Mana pointed to a specially crafted poster of a beautiful girl posing in a gaffe.

  "Bathroom poster...just a bathroom poster."

  Nangong Xiao can only answer like this.

  "What what? Ah Zhai will put up posters in the bathroom? Why?"

  "I don't know why!"

  If she said it, she would definitely feel disgusted this time.

  Mana, who was surprised with an expression on her face, moved to the third floor.This floor is dominated by doujinshi.There are no distinctions between men and women, and all products for all ages are displayed... That's right.In principle it is.

  "Do you always feel that it is different from ordinary books?"

  Mana picked up a doujinshi with a beautiful boy on the cover and tilted her head in confusion.

  "This book is exaggeratedly thin, and the printing feels different. I have never seen this kind of book in a bookstore."

  The princess who picked up the same book said: "This is called doujinshi, which is the so-called secondary creation."

  "Second creation?"

  "It's a work drawn by fans themselves based on their favorite manga or animation."

  "Drawn by a layman?"

  "Sometimes it is drawn by real professional painters, and there are even many fan writers who are more powerful than professional level."


  How well did Mana understand the explanation of the princess?She stared at the cover and nodded frequently.

  "I want to buy this."

  "Really? Do you know the source animation of this meme?"

  "Hmm—? I don't know, but the painting is beautiful, isn't it? It's rare for me to come here, so it would be stupid to go back empty-handed."

  "Do not……"

  Nangong Xiao thought it was better not to.Because the title of that doujinshi is "breath from my holy sword!"...

  Ji Xiang's eyes sparkled.

  "I also have books from this group, really have a vision."

  "Right, right? Can you praise me more?"

  They were all very happy.After the checkout was completed, I went down to the second floor.Here are light novels or animation magazine books, setting data sets, and so on.

  "Why is this manga in Bunko size? Isn't it usually bigger?"

  "This is not a cartoon, it is a light and small."

  "Qing Xiao?"

  "Light novels, uh—that is, novels with more illustrations that can be easily read."

  "Oh...likes and dislikes."

  "I told you..."

  This guy denied it preconceivedly, she would definitely be hated at school.

  "But this one is very thick."

  Mana picked up a particularly thick book.She flipped through it casually and said, "Ah, but there are a lot of line breaks and dialogues, and it feels very different from ordinary novels."

  Ji Xiang, who was next to him, suddenly looked at it: "Light and small, thin and thick; boring and far-reaching; suitable for children and adults, everything is welcome, this is the charm."

  "Hmm—like a toy box."

  "toy box……!"

  Ji Xiang was inspired again, spelling notes.At first I thought what would happen, but it seems that Mana's point of view is very helpful to the princess.

  The last three went down to the first floor to buy the limited edition "Sacred Dragon" of Princess Target.The guests who also held the "Holy Dragon" lined up in a long line of snakes.

  Ji Xiang's expression when she saw the limited editions piled up in front of the cash register - made him want to take a picture of her with his mobile phone and save it (but photography is prohibited in the store, so he had to give up).

  Her eyes shone like stars in the night sky, and she took it in her hands with joy.She was lining up at the checkout, staring happily at the cover.The waiting time doesn't seem to be painful at all.


  It seems that I haven't queued like this for a long time, and just at this time Ji Xiang came back after finishing the bill.He left the bookstore with Ji Xiang, who was smiling happily, and Mana, who was serious-looking - at this moment.

  "It really is here."

  The bag of "Holy Dragon" slipped from Ji Xiang's hand.A woman got out of a white van parked on the side of the road and stared at Ji Xiang.real growth. ".

Chapter 771

  "It really is here."

  The bag of "Holy Dragon" slipped from Ji Xiang's hand.A woman got out of a white van parked on the side of the road and stared at Ji Xiang.

  She was wearing a neat navy blue suit, with black hair pulled back up.She is a beautiful woman, and a capable woman.Although dressed like a college student looking for a job, the style is full of elite employees who have experienced many battles.

  "elder sister……"

  You don't need to listen to Ji Xiang's dazed whispers, you can immediately know that this is the princess' sister, Miss Youhua.With shiny hair like black pearls, the two sisters are exactly the same.It is really rare that two women with such beautiful hair appear in the same place.

  In other words, "Qiu Xiao Hotel" is clearly written on the van.

