The director of Stem Road on the opposite side of the screen said so.The boo world in the control room under the Tsukase Dam had no interest in this, and listened to him with all his might.

  "'Gashi' is finally complete. The fate of Japan is in our hands."

  It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter to me.


  Huojie stretched out his neatly manicured fingers, checked the situation, and then showed a satisfied smile.

  "Unfortunately, it seems that the funeral home was attacked here before. It is said that the attack will be launched in two and a half hours."

  "...Is this smug personal information?"

  "Second Lieutenant Daliru has also returned, and he seems to be working very hard. Oops? It seems that the state of the radio waves—"

  The boo world cut off the line by pretending that the signal was bad.

  Huo Jie took out his mobile phone from his jacket pocket, and the scene above was of hundreds of long swords hovering beside Nangong Xiao, and then flying out, piercing his own body.

  Such a beautiful thing, Boojie 14 is the first time I have seen it.Such a scene can only be seen once, and it is too cruel.

  The stage has been set up.No one is allowed to make trouble.

  "Come on, that wonderful wonder, I want to see more. I want to see that wonder again. No, not just again, but many, many times."


  "This feeling is like first love!"

  The staff of leukocyte turned around and looked at the boo world in surprise, but he didn't pay any attention to their gazes, and just kept staring at the "miracle" image like a glowing star, and kept replaying it.

  "Second lieutenant. The operation will begin in about a hundred and fifty minutes."

  In the control room of Tsukigase Dam, Captain Rowan spoke to Second Lieutenant Daliru Yang, who was sitting in the "COFFIN" and was concentrating on adjusting the instruments.

  After the battle in Roppongi, both returned to the battlefield this time.

  To be released after paying a ransom, there is nothing more humiliating for the military.And also because of the son of Major General Yang, the commander-in-chief of the GHQ, Rowan himself is worthless.Rowan himself knew very well that he was only an accessory after all.

  While lying in a hospital bed, he learned that Chief Guin died in that battle.Although he is definitely not a good superior, but when he heard that he was burned to the point where almost no bones were left, he just wanted to avenge him.

  "What about sunset time?"

  Dalilu replied without looking up.

  The fingers on the tablet slid at an extraordinary speed.Eyes wide open, staring at the screen without blinking, full of bloodshots.

  The heart of this man is unfathomable.

  "Absolutely can't forgive... Absolutely can't forgive those guys. Take my Steiner away. It was mine, my my, my my... The humiliation, I will return it tenfold, a hundredfold. Absolutely. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely—one.”

  Looking at Daliru, who was mumbling as if fascinated, Rowan felt an inexplicable fear and walked away from him as if he had come to his senses.

  Sure enough, he was already prepared for the action here—Ya looked around the dam from a height with a telescope, and was [-]% sure of his original idea.

  According to the original information, there should be no ENDRAVE equipped. GOCE has ten.There are also five Jumongs brought from somewhere.Heavy machine gun turrets were set up everywhere, and searchlights were strafing in the dark.

  However, there is no way out now.

  Nangong Xiao stopped Ya.

  "I'm leaving for a while."

  "The battle is about to start, where are you going now?!"

  "Forget it... Come back quickly, or we'll be wiped out."

  Looking at the watch, "Battle begins!" Ya said to everyone.

  "Everyone, let go and have a blast!"


  Thrush repeated the order, and Ayase stood up aboard Steiner.A cheery sound like a branch breaking off came from his head and shoulders.The light from the searchlight entered the camera.Use the rifle to aim the light, pull the trigger, and use this as a signal, and the truck troops begin to march.

  At a distance of several hundred meters, the loot GOCE obtained from the enemy should have also activated.It's just a feint here.Make conspicuous attacks around as much as possible, with the aim of attracting enemies.In other words, attract all the enemy's attacks here.

  Rather than aggressively attacking, the ENDRAVE unit's main role is to serve as a shield for its comrades.Even if it is destroyed, the ENDRAVE operator will not die, unlike ordinary soldiers.

  However, the enemy also sent ENDRAVE, and it is still unknown how many there will be.Only use ENDRAVE against ENDRAVE.Although there are many weapons against ENDRAVE, if the person who uses it is not very good at it, it is difficult to guarantee the success of destroying ENDRAVE.

