Martial Sage

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078: The Bitterness of Life

The wind whimpered and blew across the long street.

The four women walking in the darkness were bound with their hands, and stumbled into the mansion with lanterns.

The high-walled courtyard, the lavish vermilion gate, and the majestic soldiers in leather armor with swordsmen stood upright under the pillars with vermilion lacquer.

Pu Hu, who had just finished his work, leaned over the threshold of the mansion and glanced at the beautiful and stunning Jin Xiang. There was some mood swings in his eyes flashing, and he waved to the soldiers behind him.

“General Tang is in the study, so I will personally take her there.”

Under the eaves of the gallery, Pu Hu sighed lightly.

“Farewell to the imperial city, I didn’t expect to meet you at this time.”

The corridor stretched far away, and there was a breeze blowing in through the large gaps between the red pillars.

When she brushed the muddy pretty face, Jin Xiang looked at the big red lantern that stretched away under the eaves, and the corner of her mouth raised a slight smile.

“Master Park, you have a very comfortable life under the command of General Tang.”

The two were originally celebrities under General Tie, but the difference was that one was in charge of the force and the other was in charge of assassinations.

Therefore, Park Hu is very familiar with Jin Xiang, whom many people don’t know, and is considered an old acquaintance.

Pu Hu didn’t pay attention to the strong irony in the words. He folded his hands behind his back, circled behind him, and looked forward.

“As early as in the siege of Anqing, Park had already died once, how could he be called “comfortable”?”

Walking slowly on the promenade, Pu Hu turned his head to the side, looking at Jin Xiang bound by the rope, and said lightly.

“Now it’s just returning the body of freedom. In the area divided by the Tang Dynasty, I will do my best to bring the people in the black bone city to a stable life.”

Shi You Fendai’s face raised a smile and met Pu Hu’s gaze.

“In this way, General Park is now working for General Tang?”

“As a general of Goguryeo, he does things for Datang, but he speaks unassuming words, is that true?”

On Pu Hu’s calm face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

“As for how Ms. Jin understands, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Pu knows that when an official serves the people, the people live and work in peace and contentment as a good official. Now my family has escaped from the court and the family reunion is the best example.”


A silver bell-like laughter came from the vermilion lips.

Jin Xiang’s crescent smiley eyes gradually became cold for a hundred years, and the piercing words poured out in the sweet ears.

“General Park, a minion, you can’t change the servility of servility wherever you go.”

“You are also the best example.”

Looking into Jin Xiang’s eyes, the chill suddenly soared, and in the dark, Pu Hu’s clenched arms burst into blue veins.

His eyes fell off the corners of his eyes in an instant, and he looked at the woman obliquely.

“Although you and I are old acquaintances, when you are here, General Tang wants you to die, I will never let you take a breath!”

The other party was irritated by himself and suddenly changed his face, probably as Jin Xiang expected, coldly staring at the figure in front of him.

“So why did General Park take me to see General Tang alone this time?”

“Do you want to show off my previous glorious deeds, or do you want to make another contribution in front of General Tang and change to a high position?”

“Or, what other thoughts does General Park have?”

Jin Xiang raised her eyes and blinked at Pu Hu.

Pu Hu turned a blind eye to those eye-catching eyes, and did not pay attention to the provocative words, accompanied by a cold frosty face, and continued to move forward with a cold snort.

The quiet words came out slowly.

“It’s not early, so don’t delay.”

On the promenade, there was no sound at all, leaving only the footsteps reverberating.

As he approached the mansion that I don’t know how far to reach, Jin Xiang’s heart became nervous inexplicably.

It seemed that in an instant, Tang Hao’s cold face came to mind again.

The perfect plan between himself and Tieling was because of the intervention of this unexpected man, the entire plan collapsed in an instant.

The eldest brother who had been promoted to Tieling in exchange for his dependent life, but the clue was suddenly messed up by this man, and even more terrifying is that this man also caught a man with the same Jin surname in the black bone.

Jin Xiang didn’t dare to imagine whether this man was the eldest brother he was thinking of, and even less dare to imagine the cruel punishment that Tang, who slaughtered the city at every turn, would give him…

The only hope he had relied on was also destroyed by himself in this battle, and the search became even more distant in the foreseeable future.

In the face of the four impenetrable cities of Goguryeo that could be attacked with a snap of his fingers, and his three well-trained killers could be subdued in the face of bare hands, Jin Xiang, in the initial fear, gradually blamed everything on Tang Hao. .

It was this Tang Jiang that he took his eldest brother out of Sea of ​​Bitterness’s plan and tore it to pieces.

It was such a war madman that pushed the entire Goguryeo into the smoke of war and the miasma of smoke.

Gradually, the desperate people were no longer in fear and fear, and suddenly a touch of hostility was born in their hearts.

Gradually, a weird smile appeared on Han Ruobingshuang’s cheeks, a trace of blushing fainted on her cheeks, imagining that Tang Hao would be addicted to his own posture after a while, recalling the gesture of the winner, the fierce wolf fell on him. Land, tell the whereabouts of the general surnamed Jin….

A voice in his heart yelled frantically.

“Tang Hao, for the harm you gave me, I will repay it twice…”

“The hatred of the people of Goguryeo towards you, let me end it alone!”

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