Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 3729: Ge Yu personally initiated

When Meng Qingshan heard that there was no one in the yard, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Ge, maybe Nan Su has nothing to do and went out. How about we wait here for him to come back?"

"It's best to inquire about Nan Suwu's recent movements. We still need to find out whether he has been away for a few days or just recently. What if we wait here for several days and he doesn't come back? Waiting in vain?" Ge Yu said.

"Well, that's true. Go back and ask my subordinates to inquire." Meng Qingshan said.

Ge Yu suddenly stood up and walked straight towards Nan Suwu's residence. Meng Qingshan quickly followed him: "Brother Ge, where are you going?"

"Go and have a look in his house, maybe you can find something useful." Ge Yu said.

"Okay." Meng Qingshan hesitated for a moment, then followed Ge Yu and approached the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is covered with fences, which can prevent some wild animals from entering, but it cannot prevent people at all. However, since this is where Nan Suwu lives, no one would dare to come to this place.

The two easily climbed over the fence and appeared in the yard.

I don't know what happened, but as soon as they entered the courtyard, the two of them suddenly felt a creepy feeling. They felt chilled all over, as if there were many pairs of eyes peeping at them secretly.

As a master of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Ge Yu was naturally fearless and did not have so much sense of crisis, but Meng Qingshan felt that the atmosphere in the courtyard was dull and suffocating.

"Brother Ge, what is there in this yard? Why am I so upset?" Meng Qingshan followed Ge Yu towards the room and looked around.

But the yard was ordinary, with vegetable fields on both sides, and the green vegetables grew luxuriantly. There were a few large vats for pickling vegetables in the corner of the yard, but other than that, there was nothing else.

I didn't see anything wrong.

"There are very powerful ghosts in this yard. They are very fierce. Please be careful." Ge Yu said calmly, as if nothing happened. Naturally, he was not afraid of any ghosts. Fang Tianru, the best among the ghosts, also followed him. When I am together and Aunt Feng is here, no matter how powerful the ghosts are, they are just a piece of food.

Ge Yu dared to come to rescue Shao Xiaolong alone because Fang Tianru was following him.

Fang Tianru's tablet is still inside Ge Yu's black gold bracelet.

Not long after, Ge Yu came to the door, opened the door and walked straight in.

The room was empty, with very little furniture. In the middle of the room, there was a statue of a god.

Calling it a statue of a **** is actually not appropriate. The statue looks a bit ferocious, with its teeth bared and several heads, and it looks like some sort of monster.

Afterwards, Ge Yu went to the bedroom and took a look around. The quilts were neatly stacked, as if the person had been gone for a long time.

The other room seemed to be a utility room with a lot of stuff on it, but it was really nothing interesting.

After looking around all three rooms, Ge Yu was about to leave when Meng Qingshan suddenly saw something on the square table in the living room, which seemed to be a letter.

Meng Qingshan came over to take a look, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but saw a few Chinese characters written on the envelope: "Personally signed by Ge Yu."

"Brother Ge, come quickly, Nan Suwu left you a letter." Meng Qingshan greeted.

Ge Yu walked over and took a look and found that it was really left to him.

"Open it and take a look." Meng Qingshan stretched out his hand to get the letter, but Ge Yu grabbed his arm: "Meng Bureau, be careful, this is Southeast Asia, and Nan Suwu must be a very smart person in addition to his cultivation level. Master Jiangtou, aren't you afraid that this envelope has been tampered with?"

After hearing this, Meng Qingshan suddenly became smart and quickly retracted his hand: "Thank you Brother Ge for reminding me, I almost forgot."

Later, Ge Yu patted the Spirit Gathering Tower and released an old ghost from it, asking him to open the envelope.

If something was tampered with on this envelope, it must be some kind of anti-hair powder. This works for people, but it is of no use to ghosts.

Not long after, the old ghost opened the envelope and a piece of letter paper fell out.

Ge Yu asked the old ghost to read it.

The old ghost said: "Hello Ge Yu, I have heard of you for a long time and have no chance to meet you, but we will meet soon. I have had three apprentices in my life, and almost all of them died in your hands. This hatred I have to report that Shao Xiaolong is in my hands and is waiting for you to rescue me, but I want to see what you can do. Find me first. Now that you are here, I will definitely entertain you well."

The letter ends here. The writing is very neat.

Judging from the situation in the yard, Nan Suwu is a person who knows how to live well and has always been very rigorous in his actions.

He must have expected Ge Yu to come back to see him, so he left a letter here.

"It is true that Nan Suwu took Xiaolong away. This guy is unfathomable and must be a formidable opponent." Meng Qingshan sighed.

Ge Yu took back the old ghost and went out directly.

I couldn't help but feel a little depressed. If Nan Suwu wanted to take revenge, why did he hide and meet directly to fight and decide the winner? This was so refreshing. Now he is playing a cat and mouse game with himself. It's really annoying. Puzzling.

While thinking about this, Ge Yu left the house.

After Meng Qingshan walked around the room and made sure that nothing was missing, he also walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the house, Meng Qingshan once again felt like he was being stared at. He was so frightened that he quickened his pace and planned to catch up with Ge Yu.

At this moment, there were large tanks placed in several corners of the yard. Suddenly, in a corner of the yard, there was a large tank, and a cloud of black gas suddenly appeared and flew towards Meng Qingshan at an extremely fast speed.

The big vat was right behind Meng Qingshan. When the black air floated towards Meng Qingshan, Meng Qingshan suddenly felt something strange behind him and quickly turned his head. But at that moment, the black air hit him directly. The heavenly spirit place.

Meng Qingshan's body swayed, and his eyes suddenly turned dark, without the white kernels. A sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly took out a short knife from his body and quickly approached Ge Yu.

When he was still two or three meters away from Ge Yu, Meng Qingshan suddenly accelerated and pierced Ge Yu's back with the short knife in his hand.

Ge Yu was still thinking about the letter left by Nan Suwu, when suddenly murderous intent suddenly emerged from behind him. In an instant, Ge Yu activated his Earth Escape Technique and disappeared on the spot.

Meng Qingshan pierced the air with his sword and staggered. He glanced around and found that Ge Yu had appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Qingshan waved the short knife in his hand again and continued to stab Ge Yu.

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