  As if to draw attention, he rudely swept the woods and fired artillery shells recklessly.Steiner's silver-white body stands out even more in the dark green forest.Is this the only effect?The range of bullets around them is getting bigger and bigger.Such a severe impact was caused by the mortar attack.

  Received the warning of the approaching missile, and responded with automatic fire, which exploded in the air like a flower of flame, and then followed.


  A voice mixed with noise was heard, and then the signal was cut off.It was the truck of the important squad that went ahead.There was a sound of explosion right in front, and the fire quickly jumped up.

  (Oops! There is an ambush?).

Chapter 103

  A voice mixed with noise was heard, and then the signal was cut off.It was the truck of the important squad that went ahead.There was a sound of explosion right in front, and the fire quickly jumped up.

  (Oops! There's an ambush?)

  Ayase cranked up Steiner's output to maximum and charged forward quickly.The steel foot accidentally stepped on the big hole in the ground and fell to the ground in a posture like a tree uprooted.


  Fire rifle shells while confirming the target.but--

  (Did you escape!?)

  Unexpectedly, GOCE escaped and rushed here.Towards its head, he swung his arms vigorously.However, doing so still failed to dodge.Turn around and hit a turnaround straight punch.The attack worked, and the shoulders felt the opponent loosen, and when they separated, they successfully punched the opponent's abdomen.

  Then, GOCE snorted.

  "Ahahahahaha! This is it, this is it! This is me!"

  Ayase heard someone speak in English.

  (This guy!)

  "What to say..."

  "This. Is it my Steiner? Damn it... give it back to me."

  "What are you kidding?"

  Turning on the external speaker, Ayase also replied in English.

  "It's already mine."

  "...Stop joking, you pig! This is mine!!"

  Grab the arm of the GOCE who was punched and throw it out - no success.The moment they were about to throw, their wrists were caught, and the two of them kicked each other while spinning.

  The ground shook, and he suddenly turned around to find GOCE's feet in front of him.While twisting his body desperately, he said, "Give it back to me!"

  When turning, the heel kicked the side of GOCE's head. GOCE fell heavily to the ground, but he took advantage of the momentum of the fall to turn around and stand up.incredible.

  "Give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back!"

  "Do not make jokes!"

  Ayase's Steiner and Daliru's GOCE scuffled together, as if the most primitive fighting, the armor and the armor rubbed against each other, sparks flying.With the sound of the explosion, the red-dyed sky lit up with a blue light.

  "Look what I found?"

  What is this voice? !Dalilu looked at Nangong Xiao who was behind him in astonishment.It's the guy from last time!

  "Huh? That voice sounds familiar."

  Nangong Xiao held her chin in one hand as if thinking.

  "By the way, it's the person who played in circles with me last time."

  Boom boom boom!

  Dalilu could not help but manipulate the mecha a few steps away from him.

  "Let's have fun this time too!"

  Just as Daliru was trying to escape, he felt caught by something.


  Nangong Xiao jumped up and tore off a robotic arm.


  Perception conveys pain to Daliru who is manipulating the body from a distance through the connection of the body.

  "Cut off contact!"

  The person in charge of caring for Daliru shouted.

  Dalilu looked in horror at Nangong Xiao, who was about to split the body in half from the middle, and kept hammering the cockpit.


  Seeing that the body was about to be torn apart, there was a sound like the sound of heaven.

  "a ha ha ha......."

  Dalilu jumped out of the cockpit opened by the logistics staff, breathing in the fresh air.

  "He escaped."

  With an inexplicable smile, Nangong Xiao looked at Dalilu who was gasping for breath in the distance.

  "Xiaozhen! Obviously I can beat him."

  Ayase seemed to feel that her head had been robbed, and looked at him unhappily.Although he can't see it either.

  "Don't be angry, I'll treat you to another meal."

  "Then it's settled!"

  Ya reached out from the holographic jacket with the optical camouflage effect and signaled that he was going in.

  Walking through the dark forest, wearing a coat, Nangong Xiao, who was constantly approaching the dam, ran out of the forest and shuttled through the artillery fire.The fire was burning everywhere, and the figure was completely invisible under the action of the heat reaction.

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