Martial Sage

Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085: Reward the Reckless Man

Su Feng is even more proud of the award.

The wagging candlelight illuminates the grinning teeth, white, and the deliberately raised voice echoes throughout the Great Hall.

“Thank King Longen!”

“Long live the king, long live long live!”

On the Great Hall, the imperial general Pu Miao dressed in armor, a slightly exaggerated kowtow was reflected in his eyes, and an annoyance was born in his heart.

Datang’s forces are as strong as a bamboo, and Gai Suwen selects the vanguard generals in the military camp.

Only this newly promoted general, the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and volunteered to take the leadership position.

This time, it is on the same level as Park Miao, who led the main army.

This time, seeing the grinning lips showing rows of white teeth, he undoubtedly made fun of own.

Ascending to the sky in one step, the arrogance and domineering can be seen to the fullest in this person.

Pu Miao furrowed his brows, moved his eyes away, and did not look at the disgusting face, but the annoyance in his heart rose up, extremely dissatisfied.

Gai Suwen seemed to ignore Pu Miao behind him and walked straight down the low rank ladder, his eyes full of approval.

“If everyone in Goguryeo is facing General Su this time, and bravely advancing in the face of difficulties, this king will be relieved.”

Hehe with a small smile, Ge Suwen held up the figure kneeling on the ground and said a few words of encouragement before he waved his hand to let Su Feng leave.

When the figure left, Gai Suwen’s smiling face gradually collapsed, and his ears were replaced by seriousness and dignity.

In the main hall, Pu Miao did not rush to leave, walked towards the first person, picked up the copper spoon beside the case table and scooped up the wine on the case table, filled it with Gai Suwen, looked at Gai Suwen’s face, and spoke softly.

“My lord, it was a bit too generous last time.”

“This Su Feng has been immersed in the military camp for a long time. Normally, it is just a captain. If it weren’t for this war, our soldiers would lose their soldiers, and there would be free positions. The new generals with his strength have been reluctant. What’s more, it is the second rank commander.”

“An inch of merit can be held in a high position, let alone a reputation in the military. Such a person will inevitably make the entire court ministers dissatisfied.”

Gai Suwen picked up the wine goblet, took a sip, and looked over.

“Piao Miao, this king knows that you are unhappy, and he also knows that such a person’s promotion will inevitably cause criticism.”

“At this moment and then, there is always someone going to top the front of Datang’s soldiers, and someone always has to break it! This is also done for all the generals to see, let them know that this battle is just a charge with their heads. This king will not treat me badly.”

Putting down the wine goblet, a dignified flash flashed in Gai Suwen’s eyes.

“Who is Tang Hao? You must know it in your heart.”

“North to conquer the East Turks, kill Jie Li Khan, the lord of the first steppe, and to the west to the West Turks, the force of the First World War will retreat one hundred thousand troops.”

“Now we are like a golden city, the city of black bones. Under this man, there is no resistance at all. In the hall, the hearts of the people are swaying, and the army is unstable in the barracks!”

General Park beside him gritted his teeth, frowned, cupped hands said.

“General, it is a fact that Datang has a strong army, but this statement is too extreme.”

“The great king made a strange plan to kill the civil servant Ziyu, which has allowed the army to stop the rumors, even for those soldiers who dare not mention surrender.”

“What’s more, now we have more than 300,000 soldiers and horses. Although we are weak, we are definitely not defeated by Datang. Moreover, the closer to the Yalu River generation, the terrain is complicated. In the end, I will think that we will not lose in this battle.”

Gai Suwen waved his hand, pointed to the low stool next to the case, and motioned to Piao Miao to sit down.

Waiting for the figure to sit down, put up the hip flask, pour a glass for him, and speak slowly.

“In this battle, General Park must not be optimistic.”

“Tang Hao has always made dangerous moves and is good at making amazing soldiers. The situation is good for us, but it can also hide Tang’s army and disperse his forces, especially this extraordinary general.”

“In this battle, be careful in all things. If possible, this king intends to take the lead.”

In his eyes, the former emperor who had been stumbling and skeletal was no longer there, and his sleek cheeks were getting thinner, but Pu Miao couldn’t bear to see the emperor he had accompanied for several years set off again.

Faintly, the corners of his eyes were ruddy, Pu Miao said with cupped hands.

“My lord, the border defense is critical, and it doesn’t affect our royal army’s battle!”

“Datang Bingfeng just relied on Tang Hao’s conspiracy and tricks and took shortcuts many times.”

“Now that the invaded city is beginning to autonomy, let the shadow guard of the end command infiltrate it, cut off Tang Hao’s head, and present it to you.”

The opposite Gai Suwen smiled, with a touch of bitterness on his face, slowly raised the wine glass and touched the wine vessel in front of Pu Miao, and said.

“Piao Miao, you are the commander of the imperial guard. You work hard on other tribe princes all day, and you have no time to take care of the affairs of the dynasty. With this thought, this king does not blame you.”

“If you feel at ease and things outside of Xinjiang, you will know that Tang Hao has not entrusted his seniors. He has eighteen guards under him. Even if he sends a thousand people to intercept and kill, it will be difficult to hurt him.”

The figure in front of him was stunned and frowned.

“Isn’t Shibaqi a subordinate of Luo Yi? Isn’t it already dead?”

“He is alive… or Tang Hao’s personal guard…”

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