Martial Sage

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321: Everyone’s Doubts

“Even if shark liver is really poisonous, Tang Hao has already said that it is Sun Simiao’s medicine combined with medicinal use, even if Tang Hao has bad intentions. You must believe that Sun Simiao’s character is very poisonous and it is not the first time you have heard of it. inappropriate.”

“You said that Tang Hao was extravagant and wasting the facts. I still don’t believe him if he has any intentions of harming people. If Tang Hao is wrong, he can’t do things like poisoning people. However, I am also very serious. Curious, Tang Hao, who are you going to give this shark liver?”

Li Zhi’s doubts were like bubbles, one after another.

The guards followed the instructions of the emperor to cover the sharks with nets and laboriously lifted them down the sink.

“Your Majesty, who else? The main purpose of shark liver is to cleanse the heart and improve eyesight. The reason why people are poisoned after eating it is because the cleansing effect is too strong, but it is best for people with severe eye diseases. As for who to take it, it is naturally Dr. Wei who is ridiculing and sarcasm, and has bad intentions. His eyes are going to be blind, and his stomach is full of ugly thoughts. I knew I wouldn’t bother with those things. ”

Li Zhile did not spend any money. He looked at Tang Hao for a while, and then at the sharks, and then at Wei Zheng, whose cheeks were trembling. He only felt that the sky was high and the clouds were pale. After Wei Zheng’s stalemate for so many years, he finally saw Wei Zheng’s beggars. Pointing to the nose and yelling at the villain, he can only bow his head and endure the tragedy.

Fang Xuanling couldn’t stand it anymore and complained to Tang Hao, “You have a prescription, why didn’t you say it earlier? Old Wei has been troubled by eye diseases for two years. Recently, it has become more and more serious. The notes for the illness have been written. When you return to Chang’an, you will pass it to your majesty. You are too young and too heavy on your mind. You have to watch Old Wei make a fool of yourself, and you will be reconciled.”

“I’m wrong. I also heard from the butler in Lingnan that Chang’an had seen and heard that he had an eye injury, and then ordered the family to catch a shark. He planned to send him home as soon as he returned to Chang’an. Who knew he would take care of him? The shark is my guilt.”

Tang Hao looked aggrieved at this time.

Wei Zheng really deserved to be in a big scene, he was ashamed and returned to normal in an instant. After a salute to Tang Hao’s cupped hands, he said, “No matter what, Wei Zheng thanked General Tang for his kindness. This is the old man who wants to ask why?”

Not only does Wei Zheng want to know this question, but Li Zhi also wants to know.

Including the group of people around wanted to know, only Xu Jingzong shook the folding fan lightly, as if Zhizhu was holding it.

“Why? You are your majesty’s courtier, and I am also your majesty’s courtier. We have served as ministers in the same palace for so many years. Although political views are different and it is common for us to attack each other, I never treat you Wei Zheng as a villain, only that you are. An old and stubborn stubborn, in your eyes, I am not a good person.”

“Political views return to political views. When you are sick, I have the ability and means to cure your disease. Is it possible to stand idly by? My teacher never taught me, nor did my mother teach me, Wei Zheng, you questioned me. It’s nothing more than the quality, now is my upbringing even questionable?”

Tang Hao became more and more angry, and his voice became louder and louder. After speaking the last sentence, he left directly and went to accompany the emperor to continue robbing his own ship.

Li Zhi looked back and glanced at him: “Tang Hao, it’s okay. I didn’t disappoint me. If you have such a behavior, even if it is more luxurious, it will not harm your character. Finally, you can see a little bit of enlightenment. That’s right, the efforts of the mother all these years have not been in vain, so I can remember how much.”

Du Ruhui came over to join in and said: “Old Wei has become a big mess. This kind of dispute is the blessing of my Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty has been in harmony with the church officials over the years, and now there are flowers in full bloom, which has become a comforting thing for your Majesty.”

Changsun Wuji laughed and said to Wei Zheng: “Old Wei, be optimistic about your shark, Mr. Sun, on the Qingque, your eye disease is a major issue, you can’t delay it. When you arrive in Yueyang, you are still fine-tuning. Please Mr. Sun to perform the operation as soon as possible.”

Wei Zheng also laughed, pointing to the shark in the sink and said: “The old man I was wise, he was ruined on a shark and he was unhappy with his retribution. It seems that when the impeachment of General Tang is to be impeached in the future, he still needs to be more cautious until there are no loopholes. ”

The lady on the side smiled very happily, summoned Tang Hao, nodded and said in praise: “I know you are not a ruthless person. Man, as long as there is no harm in your bones, you are a good person. The church for many years, you Finally, I haven’t forgotten it, that’s good.”

Empress smiled and nodded, turned around and said to the emperor: “Your Majesty, tonight, my concubine will take two students, Li Dan and Tang Hao, to take a night tour of Chibi, admire the moon and nostalgia, I wonder if you can make it?”

Li Zhi glanced at Tang Hao and said, “It’s okay, just go and have fun by yourself.”

After the emperor had robbed the Tang family, he left with his minions. Niangniang and Xu Jingzong stayed, watching Tang Hao dig out a lot of black soil bumps from the soil, carefully put them into the basket, and fished them out of the wooden barrel next to them, only a small one. Fish.

Tang Hao said to Zhaoyi: “Niangniang, this is the supreme delicacy, and fools can’t talk about it.”

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