Martial Sage

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286: Going to Sea

Tang Hao took out an eye mask from the drawer, put on a smile and said, “I took the whole family on a long-distance trip, from the Central Plains to Lingnan, all the way up the mountain and water, to fully satisfy the wishes of the family.”

“But in Lingnan, hehe, Han Zhe, believe it or not, I can do whatever I want, do you think my navy commander in these years is a vain?” Tang Hao pretended to be mysterious.

“What the hell are you doing? If you want to rebel, if you can persuade me, I will help you.” Han Che’s eyes finally came out. He is very interested in this. There has been no rebellion in the peaceful world recently, which makes him very Depressed.

“Han Che, you can’t take your heart back? Think about what a man should do. Think about it, on the vast sea, the squally wind is engulfing dark clouds, and a big ship is up and down in the stormy sea, you take A group of desperadoes captured the city and dragged your long knife along the stone streets. The houses on both sides were blazing fires, and countless weak people fled in front of you.”

“When it comes to the sea, all laws on the land are not binding. Only there can one express one’s animal nature to the full. The master said that at the beginning of man, nature is inherently good, but in my opinion, at the beginning of man, nature is inherently evil. That’s right. Bestiality needs to be vented. Think about this guy with a ticket and take it on the sea? You probably don’t know, there are many rich cities in the West, fierce warriors, they need it. Opponent, and this opponent is us. Look at what this is?”

Tang Hao laughed and shook a piece of silk and satin away. There was a white skull painted on it, and two leg bones crossed underneath. The black holes on the skull seemed to beckon Han Che.

Han Che felt that the skull seemed to be smiling at himself. He tried to calm himself down, rubbed his temples and said, “I finally know why I am defeated in your hands. You are not only shameless than me, but also fierce than me. .”

Tang Hao took off his blindfold and said in a low voice, “Feel it. This is my dream. To be a pirate with all evils. I want to be a nightmare for all countries near the sea. I want them to see this knight. Obediently send Treasure Beauty, I want them to remember my face in The Underworld, don’t you want to come?”

“Han Che, fighting against the sky, against the sea, and against people, it’s fun, come on, brother, don’t study those three broken stones, we have more important things to do.”

Han Che closed his eyes, he didn’t know what he was thinking, but from his heavy gasp, Tang Hao knew that this guy was tempted. For the past three years, he could only drift outside. It’s better to tie this guy to his waistband. It’s good for everyone.

Han Zhe didn’t think that Tang Hao would do such a funny thing, that a man and horse of the Huanghuang Dynasty would surrender himself and become a notorious pirate. How could there be such an unreliable person in the world?

Finding out where Bai Yujing is is what a mature man should do, instead of wearing stinky clothes to capture the city-state of the natives, taking away the last fig leaf or the last bite of food from the family. ,

Han Che, who had always thought he came from a family of lunatics, has now confirmed that compared with Tang Hao, his family is not completely mad. Han Che found that he still didn’t know enough about Tang Hao, and yesterday thought he was joking. Looking out the window, this guy is actually preparing for his family trip.

The family will disassemble the Ba Niu crossbow into a bunch of irrelevant things, and also prepared countless small straight and round wooden sticks that are said to be firewood. Ghosts all know that as long as this thing is attached with feathers and arrows, it is a bundle of benefits. Arrow, he doesn’t really want to be a pirate, right? Han Che was thinking hesitantly.

Tang Hao was not in a hurry, so it was only two months after he came out before he walked to Shanyang. It can be called seeing the Buddha and worshiping the Buddha, seeing the gods and worshipping the gods. He picked up the big girl in Luoyang, and Dan Ying followed on the boat. The mother also wanted to follow, but unfortunately her belly was big again, so she could only stay with her husband in Luoyang.

Tomorrow is coming to Yangzhou. If Changle wants to go to Yangzhou for a good stroll, it just misses the season when Qionghuaer is open. Since there are no flowers to see, Changle intends to shop in Yangzhou. I heard that the most famous one is rouge pollen. It’s all women’s houses, where do you dislike this thing?

Especially Mu Niang, who always likes to dress herself up as Monster Qi, everyone has a wish. Little girl wants to eat all the things that can be eaten in Yangzhou, while Wu Yueji hopes to go back to her hometown and worship. Worship the ancestor’s grave.

Now that I have made up my mind to sail, I have to go to Daming Temple and ask for a chart. Tang Hao thought about the people in Daming Temple, if he cares about them, he dare not give himself a chart.

“Hey, Tang Hao, you look up to your general status.” Han Che shook a huge fan, and put a hand behind him, talking as he walked.

“It’s almost two hundred years since Daming Temple. I’m telling you that the master monk here is the Dao Fa monk who is the master of Qiu Yanke, and he has a deep connection with Li Jing’s family. You think that there is no support for Qiu Yanke, so why is he on the sea? The mixed wind engenders water?”

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