  "You entered 'release date' on your phone's calendar, so I think you must be here. Anyway, it's something related to the comics."

  She didn't expect that she would find her whereabouts from such a place, although it was Ji Xiang's negligence that she forgot to bring her mobile phone with personal information...

  "You read my calendar casually?"

  Ji Xiang's knees kept shaking.Her eyes were filled with tears, and her expression was a mixture of fear and anger.

  "Of course, you left home first."

  "Even so, how can you just look at it..."

  "You have to assert your privacy and wait until you are qualified to speak on your own."

  Rubing's expression, spitting out Rubing's legitimate remarks.She's beautiful, but she doesn't want to be approached.This freezing blizzard-like aura spreads around.The guests who came out of "Man Country" glanced at each other wanting to know what was going on, but immediately averted their eyes and left in a panic.

  "Ji Xiang, why didn't you go to your uncle's place? You know that the daughter of Qiu Xiao's family has to go to practice every time she enters high school, right?"

  "I don't want to do that."

  Ji Xiang made a small but clear voice.

  "This kind of thing can't be said until you become an adult. It doesn't matter if you do what you like. But since your parents have raised you, it is the obligation of the Qiu Xiao family to learn how to work in the hotel, and it is a tradition that should be followed. Whether it's grandma, mother, or I grew up like this, why are you the only one who wants to be lazy?"

  "I'm not lazy."

  "You're just being lazy, and you've been reading comics in the summer vacation. It doesn't make any sense at all."

  "It's not meaningless."!"

  This is already a parallel line.

  Ji Xiang's dissatisfaction Nangong Xiao also understands very well.Of course I would feel angry when I was forced to do my homework just because it was a rule, and my favorite manga was thrown away as a "meaningless thing".

  On the other hand, what Miss Youhua said is not right - but she doesn't think so either.It is legitimate saying that parents should be obeyed in the process of parenting.It's just that it's two different things from whether the comics are meaningless.

  In any case, the moment is really not a "let her understand the princess's interests" atmosphere.Miss Youhua's stubborn attitude will not change her mind even if she takes her to "Man Country".However--

  "Wait for me, Auntie!"

  The person who stepped forward with a fearless smile was Xia Chuan Mana.She folded her arms and shrugged her shoulders, and said with her usual arrogant attitude: "I've been listening since just now, what are you doing? What are you traditional? These are not fashionable now, are you? You are too outdated. ? Isn't it?"

  "Your wording is rude."

  Miss Youhua was completely unmoved and made a cold comment.

  "I don't know who you are from, but this is not the attitude you should have towards your elders. It really makes you doubt your tutoring."

  "Hmph, do you really dare to say that?"

  Really that fearless smile never disintegrated.The object is that college students are still so confident that they must have considerable confidence to refute each other, right?

  "Although I don't need to know about your family, how can you force this child to do what she says she hates?"

  "Didn't you listen to what I said just now? Since you were raised by your parents, you must listen to your parents. That's all."



  Wait a moment.Have you been refuted! ?Miss Xia Chuan Zhenna?

  "Hey, it's not like that anyway, is it?"

  Mana replied embarrassedly, "I-I know!"

  She picked up the "Sacred Dragon" dropped by the princess and said, "You just said that comics are meaningless, right? Why can you make such an indiscriminate assertion, obviously you haven't even read it! Here! Look at it! This is the princess. The doujinshi that I recommended to buy——!”

  Mana took out the doujinshi she just bought and pointed the cover at Miss Youhua, although the pronunciation was a little weird.

  "This cover is very beautiful, isn't it? It's amazing that a layman can do it himself? Look, this rose or chain is really realistic, right? Can you draw this kind of painting? At least it's impossible for me. If It's not surprising that others can do things that they can't do by themselves, right?"

  As far as that is concerned, this is a very strange and reasonable objection.

  "...can you lend me a look?"


  At the request of Miss Mana Shun Youhua, she handed over the doujinshi.

  (Wow! No good wait a minute!)

  If Nangong Xiao guessed correctly, then the contents of the book should be... There was no time to stop it, Miss Youhua began to read the inner page of "Breathe from my holy sword!" .

  Her beautiful eyebrows twitched: "It turns out that it is impossible. I really can't draw this kind of thing."


  Ms. Yuhua opened the inner page and placed it in front of Mana with a smug smile.

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