up at the foreign ship floating on the water in front of them.

  "Hi everybody!"

  Adventurers' eyesight allows them to see each other's faces, but that's why——

  "Wow! It turned out to be this gentleman, so fate!"

  "I didn't expect him to be like this, but it wouldn't be surprising if it were him."

  At this time, with a thud, a black shadow landed on a nearby fishing boat from the air.

  "Laugorujita... Dicylute."

  When she heard a language that was different from Common and belonged to a certain race, Tiona was the first to react.She turned around as if she had been electrocuted, and saw a woman standing on the boat.

  The brown skin set the eyes of the terrified fisherman, and the unique clothing was very revealing.Among these elements, she covered her mouth with a black veil, covering the lower half of her face.

  Under the swaying sand-colored hair, she quietly stared into the eyes of her compatriots, and made Tiona lightly part her lips.


  Tiona and Tione opened their eyes as if they were seeing something they couldn't believe, but more than that—as if they were about to deal a bigger blow, someone on the sailboat made a noise.

  "There are familiar faces."

  Hearing the childish, yet mature voice, Tionne and the others really froze this time.Suddenly looking up, I saw many Amazons looking down on them on the deck of the huge ship, and a young goddess.

  With the sea breeze swaying, his red hair was like blood, and he had brown skin like his family members.Although she is just a young and cute little girl, she is wearing jewelry made of fake skeletons and a mask with fangs; not only that, the eyes revealed under the mask also exude heterogeneity and heavenly power.Beside her stood an Amazon, with the same sand-colored hair as the woman standing on the fishing boat behind her.

  As Ais and the others watched from the shore, Tione's expression suddenly changed.Facing the smiling goddess above the boat, she called out the other party's name: "Kali!"

  "I didn't expect it to be someone I knew? What a dramatic scene."

  Nangong Xiao expressed emotion about this.It would have been interesting enough to meet the girls from the Loki family, but I didn't expect that I would get a hitchhiker (a hitchhiker), and the people above happened to know each other. .

Chapter 405

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Chapter 406

  "The Kali family is the goddess who reigns over the country of 'Tyrskura' and her faction."


  Ais and the others listened to Riveria and Loki's explanation in the lobby at the hotel that was contracted to be the research base of Port Merron.It was about the Kali family, who had a close relationship with Dione and the others, and various related stories.

  "Tyrskura...is a peninsula country far southeast of Orari, right?"

  "Exactly, it's an isolated island on land surrounded by oceans and cliffs... It's famous for its citizens only Amazons. I think many people should have heard of it."

  "Just like the kingdom of Ares, the god of war, it can be said to be a family of a country. I don't think that little dwarf No. [-] is good at governing the country..."

  Riveria answered the cat man Angel, and Loki on the side added.

  "No way, I'm too bad with Loli."

  "Stinky little dwarf and one big tit girl with potato balls is enough, okay..."

  "What's up with that nasty mask girl? Damn, she's irritating enough~"

  After the Lord God spoke, he was all complaining, and Riveria, Ais, and the others didn't say a word.

  "I heard that the country prohibits the entry of males, even if they are slaves, or must be used as a tool for reproduction, in order to be allowed to stay there."

  "It was mentioned a little in the classroom of the school district. At the time, it gave me the impression that it was a rather barbaric country..."

  "You're right. I heard that the local residents continue to fight and study each other, and there is not a day without roars and cheers. The country of blood and struggle... Also known as the holy place of female warriors (Amazons)."

  Riveria continued to explain while answering Lefia.

  "At the same time, they are also one of the few world forces with outstanding combat power other than Orari. Compared with other countries, they tend to be closed to the country, and the information that outsiders can know is limited, but..."

  Riveria paused when she said this.She looked around Ais and the others who were sitting on the couch, and said the following: "There are rumors that Algana and Bajie, the sister leaders, have risen to Lv.6 in the past two years."

  Lefiya and the others grunted and swallowed.Even in Orari, there are not many first-level adventurers, and they are LV6 like Riveria and others, so their strength should not be underestimated.

  Since they settled in the labyrinth city, the girls often forgot to look at the world outside the city walls, and they felt trembling in their hearts.

  "Rivelia, they don't have a dungeon, why can they become so strong... can they be upgraded?"

  The first one to ask was Ace.

  The Amazonian group she met during the day came back to her mind.That pair of sisters is just outstanding, in fact, the others must have the same strength as high-level adventurers.Obviously without the favor of the dungeon, why can it become so strong?

  After a moment of silence, Riviria said, "I heard that they hold rituals in the arena every day...that is, a fight with their lives at stake. The monsters caught are no doubt...even the Amazons are no exception. ."

  This sentence surprised Ais and the others.

  "I remember an explorer wrote it in the record. He wrote about the situation when he secretly sneaked into Tyrskula and escaped death-the country carried out cannibalism day and night that could not be called ritual."

  "Are you talking about Rastillo Fleur's Continental Variation?"

  "That's right, that's it. The library in the mansion also has that book."

  Loki nodded in response to Riveria, and then recited his memory like turning a book.

  "Let me put it like this in their hymn: The Amazons of this place are the real warriors. I remember this passage very clearly."

  As soon as Loki said these words, the hall was silent.

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