Nangong Xiao found something strange.It seems that white cotton is falling.Mixed with the fallen leaves, the kapok in the quilt was scattered on the ground.School doesn't go well with quilts or anything.I thought that the only place where there would be quilts was the security guard room at night. Was it torn when I took it to dry?

  The ponytail-senpai said while walking.

  "It's a white Christmas."




  It's not Christmas and it's not snowing.But the ponytail's expression is serious.Are you playing riddles?Does it have anything to do with being called out now?

  When he came back to his senses, he had already walked to the garden.

  "what happened……"

  In the deepest part of the garden lies a pile of cotton.So that's not to say that I can't tell that this is imitating the snow scene, but I wouldn't think of it if I over-beautified my imagination.The first thing that comes to mind is the prank of "the child tore the quilt, threw the cotton on the ground and ran away".

  Next to the colorful garden covered with cotton, there is an old bench.The Coke Company logo on the red-painted bench was mutilated and hard to read.It's the kind of benches that are often placed in front of dim sum shops.Of course, the garden was supposed to have no such thing.Where did it come from.

  Then, sitting on that bench was.

  "Xiao Xiao, thank you for coming."

  Ai smiled softly.She knocked on the seat next to her.It seems to say "sit down".

  "Then, please enjoy yourself slowly."

  The ponytail senior immediately left like the wind.

  "What are you doing? What do you want?"

  Ai hummed her hair back.

  "Everywhere, it's our love support group."

  "what is that."

  Nangong Xiao sat down, Ai Yi's shoulder touched his shoulder.One of the trees planted around the walls of the school site is covered with ornate decorations.Gold and silver satin, paper Santas and reindeer, and piles of cotton even here.

  "Wow, so beautiful."

  Ai looked up at the Christmas tree, and she was completely reading the voice.

  "Let's not say whether it's beautiful or ugly, this is strange no matter how you look at it..."

  "What are you talking about. The station front is going to be decorated next week, right?"

  True, but that's probably not a reason to decorate a Christmas tree in a school building.A man and woman walking towards the Christmas tree came into my field of vision, still holding their arms, and the two were glued to each other.

  "It's really enviable, that couple."

  It's the little love who is reading.Looking at it clearly, I found that the girl was a member of the discipline committee I had seen.On the other side of the boy, he also had an impression, those serious, big eyes, a pair of eyebrows with a graceful arc, and what was even more impressive was the tall and straight hair.

  "What are you doing?"

  She put on a boy's uniform, and her long hair was tied back at the back of her head.The original dress is very good, and this kind of dress is not bad, but it is impossible to think of her as a boy.

  Stonefur looked up at the Christmas tree.

  "Whoohoohoo. White Christmas, eh?"

  It's not inferior to Ai's stick reading, and the ending of the sentence becomes unclear.

  "I'm very happy to see such a beautiful Christmas tree with you, senior."

  On the contrary, the girl on the other side overdid her one-man show.

  "That's great, those two."


  "It's amazing to be able to hug each other and look at the Christmas tree like this."

  It seemed that Ai's eyes reflected a completely different scene from what he saw.Putting this aside, Nangong Xiao probably guessed what happened.The disciplinary committee members and the others seem to be "creating an atmosphere" in order to match the two.

  Just when I was worrying about what to do, this time a group came over.

  Visually, there were more than ten people, all of them wearing white attire, and they were basically girls from the Disciplinary Committee.The human wall surrounded Nangong Xiao and Ai Yi, and they sang shoulder to shoulder.

  It is the famous song of the Christmas series, "Jubilation of the World".

  "What about the chorus of angels?"

  Ai looked intoxicated, but he only saw aliens from another world.He couldn't help but doubt my eyes, no, it was with both ears, even Mogami Shiro also participated in the chorus... As expected, he was still singing "Hani Hani-", so I knew it was her right away.This guy is fine as long as he can sing.


  The most fatal blow came when a white-bearded uncle in a red dress sang a Christmas carol.When it comes to Christmas, I will talk about him, but it turns out to be the appearance of the final BOSS.

  It's that ponytail who plays Santa Claus, and it's really lively today!

