Martial Sage

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303: Fighting Power

The position of the Princess, facing the wind on the side, is not very good.

When fighting on the water, the upper hand has taken the initiative. The big cannibal fleet now occupies a major advantage. There is no declaration of war, no conversation, or even a general persuasion to surrender. The pirate ships with countless paddleboards are driven by the ocean currents and rushed over like arrows.

The pirates were naked, with a scimitar in their hands, ready to fight with help at any time. They wanted to avoid the two battleships and attack the merchant ships. Unfortunately, the two giant ships were stuck in the ocean currents. Even if they were reluctant, they still needed a breakthrough battleship. Intercept.

Dongyu yelled at the rudder of the Qingque, and the adjutant beside him waved the flag, and the mothership with green smoke flew to the pirate ship with a loud bang. The crowd was blown into the air with a loud bang. However, the two ships fought together, and the upper part of the pirate ship disappeared.

The two ships fired alternately. When the pirate ship didn’t even have a chance to launch an arrow, it turned into torches or fragments, and occasionally the fish that slipped through the net would be crushed by the real hammer on the giant ship.

Liu Fang watched the battle for a while and got out of the cabin. The old man really lacked the interest to watch such a boring battle. The big cannibal finally felt fear, and dumped the big barrel of black fierce oil into the sea.

After being ignited, the fire rolled down the ocean current. Those pirates who were holding wooden boards and struggling on the water wailed and were swallowed. Liu Ren was willing to give orders to clear the channel. Everyone lay on the bow of the ship and looked at the wonders in front of them. It won’t do much if you use it.

“They are going to escape. Do you think this little fire can stop us? This little fire oil is still dissatisfied with the sea, blowing trumpets to attack.” Liu Ren was willing to find the big cannibal’s willingness to escape.

When the pirates saw the monster-like Qingque, poking their heads out of the smoke, they looked more flustered, and the oars were rowing harder. In a headwind, only zigzag maneuvers can be carried out. This principle is suitable for all sail-powered ships.

Although the big cannibal has a paddle board, it still can’t escape this law. Tang Hao’s huge ship has a spinnaker, which can help the warship turn around quickly. The big cannibal ship has a huge mast in the middle, and it can only use the power of the paddle board to turn around, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. They had just completed a U-turn, and before the mainsail was raised, the Princess dashed from the side and stabbed a pirate ship with a huge collision angle.

The bow of the ship was suddenly lifted by the waves one after another, and in the harsh creak, the pirate ship became fragments on the huge hull of the Princess. Qingque ignored the pirates who fled and quickly interspersed to the forefront of the pirates.

Dong Yu turned the hull over with a big grin. It was good now. The pirates couldn’t escape even if they wanted to. Forty-five merchant ships shrank in a small bay, waiting tremblingly for the outcome of the battle.

When thinking of the ferocity of the pirates, countless treasurers put their hands together.

He Tianshang stood on the outermost merchant ship and tied his clothes tightly. Prepare for the coming battle, since coming to Lingnan. He felt a little better in his heart.

Tang Hao arranged for him a very heavy work, almost from the time he opened his eyes in the morning to sleep at night, there was almost no time to mourn and pity himself. Tang Hao told him that this so-called pain is a disease that needs treatment, and the best treatment is to work. If there is no time for pain, there will be no pain.

People are forgetful. After going through the most difficult period of time, and looking back, I find that my past pains are really inexplicable.

“Mr. He, just now a lot of pieces of wood drifted up from the upper reaches. The guys also fished a few pirates from the sea. It seems that the generals and the others have played well and have the upper hand.” Lao Feng, as the leader of the merchant, came to He Tianshang’s. Talk to the front child.

He Tianshang followed Lao Feng to the stern, and the guys were urging the pirates to board the ship with whips. A strong pirate saw He Tianshang. He swooped over with a grinning grin. He Tianshang flashed to the side, and the horizontal knife passed by like Bailian, and the pirate’s head rose to the sky, staining a large area of ​​the deck.

He Tianshang seemed to be unsatisfied, and the old Feng, who had only cut off three heads in a row, said, “Thank you, shopkeeper Feng, find a tongue-in-hand person and ask what happened before.”

An awkward man next to Lao Feng spoke an awkward gluttonous speech to the two pirates, and the two pirates recounted what had happened to them.

“Mr. He, Uncle Nine, General Tang Hao and they were about to kill all the pirates ahead. The pirates were pouring oil into the sea, planning to attack the fire. Instead of burning the general, their ship burned the pirates who fell into the sea. A few of them swim faster so they can escape.”

A smile appeared on the corner of He Tianshang’s mouth. This was the first time in a year that he had a smile on his face. Two battleships could have such combat effectiveness. Your Majesty will be very happy to hear such news.

Lao Fang didn’t think so much. He watched the sporadic flames drifting by in front of him, and the depression in his heart suddenly disappeared more than half. Big Eater chased it menacingly, but he didn’t expect that he was chasing a beast.

The battlefield soon calmed down, and the remaining two ships lowered their own sails. Danying and Xitong jumped on the pirate ship and received the entire ship.

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