Ruburt was vague now.

  "The rules of this port are very complicated. The guild and the town each have half of the autonomy."

  "Are you saying that the permission to enter the port this time is dominated by the town?"


  Ruburt nodded, seemingly unconvinced.

  "In the final analysis, Meren was originally just a fishing village threatened by monsters. But later, the great faction of the Sea God (Poseidon's family) set up a stronghold here, and together with Orari, it prospered and became what people today call it. The gate of the labyrinth city."

  It is a famous fact that the great faction of the Sea God (the Poseidon family) has established a stronghold in Meren, the birthplace of aquatic monsters.

  They blocked the cave at the bottom of the lake, and then repeated the repairs of the large lid, while trying to maintain the peace at sea.Fifteen years ago, the "Sea Dragon Seal" was added to the big cover, and after it was determined that it would never be breached, the Sea God and his entourage set off on a journey from the port capital Merun, with the purpose of expelling the high-definition seas that are hidden in the world's seas. Menacing monsters and more.

  As for the Neyod family, they continued to fish behind the active faction of the Sea God, and brought wealth to the town for many years.

  Although many parts duplicated her own knowledge, Riveria listened to Ruburt's explanation.

  "The guild made investments a long time ago, and also assisted in the expansion of the port... However, every generation of the head of Melen insisted that he would not hand over autonomy."

  If you stand on the side that has been seized of power, of course you will resist.But she didn't say it.

  "As you know, there are not only businesses supported by the guild in Melen, but also many communities headed by foreign countries. This is one of the reasons."

  "Even Euleri can't exert power, can it?"

  Large-scale ports are generally considered to be neutral, and political domination of ports often leads to decline.

  Although most of Meren's logistics are concentrated in Orari, there must be many ships that use this port as a relay station to sail to other destinations, and the goods sent to neighboring towns or other cities cannot be ignored.To put it to the extreme, if the guild picks the users of the port, it will definitely affect other levels.

  Even from the point of view of a third party, the guild should not unilaterally rule Meren.

  "So as a compromise, we split the autonomy into two. To be more precise, the branch will intervene as a window for all Oulari-related matters, including trade..."

  "The rest is on Mellon's side."


  Ruburt expressed gloomy affirmation.

  The decision at that time was due to the support of the Poseidon Familiar, a great faction of the Poseidon who cooperated with Orari but remained independent, and the Neyod Familiar, who were friendly neighbors and supported the town (Wang Lizhao), also played a role a huge influence.

  This is how the complex self-governing structure of Melen, which the guild branch minister said, was formed.

  "We didn't object to the Kali family's entry into the port. From this point of view, we can't escape our responsibility... But after all, it was the town side who welcomed them into the port, the hated Murdoch family."

  Ruburt had an embarrassed expression and ended with a complaint.

  The Njord family only has close contact with Meren.Although it can’t be said to be tit for tat, the guild branch that has been arguing with Meren is also incompatible with Nijord and others because of this background.Riveria already knew about this.

  "Anyway... the current Meren is like a beast wandering the town."

  The guild is your master, and I hope the Loki Familia can assist our guild.Hearing Ruburt's high-spirited tone, Riveria just closed one eye and did not make a sound. .

Chapter 411

  Knock knock knock!

  There was a knock on the door, and the awakened Nangong Xiao got up from the bed.

  "Guest, here is your letter!"

  After opening the door, the waiter in the hotel handed him a letter and left after Nangong Xiao said that he did not need other services.

  On one side of the envelope was written the sender's address - the guild, and on the other side was the address of the recipient on Nangongxiao's side, with the words "Mr. Nangong personally opened" on it.


  The above quests are not mandatory quests, but ordinary adventurer quests, which means that this quest is up to personal preference.

  (Anyway, it doesn't conflict with the current itinerary, so let's just go ahead.)

  What's a little bit suspicious is, aren't the people from the Loki Familiar investigating this matter, is it necessary to entrust him again?

  Nangong Xiao felt that this matter was not as simple as imagined, and an unexpected situation might have occurred that even the guild did not expect.

  "So I said, we don't mean anything else...just want to ask a question."

  The elf Alicia kept her face from twitching and tried her best to laugh.

  "go back."

  In contrast, the man in his fifties who talked to her refused coldly.

  It's on the west side of the port capital (Meren).This building is built here, as if to deter the guild branch located to the east.This is the mansion of the Murdoch family, the Mayor of Merron.

  The Loki family came to visit to ask for information, but Alysia and her other companion, Navi, couldn't even enter the house, so they were at the spacious gate, face to face with the current head of the house, Bog Medo.

  "I have nothing to say to you guild henchmen."

  Borg is a human with a white beard on the chin.The physique is burly, the abdomen is not loose and fat, and the muscles of the whole body are not lost to the fisherman.Eyes are also sharp.Although bald, as long as he wears a hat, he looks like a captain who leads the crew in a fairy tale.

  "We are definitely not here for the guild's intentions. The piranha that appeared in the lake yesterday... We are looking for information about that. If you know something, can you tell us?"