  "Come, tell me your wishes and listen. No matter what kind of wishes, I will help you realize them."

  And there is such a great power.Too generous, is it better than some broken cup of the Holy Grail War.

  Ai Yi screamed "Yeah" happily, shaking Nangong Xiao's shoulders,

  "What to do, Xiaoxiao! What Christmas present do you want?"

  "I want to get out of here right now."

  "Honeymooning overseas? Is that a plane ticket to Hawaii?"

  "I really want something so extravagant if it can be given to me, except for the honeymoon trip!"

  "Hanihani hehe-YEAH! Honeyhani hehe~YEAH-!!"

  "You give me almost a little, hurry up and shut up, Mogami!"

  At this time.

  "Dora! Dora!"

  The one who was beating the Christmas tree was the "Jewel of Xia Chuan's family" who ran out of nowhere. It was really cool.When the branches shook, silk satin and paper crafts, as well as cotton balls fell to the ground.

  "What are you doing!? I finally decorated it!"

  Facing the roaring men's clothes, Zhen Liang said solemnly, "This year's Christmas is about to be suspended."

  The singing stopped.

  Whether it's the choir, the disguised stupid couple, or the love clothes, they all look really cool with the expression "What does this mean?"Only Mogami, who hadn't sung enough, puffed out her cheeks like a blowfish.

  "This year's Christmas, the decision was discontinued."

  Really cool to repeat it again.

  "It's not about the money, it's the long-term issue of safety and security in our country, and the United States says we can't secure Santa's voyage each year."

  Although it is true cool classmates have no creative reason.

  "Woooooooo. In order to become an ally, there is no way out."

  Seems to work well for dull hair.Ai stood up from the bench.

  "Hey, don't come and get in our way! The atmosphere finally got better."

  "You are. As a member of the 'Girls Club', you want to take Akatsuki so blatantly. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

  "I don't think so! Love is not just a beautiful talk!"

  "It's not that the first shot is the winner."

  Really cool squinting.

  "You're almost the same, don't keep pestering Xiao, okay?"

  "……what do you mean?

  Ai's voice and expression dropped for a while.

  "Hanihani hehehehe..."

  It wasn't Mogami who whispered like this, but Senior Duo Mao.Was she frightened by the Shura Field? She hid behind the Christmas tree and shivered, and Duo Mao also switched to silent mode.

  Ma Ryo didn't take his eyes off Ai's body.The two fell silent and stared at each other again.

  "It seems that I won't sing anymore, so I'll go back."

  What broke the nasty silence was a sentence that didn't care about the atmosphere the most.Taking advantage of Mogami's unrestrained departure, the disciplinary committee members hurriedly followed behind.

  As a result, only self-acting B was left.

  "Hey, can I go back too?"


  "Oh No."

  They continued to stare at each other and said in unison.When will this battle end? .

Chapter 863

  It was obviously Sunday, but I was very depressed.Yesterday's matter finally settled down after he tried his best.

  The weather is so nice today.If you walk in such weather, you might feel better together.

  Nangong Xiao left the game store after pre-purchasing the upcoming game, and walked in the direction behind the station, which he seldom walked.If you go to the cafe that Ma Ryo used to go to often, it will be very uncomfortable, so let's try to explore new stores.

  Walking through the parking lot and stepping into the green space park, there is an old building among several ginkgo trees without leaves.

  water park.Although it is an exaggerated name, it is actually just an aquarium.The footsteps walked towards there unknowingly, and he decided to go there and have a look.

  Ignore the exhibits such as the dolphin pool and the giant white shark tooth specimen, and go directly to the large swimming tank.Whenever I see a tuna that seems to be swimming very comfortably, my heart throbs—because tuna will die if it doesn't swim.So, do they swim out of necessity?

  "Me too. If you don't hold me tight, you will die. So hold me tight?"

  "Ah, if I don't hold you tight... Hey, is this a matter of life and death!?"

  When I turned around, Ji Xiang was standing there.She wore a pink knitted hat and a snow-white duffle coat.Xiao Ji in casual clothes is really a lovable archangel, with a sketchbook under her arm.

  "Yo princess. What are you doing in a place like this?" 14

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