Chapter 309

The wrinkles on the middle-aged woman’s face were evened with fright.

“Xiaoguang, what’s your situation? Why have you become so powerful?”

Suddenly, her face changed, and she thought of those upgraded zombies.

The face of the middle-aged woman became sad.

“Could it be that you will also be Upgraded in the end?”

Lin Jingzhe opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

How should he explain to these people?

Although he has the memory of Zhou Xiaoguang, he is not Zhou Xiaoguang after all, he has his own independent personality.

Moreover, Zhou Xiaoguang’s memory is just a drop in the ocean for him, and it does not affect his character at all.

It’s wrong to say more.

Lin Jingzhe could only pursed his mouth and was silent.

The middle-aged woman still sighed and said: “In order to prevent you from dying, we took a lot of effort to send you out, why are you coming back?”

Lin Jingzhe remembers that this middle-aged woman has always cared about Zhou Xiaoguang. In the end, she was the first to tell Zhou Xiaoguang that someone wanted to use all his meat to make a vaccine.

And has been actively helping Zhou Xiaoguang escape from birth.

This is Zhou Xiaoguang’s benefactor and also the Karma of Zhou Xiaoguang’s life. He has to accept it.

Lin Jingzhe sighed.

Decided to explain the matter to everyone.

“Everyone, this matter is very complicated. After I escaped, I joined a base and was caught on the way to hunting zombies. Then I just escaped…”

The faces of everyone were desperate.

There was a younger man who couldn’t help but beat the wall with his head, “How should this damn end-time live?!”

Seeing his red forehead and blood on the wall, Lin Jingzhe couldn’t bear it.

In fact, this group of people in front of me is the same group of people who made the serum in the first place.

But the same group of people who made the serum were deceived like Zhou Xiaoguang.

They also think that the serum they make is for the benefit of the world.

who knows!

Those serums are used by those who are willing to earn profit.

Until now, these serum-making people even took their own lives in order to help Zhou Xiaoguang.

But they couldn’t stand the torture of these days.

Looking at the scars on their faces, it must be a bad day.

As for why they haven’t died so far, I’m afraid the people above are still reluctant to kill this group of technology backbones.

After all, if Zhou Xiaoguang is caught by any chance, or there are people like Zhou Xiaoguang in the future, their technology is needed to make the serum.

This is not the time to renew the past.

Lin Jingzhe looked at everyone’s decadent appearance, and calmly said: “You guys cheer up, believe me, eat this thing first to replenish your strength, I will definitely be able to take you to escape.”

While talking, he distributed Medicine Pill.

These Medicine Pills are the most basic Medicine Pills that can supplement basic physical strength.

Looking at them these days, their bodies have lost a lot of weight, and they shouldn’t have added much energy after thinking about it.

When everyone looked at the black pill, they didn’t hesitate at all. They took one bite, and they could see that they trusted Zhou Xiaoguang very much.

In the time of two breaths, everyone’s wounds healed at a strange speed.

And their physical strength also began to recover.

Seeing her colleague’s face become rosy, delicate and shiny, the middle-aged woman couldn’t help but touch her face.

Sure enough, it feels a lot better than before.

“¨(Is it)¨ Xiaoguang, why do you have such a miraculous medicine?”

A technology house’s eyes throbbed and couldn’t help but speak.

“Don’t talk about it for now, let’s run away with me, and I will explain it clearly to you after I escape.”

To be honest, Lin Jingzhe is very anxious now.

What he worries most is Guang Sha Ye.

I don’t know where this woman is now, is it a blessing or a curse?

At the same time, in a room on the bottom of the military base.

Guang Sha Ye was tied up by Wu Hua Da and couldn’t struggle. Create.

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