Martial Arts World

Chapter 151: Contest

   was silent, and the originally noisy little teahouse suddenly became silent.

   "What kind of person are you, what is your relationship with Hengshan Liu Zhengfeng Liu Sanye?"

   The chunky man who had just made a big speech almost scared his urine and was shocked. After a while, he shuddered and took the lead to break the unspeakable silence in the teahouse.

   "I have a normal relationship with Hengshan Liu Zhengfeng, but I can be as close as my family to his disciple Mi Weiyi!"

  Linsha sat back slowly with a smile, and her eyes were chilling: "As for the area, it is just a nameless pawn. Most of you who want to come here have never heard of it, just don’t say it!"

   A man in a tea house at the teahouse heard each other for a while, and saw Lin Sha did not continue to care about their meaning. Although he was very curious about his identity, he did not rashly step forward to disturb.

   After this, the sound of the man in the rivers and lakes did not consciously lowered a few points. Although the teahouse started to be noisy but no longer noisy, the people in the rivers and lakes were obviously worried.

   "Boss Lin Sha, you were so majestic!"

  Lin Pingzhi looked envious and lowered his voice in compliment.

   "Nothing, as long as you kid practice martial arts in the future, it won't take long to do it!"

  Lin Sha smiled slightly, and at the same time encouraged the sentence.


   Lin Ping's eyes lit up, looking forward to confirming.

   "Nature is real!"

Lin Shazheng focused on the head and smiled softly: "You have been able to produce the sword very quickly, as long as you have a faster grasp of the sword, you want to break the tea cup twice without damaging the other parts. Not difficult!"

A few tables beside the rivers and lakes had their ears upright. Hearing the conversation between the two, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes and carefully grabbed Lin Pingzhi’s little white face. Going, I couldn't help but chuckled that Linsha was bragging.

  Nima’s young masters haven’t been so flooded in the past years, that is, there are just a few young masters famous by the Wuyue Sword School. Do they encounter two unknown wild people in such a good luck?

   woo woo...

At this moment, the door of Yi Yi suddenly sounded the sound of Hu Qin, and the old voice sang: "Sigh Yang Family, Bing Faith, Song Song... Fubao..." The voice was drawn long, the voice was very loud It was desolate and sad, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

   It's really bad luck!

Everyone in the teahouse turned their heads to look around, and saw a slender old man sitting next to a board table in the corner, with a pale face and a blue gown, washed in the middle of the blue, the white shape was very flat, it was a show for money of.

   This is the ancient version of performance art!

  Looking at Mo Dayi's mischievous old man, Lin Sha really doesn't know what to say. This is more strange than the so-called artists specializing in performance art.

   The head of the Hengshan School, one of the highest-ranking masters on the rivers and lakes, is such a dismal image that no one will believe it.

   He thought of saying hello before him, but Mo Da stopped him with his eyes. He couldn't help but looked at Lin Pingzhi with his strange face. He lowered his heart and took a teacup with a sip. He wanted to see what Mr. Mo Da wanted to do?

   The stout man who was scared by Lin Sha clapped at the table and yelled, "What the **** is it?"

He was scared by Lin Sha just a moment ago, he was holding a fire in his heart, and there was nowhere to send it. Mr. Mo Da’s Hu Qin sound was so sad and quiet that he couldn’t hear it very much. Since I opened, I almost didn't point at my nose and scolded my mother.

At this time, another young man shouted: "Don't get bored here, just take the money!" Then he started raising his hands, and a bunch of copper coins flew over, and with a clap, he just fell in front of the old man. Very accurate.

What made Lin Sha almost shocked his chin was that Mr. Mo Da didn't take his money slowly, and thanked him by the way, then suddenly stood up and slowly walked over to the infamous chunky man and looked at him. After a while, he gently shook his head and said: "You were talking nonsense just now!"

Then he put away Hu Qin and turned and left, the short fat man was shocked and angry, consciously insulted, without saying anything, he stretched out his hand and was about to grab his back, suddenly the blue light flashed in front of him, and a thin long sword shook towards the table , Ding Ding Ding rang a few times. The chunky man was startled and jumped forward, fearing that the long sword would stab him, but he saw that the old man slowly inserted the long sword from the bottom of Hu Qin into the body of the sword.

   It turned out that this sword was hidden in Hu Qin, and the blade of the sword passed into Hu Qin's handle. From the appearance, no one knew that this old Hu Qin would actually have a warrior blade inside.

  After finishing these, Mr. Mo Da shook his head and said, "You nonsense!"

  Ignored the stunned short fat man, Ricki slowly walked out of the teahouse.

   "Let's go!"

   Seeing Mr. Mo Da leave the teahouse, Lin Sha immediately got up to greet Lin Pingzhi to catch up, and then strode the meteor to pick up the oil paper umbrella and chase it out.

   "Linsha boss waits for me!"

  Lin Pingzhi was confused by the sudden change, and hurriedly threw a small piece of broken silver head without chasing it Bianchai didn't forget to say hello to him.

  Everyone watched the backs of three people disappear in the rain, only to hear the faint sound of Hu Qin faintly came, they were all inexplicable and didn't know what happened, I just knew that the old man who was downcast might be a hidden master!

   Wait until someone finds the seven teacups on the chunky man’s table, and each one has been cut off a half inch high. When the seven porcelain rings fell beside the tea cups, but no one was dumped, the shock in my heart could be imagined.

   The chunky man was really scared of peeing this time. He didn’t dare to stay in the teahouse for a while, covering his head, regardless of the size of the rain outside, and went straight to the place of rest under the wind and rain. I met two masters that he couldn't provoke in a row, and my heart was still trembling. I was afraid that the three irresistible men would suddenly return to trouble him.

  Don't say that the tea house was so shocked that the man of the rivers and lakes said that after Lin Sha and Lin Ping chased out of the tea house, they followed behind Mr. Mo Da and hurried along.

I don’t know what Mr. Mo Da thought, at this time, he played a trick that tested their light skills. The thin and thin ricky figure walked slowly and slowly in the front, but the speed was not slow. Ten to ten feet.

Lin Sha was nothing. He followed the unicorn step closely behind Mr. Mo Da. Although there was no light and elegant, and the splashing splashes of countless images were quite indecent, but the speed of walking was not slow. .

Lin Pingzhi is the only one who really suffers. This boy has a pseudo-light weight and a small range of power. The endurance is really not enough to see, and it is not long before Mr. Mo Da and Lin Salad out of the boss~www the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in phone users, please read.

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