Martial Arts World

Chapter 153: Goodbye Yu Canghai

   "Boss Lin Sha, hurry, finally catch up, catch up with you..."

  Linsha had a private exchange with Mr. Mo Da, and expressed the thoughts in his heart. When the atmosphere fell into an awkward silence, only listening to the sound of Lin Ping, who was behind him, gasped and hurried over.

   "Boy Lin Pingzhi, have met Mr. Mo Da!"

  After adjusting the breath, Lin Pingzhi honestly saluted Mo Dajing.

   "Well, the boy is good at martial arts!"

   Mo Da nodded gently, and then the flash of light in his brain reacted suddenly, looking surprised at Lin Ping's urgent question: "Your father is Lin Zhennan of Fuwei Dart Bureau?"

  I don't know what I thought of, and it's hard to look with Zhang Kugua's face.


   Lin Ping's face is inexplicable, I don't know what Mr. Mo Da means?

   "Mr. Mo, this is not a place to talk, let's find a rain shelter and talk too late!"

  In this moment, Lin Sha’s clothes were all wet and sticking to her body was very uncomfortable.

   As for the umbrella, I just left it aside when I was fighting, and now most of them are standing upright to let the wind and rain hit, how can he be so embarrassed to hold the umbrella to block the rain?


  Mo Da was upset at this time, and he was just looking for opportunities to sort out his thoughts.

But looking around, the three of them looked embarrassed for a while. Nima is deep in the ghetto, full of crooked and ruined houses made of thatch. The air is filled with a nasty smell that is disgusting. Don’t The restaurant and teahouse doesn't even have a complete wood and stone building.

  Although the fighting just lasted for a short time, it also caused the curious gaze of a group of left-behind children and elderly people in the slum area, narrowing their curiosity and looking after the stained broken house doorman.

   The three of them were not used to being seen as monkeys, so they had to return from the original road to the slums. They followed the bustling and busy commercial streets of Hengshan City to find a place to discuss.

   Restaurant Inn is not allowed to go, not to mention that at this time, the source is full and there is no place for them to intervene, and Mo Da does not want to know that the news in Hengshan is everywhere in the city.

  It is said to be the master of the Hengshan School, and it is not rare to know his great players. Unlike the small men and women in the small teahouse, they are all mixed roles at the bottom. It is a trouble to say.

   Going round and round, the three found another small tea house and found a corner to sit down. When the second child brought tea and snacks back, Mo Dayi's turbid old eyes looked at Lin Pingzhi without talking.

   "Mr. Mo Da?"

   Lin Pingzhi was seen hairy for a while, until now he was a little puzzled. It seemed that the boss Lin Sha had something to talk about with Mr. Mo Da, but I wonder if it had anything to do with their Lin family?

   "Mr. Mo Da does not have to doubt, I can guarantee that Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng are not Hengshan who only came after the Lin family team!"

Lin Sha picked up the tea cup and chuckled, then quietly lifted Lin Ping's encirclement, and immediately frowned as if remembering something, and said, "I don't know how Tian Boguang is, the wooden peak of'Sei Bei Ming camel' It’s true that you don’t have good intentions for the Lin family!"

   Lin Pingzhi's face suddenly turned pale, and his heart was both uneasy and ashamed. He wasn't Jianghu Chu'er who could not hear the meaning of Linsha's words?

   Mo Da It is suspected that their Lin family recruited such evil masters as Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng.

   Mo Da still gave Lin Sha a face. When he saw him patting his chest to guarantee it, he also withdrew his aggressive gaze, and whispered with Lin Sha to discuss what might happen in Hengshan City.

   Linsha's intentional or unintentional cliché quickly learned that there were already three masters of Hengshan, Huashan, and Taishan in the Wuyue Sword School, who took their disciples to the meeting, except that Songshan did not explicitly send someone to come.

   He didn't say much when he ordered it. When the topic changed to the Qingcheng faction, he asked the University what kind of hatred the Qingcheng faction and Fuwei dart board had. Why did Yu Canghai go to Fujian province in spite of his morals?

Mo Da really knows some inside story. It turned out that when Lin Yuan Tuwei town and rivers and lakes at that time, it was easy to win a battle with Changchunzi, the head of Qingcheng at that time. Lin Yuan Tuwei’s name was even worse. Changchunzi was depressed, but Yu Canghai It's just a student of Changchunzi.

   revenge for the teacher is a good reason, no wonder Yu Canghai's violent murderous rush to Fujian Province, but other masters who peeped at the Lin Family's "Evil Sword Spectrum" are unheard of.

  After the doubts were resolved, Lin Sha discussed with Mo Da about the cooperation to deal with the unexpected accidents that may occur during the Liu Zhengfeng Golden Basin Hand Washing Conference.

   Wait for everything to be properly discussed, and then leave a contact code to leave, and return to the residence Lin Sha did not say much. Lin Pingzhi, who has lost her soul, will tell her parents in secret.


   Early in the morning of the second day, Lin Sha got up early and ate breakfast together with the mentally depressed Lin family, and then went straight to Liufu of Hengshan City with a gift.

   Yesterday night, autumn rain failed to block the enthusiasm of the rivers and lakes, and Liu Fu entered the house with a noisy atmosphere. There are two hundred tables in the spacious hall courtyard. Many rivers and lakes men have occupied a seat earlier. The rich wine and wine are served like flowing water. A table and a table can be seen as a luxury.

Lin Zhennan's family was underweight and was only arranged to eat at a table outside the Lin Sha was invited by Mi Weiyi who was rushed by the news, and took him to the backyard room through a promenade. Came to a flower hall.

I saw that the first five Taishi chairs were juxtaposed, and four of them were empty except for the east one, with a burly red-faced Taoist sitting on it. Lin Sha knew that the five Taishi chairs were for the five masters of the Wuyue Sect. The leaders of Songshan, Hengshan, Huashan, and Hengshan did not arrive. Jing Miwei pointed out that the red-faced Taoist was the leader of the Tianshan School.

   Both sides of the flower hall were seated by more than a dozen martial arts predecessors, Hengshan sent Dingyi Shitai, Qingcheng sent Yu Canghai, and Yandang Mountain in southern Zhejiang were all in it. The next main seat is a middle-aged man dressed in a sauce-colored cocoon silk robe, short and chubby, and looks like a rich man. It is the owner Liu Zhengfeng.

   "Master Lin Sha is here!"

Not waiting for Lin Sha to move, Mi Weiyi shouted Liu Zhengfeng, who was originally chatting with others, with a long laugh. He got up and walked to Lin Sha and held his arm enthusiastically. He turned back and smiled at an old friend: " Ladies and gentlemen, to introduce you to a great rising star..."

"It's you?"

  Yu Canghai originally sat down in a chair and meditated. He heard the familiar name and suddenly looked up. Sure enough, he saw Lin Sha's smiling face, and couldn't help but exclaim.

   His gaffe immediately aroused the attention of the seniors present here. Everyone's curious gaze glanced over. I wonder how a young guy like Lin Sha could lead the Qingcheng faction to be so gazed?

Lin Sha turned a blind eye to others and only smiled at Yu Canghai: "Haha, Yu Canghai, I didn't expect that we could meet here again in a month, and it's true that we have a good friends Come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are at mobile phone users, please read.

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