Martial Sage

Chapter 1175

Chapter 1175: A Good Omen for Poplar

The General Mansion is not a princess mansion. Since it is selling dry wool, it is definitely going to make money.

Under the plate, the most prosperous facade of Chang’an City East Square, the signboard has four characters: Tang’s wool

The simpler and direct the copywriting is, the more directly it can reach people’s hearts, and the more it can have a publicity effect.

People who come and go know what it is at a glance.

On the day when the Tang family’s wool opened, anyone who came to congratulate Yuchi, the Qin family, or the Cheng family, and everyone who came saw the wool cloak.

Don’t think that what Tang Hao is doing is losing money, the shopkeeper has his own plan. The people like to follow the trend and make the best results. As long as the big clans of Chang’an City wear it for a few days, within seven days, it will become popular among the people.

The Tang’s wool has only been opened for a few days, and it has become popular. The store not only sells fashionable cloaks, but also exquisite blankets. Nowadays, the rich and young people in Chang’an are fashionable to have a Tang’s gorgeous cloak.

If there isn’t one, I feel a little bit ridiculous. No way, Tang Hao succeeded in this idea again and made a lot of money.

The Tang family’s wool business is booming, and other woolen workshops have followed suit. The blankets made by Tang Hao’s family are of high quality, and only high-ranking officials can consume them. Other small workshops have changed to the people-friendly route.

As long as it is related to doing business, Tang Hao always makes money rationally. For the woolen blankets that the small workshop takes the people-friendly route, Tang Hao will make a custom purchase contract with some of them.

Ten small workshops have signed a total of 100,000 blanket orders. The purchase price is not based on the floor price, but on the basis of the lowest price to make the acquired business profitable.

Li Wanqing once asked his officials if he was a bit of a loss in doing so. You must know that Tang Hao is the smartest person in Chang’an City.

“You don’t understand this,” Tang Hao explained to Li Wanqing, “Do you know that it takes many processes to change wool from wool to the final finished product? For profit.”

Li Wanqing nodded thoughtfully.

“To be honest, ma’am, we can’t do business all the time. Although our woolen fabrics are currently purchased by the big clans, we will open a semicolon in the future, and even open the semicolon to the north. The loyal customers are still the people.” Tang Hao said in detail.

Li Wanqing, who grew up in Chang’an City since childhood, has seen many glorious merchants in Chang’an City since childhood, but he is the first to think about the long-term like Tang Hao.

Therefore, no matter what Tang Hao is doing, or any other plan, Li Wanqing will support him unconditionally. Including the potato experiment a while ago, everyone was not optimistic at first, but I was very supportive.

Yaojialing, two hundred miles away from Chang’an City, came out of auspiciousness. Because a century-old poplar tree was too long, the owner of the tree was about to cut down the tree, and it happened that a well-crafted engraver passed by in Chang’an City that day. Trees.

Because the trees are a hundred years old and grow huge, the entire section is a bit complicated to transport. The engraver arranges a few hands to saw the poplar into several sections and transport them to the city in sections.

Unexpectedly, after the huge tree was sawed, the pattern of annual rings in the stump turned out to be a famous Taoist painting. The engraver quickly informed the local county magistrate, which was a shocking news.

The county magistrate was so excited that he rushed to Chang’an, met with the emperor in person, and informed him of the matter. Upon hearing this news, the emperor was overjoyed and dispatched Wang Si, the important minister of the court, to investigate.

On the way to Yaojialing, Wang Si was still half-believing. There had been cases in which fake goods were made to invite Sheng Chong before. Of course, the consequences were serious.

When he arrived at the scene, Wang Si saw it and was ecstatic, as it turned out that it was formed naturally, not artificial. Of course, in order to be sure that this pattern is indeed true, Wang Si personally had someone wipe it with a damp cloth.

As a result, after scrubbing with a damp cloth, the pattern on the tree trunk’s growth rings became clearer, which was not artificial at all.

After certainty, the emperor personally visited the local area after burning incense and bathing, and met with Poplar’s host family. Empress Zhaoyi personally condoned the host’s grandmother, who had never been out of the mountain in her life, so she had never seen such a battle.

The old woman was so scared that she knelt on the ground and sweated, and she couldn’t speak a complete sentence.

At first sight of the honest and simple appearance of the people in the mountains, it did not look like a fake. The emperor personally watched this century-old poplar tree, and the accompanying Empress Zhaoyi also personally saw the pattern on the tree’s heart.

Sure enough, as Wang Si said, the pattern on the heart of the tree is a famous Taoist painting. He immediately ordered that section of the tree trunk be transported back to the imperial city of Chang’an, where it was enshrined like a holy relic, and the incense continued at four o’clock.

Of course, some courtiers also said that enshrining this tree in the Taoist temple of the old monarch, the old monarch is the ancestor of Taoism, not only the ancestor of the royal family, but also the ancestor of the people, who need to accept the incense worship of the people of the world.

The emperor adopted this suggestion and enshrines this piece of sacred wood in Laojun Temple. For a time, people from Chang’an and even nearby people flocked to it, and pilgrims from all directions worshipped the sacred wood devoutly.

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