Martial Sage

Chapter 1238

Chapter 1238: Change of life

I have seen a lot of beauties, but I have never seen such a beauties. Being shy and even the blood can turn the body into rose red in an instant. This requires some insight.

Just two steps forward, Tang Hao withdrew his leg again, and looked suspiciously at this guy named Pang Zhun. Is that beautiful and beautiful woman really the daughter of this guy?

“Is this really your daughter?” Tang Hao wanted to confirm again.

“Naturally, this is my old Pang’s relatives and daughters. The golden shopkeeper of your family who walks Dahe is also my guest. He can testify to me.” .

“How old is your girl? What books are you reading now?” These things must be asked clearly. If the appearance is good-looking, but the heart is still a fool, it will be miserable.

“She started reading at the age of ten and five. Her husband always praised her for her cleverness and her ability to be unforgettable. You are all proficient in every school, and she is also familiar with astronomy and geography.” Pang Zhun said, shook his head sadly, “Unfortunately. She is a woman. If Huaer is a man, why should I pester you so shamelessly? The college enrolled on the first list this year, and the other three lists are out of the college, and I have to make another living. I can count as Pang Zhun. It’s impossible to make a fortune. Once Hua’er is admitted to the orthodox school, that’s a sure thing, but the old man’s son…”

Looking at Pang Zhun, who was sad from the bottom of his heart, Tang Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, “Your son is really not suitable for entering the academy, but if your daughter is really as you said, if she is really smart and smart, I promise to teach her. , You are just these two children. If the son is unreliable, then let’s rely on the daughters. If you beat the promised family with your bare hands, it can be regarded as a great hero. It is inevitable that a husband will not be filial to a good wife. Having a good daughter is already a special kindness to God. .”

Pang Zhun laughed and said, “General Tang said that whoever can manage the things behind him, as long as the girl goes to school, the old man will be grateful.” After finishing talking, he took Tang Hao’s hand and took the inside without a trace. Cicada Yuzhu stuffed into Tang Hao’s hand, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

The affairs of the academy are complicated. Tang Hao is busy with his feet. What he has to face now is a large group of businessmen. Under the leadership of He Shao, these fat-headed guys gathered in Tang Hao’s office and rushed to the academy. Give merchants a way out.

Grandpa sells bricks, his son sells bricks, and it’s his grandson’s turn to sell bricks too? The business of selling bricks is really good. It’s okay to fill your stomach and marry two wives. But we should always make a little progress. Grandpa sells 100,000 bricks a year, and his son sells 500,000 bricks a year. Even if grandson sells bricks for 1 million, he is a bricks-seller. In this generation, I plan to change the way of living. It is the idea of ​​the talents of Shengshi. It is good to keep the ancestral industry in troubled times.

Knowing that nonsense can’t move Tang Hao, He Shao directly let people serve the dishes. As soon as the box was opened, it was full of gold coins. He knew that Tang Hao was short of money recently, and the accounts in his family and public accounts had been taken to Yuezhou.

Countless prisoners are now preparing land in Yuezhou, digging mountains and chiseling rocks. Of the four principals of the Ministry of Industry, two are in Yuezhou, and two master craftsmen who will be supervisors have also gone. As for the public losers who have not been seen for a long time, more than half of the staff are also in Yuezhou.

Tang Hao was waiting for the Lingnan Navy to be free. Once the Navy was free, half of them would be divided. There were too many water pirates in Yuezhou, so He Shao didn’t worry that Tang Hao would not speak.

“Haha, Lao He, this time you have miscalculated your calculations. You don’t put your money in Yuezhou, and you ran over to ask the children of the owner for the future. I don’t know what you think? The students came out of the academy. Therefore, the only reason for being able to enter the official position quickly is because the speed of Datang’s opening up of territory is too fast, and the talents can’t keep up, so there will be those good things.”

“It’s different right now. The world has entered a relatively stable period. It is obviously impossible to go that way. You want to find a future for your children and grandchildren. I understand that, but if they don’t have a talent that matches their official position, they will eat. A big loss, you are a living example. If a good earl doesn’t do it, why put aside his figure and go to business? Do you know that the imperial court will soon promulgate the regulations that officials are not allowed to do business? I don’t know where to go. Go ahead.”

The old Zhou of Yaxing stroked his beard and said: “There are many children in the family, and the big guys are all big business people. Every month there are children born. If the family can’t use it, those people can only find a way for them.”

Then he continued: “Don’t worry, once they enter the market, they will leave the house and want to collude with the government and business. Let’s not do that shameful thing. The situation in Yuezhou is very uncertain now, although General Tang used the pili method to stabilize the land price, but ah , Since ancient times, poor mountains and bad waters have spoiled the people, in case they have other moths. If these money is floated in the water, it is not ugly? I heard that the pirates, even the bricks, are snatched. The wood sent by the Liang family, listen. It is said that he was robbed in Dongting Lake. Although the person was okay, the steward’s ear was cut off. We are still in peace. It is the best policy to make a stable money in Chang’an.”

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