Martial Sage

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006: I’m Sorry

Under the siege order.

Fifty horse-drawn horse-drawn catapults studded with wooden wheels slowly came to the front of the Datang Army formation amid the creaking sound of rotation.

The feet unloaded the wooden boxes from the wagon, the round shells were placed on the wooden spoons, and the thick wooden poles were bent and trembling under the pull of more than a dozen men.

The cavalry supervising the war, holding this flag, shuttled in front of the catapult, and roared in high-colored red.

“General Tang has orders, ready to attack the city!”

Rows of instruments were fixed on the open field and shook when they were pulled, and rows of soldiers passed the cannonballs neatly, one by one placed in the wooden spoon.

The school lieutenant screamed angrily as he walked through the team holding the hilt of the knife.

“Calibrate the angle!”

The slingers stepped into the car and began to pull this direction.

Amidst this sound, the catapults slowly aimed at the city in front.

In the blazing sun, there is wind blowing.

The earth was scorching hot in the golden hot sun, and the scarlet cloak was blowing forward in the wind.

The black war horse slowly walked out of the army, and Tang Hao, wearing a silver armor, straddled his horse’s head and squinted slightly.

The Blue Nightmare Sword was slowly pulled out of the scabbard, shining in the sunlight with a dazzling cold light.

“Give you an hour!”

“If you don’t surrender, the entire city will become a sea of ​​flames.”

Mu Dongjiao, dressed in black armor, clenched his waist knife, looked at the drenched army, with a solemn expression.

“The real war is only started at this time!”

“Warriors, in the first battle you have overcome fear, this battle will face Death.”

“I hope that everyone at the head of the city will testify to break the myth of Tang Hao’s invincibility, and to witness this strong fortress rebirth in blood before the mighty fire of heaven and earth.”

The figure pressing the handle of the knife walked through the cold-looking crowd, and the joy of victory just now was already overwhelmed by the killing in the air at this time.

The heroic tone echoed in the city, soothing the restless hearts.

“The golden gate in the city has already fallen. There will not be a large area of ​​fire in the ravine city. It is surrounded by curved water, the city is solid and deep, and the fortifications are almost perfect.”

The voice rose up in an instant, and his eyes became cold in a moment.

“What you have to do is to keep this last moment!”

“The city wall, can’t be broken! The city head, can’t give it!”

The general’s power spread in an instant. In the military camp for many years, the retained habits of letting go were vividly displayed at this moment.

Everyone straightened their waists, and stared at the Datang soldiers who were waiting in front of them.

Mu Dongjiao held the handle of the knife, walked up to the attic, looked at Tang Hao, who was standing under the city, and grinned.

“Tang Hao, you are also a generation general in vain, and the matter of abandoning the city and surrendering can be urged again and again.”

“Now I am in the city, you are under the city, it is easy to defend the city and difficult to attack the city. Do you know such a simple truth?”

“Even if you have a hundred thousand troops oppressing the battlefield, my great king city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, guarded by thirty thousand heavy soldiers, do you really have a false name for me, Mu Dongjiao?”

The great cloak flew, Mu Dongjiao held the city wall condescendingly, with a touch of arrogance in his tone.

“If you are dissatisfied, let go of your hands and feet, take a break, and see if it’s your gun power or my Chenggu.”

Looking at the arrogant figure in the city, Tang Hao smiled faintly, then turned around and shook his head slowly.

That back figure slowly walked towards the army formation, and the arms stretched out in the air slowly pressed down.

The calm voice swelled slowly across the plain.

“Conquer the city.”

The cavalry carrying the command flag ran in front of the rows of catapults, and the roar of struggling instantly spread throughout the audience.

“General Tang has an order!”


One after another roar echoed throughout the barracks.

The rope was tightened and straightened at The next moment, the wooden spoon made a heavy creak again, the bottom of the big bucket was pressed to the lowest point, and the round cannonball in the spoon trembled uncomfortably.

The powerful feet pulled on the rope, flushed cheeks, big beads of sweat dripped on the hideous face, and the muscles were trembling faintly.


The banner in the hands of the Ling Qibing was waved.

Holding the torch pawn, light the lead of the cannonball.

Next second.

The tightened rope suddenly loosened, and the twisted wooden spoon ejected into the air, releasing the long-repressed energy.

The projectile in the spoon fluttered, with a whizzing sound, across the sky, and flew towards the heavily guarded city.

In the air, there was a huge burst of air in the area where the cannonball squeezed, and when the whirring sound suddenly sounded, Mu Dongjiao’s face flashed with dignity.

“Shield soldier defense!”

Almost habitual words, blurted out.

A wooden shield was lifted up instantly, a group of five people, a group of ten people, and the sound of the wooden shield hitting, forming a round tent shape.

I only heard the name, but did not see its essence.

Although Mu Dongjiao is a famous Goguryeo general, rumors have also been heard.

Megatron 100,000 army, scared back and immediately died, this is only the description of the power of cannonballs by those business travelers.

I thought it was a monstrous giant, but the cannonballs that could catch your eyeballs were just round, polished objects the size of clay pots.

It looked like this, several times smaller than the boulder originally thrown by the catapult.

Something like this? Can there be a lot of power?

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