Martial Sage

Chapter 569

Chapter 569: Nine Palace Mathematics

One word, clear to ears.

Zhang Zhengguo rushed to the mansion to find King Jin who was skipping class, Tang Hao could bear it.

Saying that he is not doing his job properly, playing with things and losing his ambitions, can also bear it.

However, Tang Hao couldn’t bear to say that he was filthy others.

Seeing Zhang Zhengguo’s rather disdainful expression, Tang Hao smiled faintly, stepped forward slowly, and said.

“I, Tang Hao, is a crude person, and I have always been sour Confucianism towards Zhihuzhe.”

“However, I, Tang Hao, never dare to be disrespectful to everyone who is truly knowledgeable.”

“Since you have a deep understanding of Confucius and Mencius, I can ask you, in this Analects, what is the basis of the filial piety and the filial piety?”

Seeing that Tang Hao, a man with some barracks scorn, also dabbled in the Analects, Zhang Zhengguo was slightly surprised, with a sneer on his face.

“Dingbeihou is not a great Confucian scholar. It is not surprising that he is confused.”

“The meaning of these words is that respecting parents and caring for brothers and sisters is the foundation of life.”

After hearing this answer, Tang Hao smiled faintly, stared at Zhang Zhengguo, and asked rhetorically.

“In this way, King Jin and the princess are the closest brothers and sisters.”

“Isn’t King Jin’s visit to reminisce about the old, the fundamental manifestation of man? What’s wrong?”

Zhang Zhengguo’s expression changed, he suddenly turned his head, glared at Tang Hao, said.


Tang Hao ignored Zhang Zhengguo’s clenching teeth, and said indifferently as if he was going to burn with anger.

“Does Mr. think that there is something wrong with this sentence?”

Zhang Zhengguo flicked his sleeves angrily, turned around abruptly, angrily said.

“Sharp teeth, rotten wood is hard to carve!”

Seeing Tang Hao venting himself even more, Li Zhi poked Tang Hao on the shoulder and secretly gave a thumbs up.

The royal etiquette is very strict, let alone confrontation, even if he speaks harder, he will be punished by the ruler.

Have you ever seen someone mad at the teacher like this?

For a while, there was no sound in the courtyard, and it was extremely embarrassing.

Princess Changle glared at the smiling two people, slowly stepped forward, and said to Zhang Zhengguo’s figure.


“Zhi’er has arrived at the mansion in time. If not, let him stay here for an hour.”

“I will also send the family member of the palace to inform my father and tell me the situation.”

Zhang Zhengguo was knowledgeable, but he was always a little old-fashioned. He came from the land of the great Confucian in Qingzhou and was involved in a lot of things.

Therefore, in Changle Princess’s tone, there is half of the discussion element.

Just in time for Princess Changle to come forward, the matter was alleviated.

Thinking that he had been confronted by Tang Hao just now, Zhang Zhengguo’s heart would inevitably be a little annoyed.

In the imperial family, Zhang Zhengguo, who is still respected among the great scholars in Qingzhou, is not willing to accept this.

Slowly unfolding the scroll in his hand, a wistful smile flashed across Zhang Zhengguo’s face. He glanced at Tang Hao and said.

“What the princess said, the old minister is not easy to refuse.”

“But this counts as the work, the Palace of King Jin has been down for a long time, so it can’t be delayed any longer.”

“If His Royal Highness King Jin can solve this question, the old minister has nothing to say and should agree to it.”

Upon seeing this, Li Zhi took Princess Changle’s arm, shook it a few times, and said.

“Eldest sister, I have already solved this question before. Although my husband taught it, I really don’t know it.”

“You… don’t embarrass Little Brother!”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Zhengguo stood up with his hands, raised his head, said.

“The old man is helpless.”

Tang Hao turned a blind eye to those eyes that deliberately or unintentionally glanced at own, even this was Zhang Zhengguo’s embarrassing strategy.

As Li Zhi said, if he really understood it, he would have solved it long ago.

Learning algorithms, whether or not, can’t be pretended, so why bother?

“What a problem? Let me take a look.”

That was what Zhang Zhengguo, who was eagerly looking at the sky, was waiting for, he squinted and said.

“Nine Palaces Mathematics, can you understand it too?”

After that, he paused, handed over the scroll, and looked at Tang Haodao.

“Well, it’s good to let you see how extensive and profound our Datang arithmetic is.”

It looked like a practitioner standing on a mountain of knowledge and looking down at the climbing practitioner.

“Heh! What problem am I supposed to be?”

A touch of sarcasm in the light came from behind the scroll.

Tang Hao rolled up the scroll and said.

“These are just the Sudoku that I played in the country when I was a kid.”

Meeting the questioning look, Tang Hao said with his hands behind his back.

“There are actually many ways to arrange this question.”

“One, five, seven, eight, two, four, nine, three, six.”

“Four six eight, five nine three, one two seven.”

“Look, the numbers in each of the nine grids in my column are different from the nine numbers in each row, plus the numbers in the nine small squares.”

“Is this the answer?”

After listening, a look of surprise flashed across Zhang Zhengguo’s face, and he quickly pinched his fingers to forget it.

After a few lines, it became clear that the answer Tang Hao gave was true, and he couldn’t help being surprised.

Zhang Zhengguo took a step back, pointed at Tang Hao, and stammered.

“This… how is this possible!”

“Nine Palaces Mathematics, it is my Datang Guozi Supervisor’s secret technique, how can you understand?”

Tang Hao smiled without saying a word.

泱泱 China, five thousand years of splendid civilization, knowledge stacked by tens of thousands of wise men.

Even if I am a later generation who has received higher education, I just stand on the mountainside of knowledge and look up at the peak.

What’s more, you ancient man standing at the foot of the mountain?

The prince is present, and the princess is on the side.

More or less, Zhang Zhengguo’s face couldn’t hold back, his old face was slightly red, and he pointed at Tang Haodao.

“The old man still has arithmetic puzzles.”

“If you can solve this question, the old man will truly admire you.”

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