  Hearing Alicia's repeated requests, Borg fell silent.He stared at the sincere spirit that seemed to symbolize purity of body and mind, and spoke after a while.

  "go back."

  He only said so.

  Seeing Borg turn around and return to the house, Alicia and the others were helpless and had to walk out of the gate.

  "I was expecting that the mayor would know something... but it turned out to be completely ignored."

  "Although I have long heard that Meren is at odds with the guild branch, I didn't expect the knot to be so deep. If there is no way, don't bother them."

  Alicia sighed and replied to Neville who scratched her cheeks.The two experienced the long-term discord between the two sides that had lasted since before they were born, and left the mansion.

  Borg was by the window of the mansion, staring fiercely at the back of them walking out of the garden.

  In the afternoon, when the sun was about to turn towards the western sky, Ais and Lefiya, who were questioning in the town, went to the port first.

  Walking through the trading port area where exotic wooden sailboats, passenger ships or trading ships come and go, you will soon arrive at the fishing port managed by Nyode and others.The number of merchants or travelers in foreign clothes gradually dwindled, and fishermen took their place and strode on the road.Compared with the exploration (dungeon) or business type, the fishing family - a rare faction, let Ais and the others look around again.

  Many fishermen are shirtless, or shorts and trousers.There are great racial differences. There are Hercules dwarves carrying big fish that can't believe their eyes, and a group of small humans holding harpoons and skillfully operating fishing boats to sail into the lake.

  Giant black fish or bright red shrimp, etc., freshwater fish from brackish lakes or saltwater fish caught in the sea are proudly thrown on the ground, and some people grill fish or shellfish to eat.The smell of grilled salt and the sound of splattering grease made Lefia and the others, who had not eaten lunch, attracted their attention.

  Among the fishermen who devoured fresh seafood, Tiona and Tione were mixed together.

  "What are you doing, Miss Tiona..."

  "I was asking questions, but I'm hungry. They told me to eat as long as I paid, so I started!"

  Tiona, who ate the grilled fish more aggressively than the fishermen, turned around and looked at the panicked Lefiya.

  Tiona and the others were supposed to be in charge of inquiring like Ais and the others, but because there was no progress, they took a break.In addition to Tiona and Tiona, some members of the group were resting after eating.

  "Tiona, is Tione okay?"

  "Well, I'm very angry, but it should be fine for now. In the morning, we all went to places where Kali and the others weren't there, and I kept watching her and didn't let her do anything weird."

  While observing Tione, Ais secretly asked Tiona.

  Tione's face has been stinking since last night.The other members of the same group, such as the rabbit man Sarkta, were made to fidgeting by her.

  Now Tionne seemed to hide her irritability and put her lunch in her mouth.

  "One more."

  She repeatedly urged her with a stare, and the tall and sturdy fishermen agreed in fright.Tiona, who was staring at Tione and acting together with her, said with a wry smile, "It seems to be the other way around."

  "Nationa, are you okay?"

  After Ais expressed her thoughts.

  "I'm fine, Ace. I think you know, I'm not good at thinking things."

  Tiona smiled as usual.He smiled nonchalantly, as if nothing was wrong.The innocent smile that day seemed to be a bit hard, is it Ais' psychological effect?

  But at the end, Ais still couldn't ask more. .

Chapter 412

  " ladies can really eat it. We have seen many adventurers, but the first-level adventurers are different."

  Among the fishermen who surrounded the grilling net with Tiona and the others, a man with a particularly strong physique smiled generously.

  It is a human with black hair and black eyes, and a height of nearly two meters.

  "That little lady over there, can Master Jian Ji eat well too?"

  "Ace doesn't eat like we do. But she loves potato balls."

  "you are?"

  "My name is Rhodes, and I'm the head of the group here."

  Rhodes replied generously to Ais who looked at him.

  Esther paused for a while, and asked him, who claimed to be the head of the regiment, "Nyod's family... Mr. Rhodes, you guys have been fishing all the time?"

  "Yeah, because that's all we have. Not only this Lake Rorog, but also going out to sea to fish. Compared to staying on land, it should take longer to be shaken by the waves-"

  The Neyod Familia is a faction that exists only for fishing.The sea men should be very confident in their abilities, but neither they nor the Lord God have the slightest intention to fight against other factions to expand their power.

  Rather than a faction, it is closer to a trade union or a fishing association.

  "Most of the men who grew up in this town will become fishermen and follow the god Nyodh."

  "I'm a little curious, is there no other fisherman in Meren besides the Njord family?"

  "It's okay to think about starting anew, but no one would want to do that. God Nyod is a good god, and he can still receive favors. No matter what kind of guy, he can exert his power beyond ordinary people."

  Rhodes answered Lefiya's question, and following his line of sight, a slender human being in front of the warehouse was carrying a large net by himself.He must also have ability points engraved on his back.

  "If you want to live by fishing, it is the fastest to become a servant of the gods. Besides, if you want to go to the sea where monsters are infested, it is better to have a favor."

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