Martial Sage

Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095: Fighting

“Quick! Keep up!”

Rageous shouts rang out in front of the army.

Gao Zhenxing heard the rumble in his ears, and the horn sound that was clearly different from that of the Tang Dynasty, and knew that this was a signal that the Goguryeo army was about to enter the valley.

According to the march plan sent by Tang Hao at that time, Gao Zhenxing’s team was responsible for cutting off the retreat after the Goguryeo army entered the valley.

Because it was a detour, the invisibly added mountain roads increased the burden on the soldiers.

Overnight, thirty thousand soldiers were in the mountains, leaning against a tree trunk and resting for an hour.

The dry and chapped lips had long been wet with salty sweat, and sweat dripped from the cuffs of his clothes. Gao Zhenxing put on a handful of fascinating sweat, pulled the wet hair from his forehead to the sides, and cursed.

“Fucking! These Goguryeo barbarians are really desperate. They drove to death in the valley like this, and the resulting grandpa never closed his eyes overnight.”

After that, he yelled at the soldiers behind him.

“This account is recorded on these barbarians. When the golden gong horn sounds, it will be his mother to chop off a few more heads and receive the reward in front of General Tang!”

“Our dream of Spring and Autumn, we can’t be disturbed by these grandsons just like this! General Tang, who should compensate, must definitely not be without us!”

Gao Zhenxing is a straight man, and he doesn’t know how to quell his thirst with hopelessness, and he doesn’t even speak morale-stimulating rhetoric.

He has only believed in one since he joined the army.

The more people beheaded, the more rewards!

Fortunately to cut off the generals wearing helmets and cloaks, that is a sign of promotion and fortune, and a great reputation!

It was also the first time that the soldiers behind him had contact with this honest-speaking general. Hearing these words, he laughed.

“General Gao’s words are extremely true!”

“Goguryeo’s dog’s head is a shortcut for us to become an official!”

The roar in the ears gradually approached, and the foremost Gao Zhenxing heard it truly, and the foremost fighting sound had already turned to the entrance of the valley, forming an echo in the valley, which was mixed with the subsequent shouting and killing, which was quite loud.

Lifting the clothes on his forearm, letting his thick arm be exposed to the scorching sun from the shadow of the tree, Gao Zhenxing drew out Tang Dao, held it in the palm of his hand, and roared loudly.

“Don’t forget all of you!”

“The end of this valley is guarded by the footmen of General Yuchi!”

“I’m late, but I don’t have much head to exchange for your wine money! If you want to eat meat and drink from a big bowl, it will all run like a damn!”

When the voice fell, Gao Zhenxing’s speed through the mountains suddenly accelerated, and regardless of the gentle slope, he rushed towards the valley.

The soldiers behind, seemingly infected by the enthusiasm of Gao Zhenxing, stepped on dull steps and rushed towards the valley.

Carefree mountain tops.

Duan Zan held the hilt of the sword and watched the ants-like crowd under the valley, converging into long snakes entrenched in the valley.

In his eyes, the big snake rushing into the valley mouth suddenly dreamed of a bloody shark, wandering in the canyon recklessly, at a visible speed, approaching the Datang army at the corner.

The city wall composed of white silver shields cut across the valley like rows of blades, blocking the way to Anshi city.

Looking back, toward Taniguchi, more than half of the Goguryeo army had already entered the valley, but the soldiers led by Gao Zhenxing did not appear alone.

Duan Zan felt a touch of anxiety, delaying the fighter plane, this is something that must be dealt with by military law!

What’s more destiny is that General Yuchi’s pawns have clearly made the determination to fight to the death!

If there is no flanking attack from Gao Zhenxing, it will undoubtedly put General Yuchi’s pawns in danger of fall.

The lieutenant holding a thick hammer handle on his forearm looked at the Wuyangyang Goguryeo army approaching in the valley, and his heart began to chill.

“General! Give an order!”

“Wait any longer, if the Goguryeo cavalry rushes into the battle, General Yuchi’s footmen will suffer a great loss!”

Duan Zan interrupted abruptly as soon as the voice fell.

“No! General Tang said first, only if the two armies cooperate, a surprise attack can occur!”

“The drumming this time will only stun the grass and startle the snake. The lighter one, the Goguryeo army will mobilize the horse’s head and escape.”

“The heavy one will completely destroy the entire battlefield plan. If it is defeated by the Goguryeo army, can you bear the consequences?”

Hearing the sharp whistle next to his ear, the deputy general felt restless.

His eyes drifted away from Taniguchi, but in a moment, the end of Goguryeo’s army gradually sank into Taniguchi, and the lieutenant was instantly distraught.

“General Gao took a detour, and it was a rugged road, and it was even slippery and slippery when washed by heavy rain.”

“If General Gao is delayed for a minute and a half, and General Yuchi can’t receive the horn of the charge, he will be in a desperate situation!”

Gao Zhenxing is a playmate of Duan Zan since he was a child.

Duan Zan still believes that Gao Zhenxing will definitely not miss the military plane, even though he did not see a soldier from Taniguchi who came to attack the Goguryeo army at this moment.

Maybe, maybe my best friend only needs so many breath hours…


The lieutenant beside him couldn’t bear the torment of waiting, anxiously urging.

The big hand holding the hilt suddenly tightened, and a chilling light shot from Duan Zan’s eyes, and the roar sounded at The next moment.

“I am this general!”

“Something went wrong! I will bear it!”

There was a majestic shout, but the lieutenant in front of him didn’t have the slightest fear. Instead, his eyes enlarged, a bright light shot out, and he pointed at the valley and exclaimed.

“Here! General Gao is here!”

The angry figure suddenly turned his head, and at the mouth of the valley, a figure draped in a blue cloak stood upright with a sword.

The soldiers behind him leaped out of the dense forest like ten thousand horses.

The next moment.

There were tears flickering in Duan Zan’s eyes, the cold blade in his hand was suddenly pulled out, and the sound blasted the mountain top.

“Mingjin beat the drums!”

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