Martial Sage

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109: The Beginning of Victory

The setting sun swept across the sky like a tide, dyeing a large swath of red.

A team of soldiers were unarmed, dragging their scarred bodies, hanging their heads, and walking towards the valley in a hustle and bustle.

With bloody blades on both sides, Datang soldiers walked on both sides of the soldiers and generals under martial law. From time to time, they raised the cold blades in their hands and pointed them at the soldiers of the protruding team.

In the sound of rustle’s footsteps, the bloody soil was trampled on and the bloody water spread out. When the bloody water swirled back, the second army shoe stepped on it again.

Wu Tongzong horse walked on the side of the cliff, and looked at the generals with some embarrassment.

“Just now… when I fell from the horse, my head hit a rock… I… fainted…”

Tang Hao twitched his mouth, turned his head and smiled.

“You kid scared everyone to death. If you didn’t sit up, the kid Cheng Chumo could chop these pawns next to each other!”

“And General Yuchi, if it weren’t for Duan Zan and Gao Zhenxing to break their arms, I’m really afraid that he would kill himself with a knife and be buried with you.”

Putting his hand on Wu Tong’s shoulder, Tang Hao smiled knowingly, and when he retracted his palm, he patted on the shoulder.

“Well, when they finish the statistics, I will explain to them, otherwise your kid can be beaten to death by these two.”

When the voice fell, there was a clatter of horses rushing from behind, stepping on the gravel.

“General Tang, the results are good.”

“Except for the veteran general Weichi, who fought hard to resist, and lost more than 8,000 people, the casualties were slightly heavy, the other departments were all very small casualties.”

After all, smile and wipe the sweat on his face.

“The ambush soldiers led by me were just rushing from the mountain to the valley. Several unsteady soldiers rolled down the valley and hurt their arms.”

“When I arrived on the battlefield, there were not many battles, all of which were slaughter of vegetables and melons.”

Tang Hao accepted this number of casualties and nodded slightly.

Yuchi Jingde rode his horse from a distance, his pale old face swept away from the exhaustion after the war, but he looked extremely excited.

“Tang boy!”

“This battle is worth fighting!”

“Five thousand horses, his mother’s general confessed that there are cattle and sheep in the barracks outside the valley, armored collars, and arrows and soldiers!”

After that, Yuchi Jingde waved his hand and roared excitedly.

“There are some boiled beef and mutton in the barracks. This is a dinner party for us to celebrate!”


Having said that, Yuchi Jingde laughed loudly, habitually raised his right hand, and was about to call the soldiers to speed up the march. When he affected the wound on his right arm, a heart-wrenching pain hit his heart, leaving the veteran Lake Bank busy. He closed his hand and pulled the corner of his mouth in pain.

In the eyes, the wound that was simply bandaged was already red, and there was a lot of blood stains out of white silk.

Seeing the bright red, Tang Hao kindly reminded him.

“General Yuchi, there is an injury on his shoulder, so he should act softly.”

“This kind of big opening and closing moves, I will still do less in the future.”

“The summer is hot, so the general should not be too impatient, lest he sweats too much, infects the wound, purges pus and blood, and if he is treated again, it will be troublesome.”

Tang Hao knows some medical skills, this is something all the generals know.

Having said this, Yuchi Jingde also knew that it was definitely not alarmist, frowned and nodded slowly.

There was a moment of silence in the air, and Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Chumo looked at Wu Tong at the same time, and a strange atmosphere swirled between each other.

“Dead” to come back to life, this is the best surprise for these generals.

It seems that the mood of these generals on the ups and downs of horseback has also improved a lot as Wu Tong is safe and sound.

Especially when Yuchi Jingde looked at Wu Tongzhi, there was a touch of gratitude and admiration in his eyes.

It’s just that each of them is a man of iron and steel, but the words of thanks have not been uttered.

The sky was slanting to the west, and night fell.

Bonfires have gradually risen in the camp, and the military camp of Goguryeo was simply occupied and used by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty at this moment.

The big bones and meat in the pot have long been boiled, and some have been boiled into broth. The bold soldiers put their helmets in, scooped up some, and drank heavily.

In the lively camp, Tang Hao washed away the blood on his cheeks and walked over in a cloak.

“General Tang!”

The greetings of the soldiers came one after another.

Tang Hao pressed his palm in the air, and Lotus Position sat next to a firefly.

“Today, the day of victory, there is wine and meat, everyone opened their belly!”

“Start the stove again, and the guys will slaughter cattle and sheep again! There will be no more generals tonight, everyone has a good drink!”

When the voice fell, the whole camp was full of joy, and the whole camp was filled with excitement like a wild man.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, Yuchi Jingde seemed a bit magnanimous. He was forced to speak out the words that were not easy to express at the beginning.

“Tang boy, the old man can still have a good fight in his twilight years. It’s all up to you to betray the old man and place him at the top of this important task. Come to this old man to respect you!”

Without Tang Hao’s words, he waved his big hand and started drinking with the other hand.

Drink a bowl, pour another bowl, raise your hands flat and face Wu Tong.

“The old man is a dying man. He escaped from General Wu Hongfu and escaped a catastrophe.”

“Come to this cup, the old man respects you for your salvation!”

Wu Tong was somewhat flattered, holding a full bowl flat, and in return, he glanced at the generals present, rather embarrassed.

“You…you don’t blame me for being in a coma on the battlefield.”


There was a burst of hearty laughter around.

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