Martial Sage

Chapter 507

Chapter 507: Falling from the sky

Golden Tent King Court.

The first puja was interrupted, making Dolly Khan quite annoyed.

Dolly Khan seated on the wolfskin stone chair, glanced at the leaders of the various races under the steps.


The big palm is remade on the armrest of the stone chair.

An irritable cry followed from the big tent.

“Is there no news from the scouts sent earlier?”

The big man frowned, pondered for a moment, and raised his head, looking at Dolly Khan with his big eyes like bells.

“Khan, the grassland is vast. No news is the best news.”

“Presumably at this time, our scout has already penetrated into the hinterland of the grassland, and the cavalry of Datang may have just entered the grassland.”

When the heavy voice disappeared, everyone was pondering the possibility of this guess.

The Turkic general with short beard and beard fiddled with his beard and responded.

“The Prairie Condor, flying thousands of miles in the sky, must be thousands of miles away wherever it looks.”

“Shenying is warning, let’s take more precautions.”

For this explanation, Dolly Khan was quite convinced.

In the mind of Dolly Khan, the warning that the condor warned was purely empty talk.

It’s just that they didn’t think of it at all.

The reason why the scouts didn’t report the news was because those scouts had been surrounded and wiped out by Tang Hao, and they had not left alive.


A hurried shout came from outside the account.


During the words, a scout broke into the account and said hurriedly.

“Khan! It’s not good! Tang Qi appeared on the east side of the grassland!”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the big tent stood up abruptly, their eyes fixed on the half-kneeling scout.

Dolly Khan sat up in shock from half-lying.


“Tang Qi?”

The blood red filled his eyes instantly, and he hit the armrest of the stone chair with a heavy fist, and the stone chair shook twice.

“How many people are there?”

Khan was furious, the scout was startled, shivered, and said timidly.

“Probably tens of thousands.”

The words that were originally affirmative, but also did not dare to say it rashly at this time, for fear that this irritable Khan would be upset again.

Tens of thousands!

Hearing this number, the leaders present were a little surprised!

One wave has not settled and one wave has risen again.

Several scouts broke into the Great Hall one after another and reported.


“There are no traces of troops in the hinterland of the grassland! The number is undecided, and the investigation is unknown!”


“Tangqi on the Eastern Route is advancing rapidly, some tribes have been destroyed, and the victims have fled on the grasslands.”


The generals took a breath!

Why did so many Datang cavalry appear during this time?

The atmosphere in the entire Great Hall suddenly became tense following the reports of several scouts.

The burning charcoal radiates red in the quiet golden tent of the king’s court.

In the warm tent, the hearts of the generals were extremely cold.

These tens of thousands of Great Tang soldiers suddenly appeared on the grassland like Divine Armament.

Although there is still some distance from the royal court, this dim number of troops makes everyone feel uneasy.

Dolly Khan’s face reddened by the charcoal fire was full of solemnity, and he was silent for a long time, and said slowly.

“From now on, there are no more than two Datang cavalry wandering on the grasslands, and the remaining small ones must be separated from the army.”

“Tens of thousands of cavalry, dare to sweep my grassland?”

“Who will this leader be?”

The big man stood up awkwardly, patted the scimitar on his waist, and grinned.

“Who cares about his mother? If you want to cross the Yinshan Mountain, ask me about this scimitar. You can’t allow it!”

Hearing this, the leader of Short-bearded Hu waved his hand and said.

“Don’t be impulsive! If you run into the Great Tang Army God Li Jing, there will be enough for you to drink a pot.”

“Li Jing can’t fight an uncertain battle!”

Hearing Li Jing, the generals in the big tent sank, and their expressions suddenly became colder.

Speaking of Li Jing, this is an old friend of the Turkic leaders.

With both resourcefulness and strategy, he is a deadly enemy.

The Tang Dynasty will definitely send the strongest generals this time. Among the veterans, Li Jing is certainly the most likely.

At this moment, there was a small sound in the corner.

“Tens of thousands of soldiers walked around the border, I am afraid that the prudent Li Jing will not do such a thing.”

There was a touch of certainty in the calm words, which caused all the generals to look over.

The former military commander was sitting on the seat, twisting his beard with his fingers, which looked quite familiar.

When the head was changed, a shrewd light flashed in that eye, and an old voice came out slowly.

“This kind of conquest is quite gambling, and it is quite similar to the surprise attack on Yinshan.”

As soon as he said this, everyone turned pale, and instantly thought of a person.

White robe Tang general! Tang Hao!

After a brief shock, anger floated in the eyes of the leaders.

This person who has made Wang Ting ashamed and sweaty, the people present can only wish to frustrate his bones and ashes!

The number of Turkic soldiers who died under this man was not 50,000, which is probably not much different from this number.

Dolly Khan narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

“What the military strategist said, that’s not the case.”

“Tang Hao is a newly promoted general. Although he is brave and wise, he is mostly engaged in sneak attacks and has no experience in battle.”

“This expedition, the meaning of Datang, must be the subjugation of the country.”

“It would be inappropriate for such a young general to direct this battle.”

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