Martial Sage

Chapter 605

Chapter 605: The Secret

Receiving the wind and washing the dust, banquet and entertaining, this Qi Feng is really a person who is well versed in the unspoken rules of officialdom.

The graceful servant, holding the silver plate, placed the jade syrup and jade liquid, cherished the delicacies, filed in.

It was said that it was a banquet that was washed in the wind, but it looked exquisite and comparable to the royal meal.

With a few mouthfuls of food in a symbolic way, Tang Hao raised his glass and went straight to the subject.

“Brother Qi, Tang came here today to borrow something from you.”

Qi Feng held his fat belly, raised his wine glass in response, said.

“Master Tang is polite, so why bother Master Tang coming in person for such trivial things as borrowing things?”

As he spoke, Qi Feng drank the wine in one cup, wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, and a glint in his eyes floated.

“It’s just that I don’t know what it is, it’s worthy of Tang Gongzi’s invigorating and moving people like this.”

Tang Hao slowly put down the wine glass, stared at Qi Feng, and said.

“Now that the famine in Qingzhou is imminent, Master Qi does not open a warehouse to release grain, so I have to borrow grain from Master Qi.”

The reason for the euphemism is not just that Tang Hao deliberately showed weakness and lowered the other’s guard, but more importantly was to talk about the other party’s bottom line.

People like this kind of sleek and sophisticated, the more they use them, the less they can get the information they want.

Sure enough, Qi Feng on the opposite side was frightened, frowned and waved his hand hurriedly.

“Datang people are serious!”

“It’s not that Qi is unwilling to release grain, but that the righteous warehouse today is far from the reserves stipulated by the court.”

Between the words, Qi Feng pounded his forehead, looking anxious, added.

“My lord, I don’t have enough food, and my officials are very anxious all day long, so helpless!”

“The grain that the adults want to borrow is something that is so hot in Qingzhou. It is really difficult to get an official.”

Although Qi Feng had already expected this prevarication, it was just such a well-founded excuse, Tang Hao really didn’t expect it.

His eyes narrowed slightly, the smile on Tang Hao’s face narrowed, and he turned serious.

“The locust plague in Qingzhou is imminent, and the price of food is soaring. The official came to discuss with Master Qi, embezzling the righteous warehouse food, and releasing food for disaster relief.”

Seeing Tang Hao express his intention, a successful smile on Qi Feng’s face flashed past.

Slowly picked up the wine glass, twisted his fat body, and stood up with difficulty.

Gently shaking the cup in his hand, Qi Feng paced slowly, said.

“Master Tang has a kind heart and cares for the people, and his officials admire him greatly.”

“But food is an important material, how can it be misappropriated at will?”

“The way an official does this is nothing more than observing the law and acting in accordance with the law, and I hope that the Lord Haihan.”

During the words, Qi Feng already walked to Tang Hao, slowly leaning over, frowning slightly.

“As the saying goes, it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.”

“These poor people always rely on state relief, which is not a long-term solution.”

“What they rely on is hard work, instead of reaching out to the court without rice.”


The big palm slapped heavily on the case table.

Tang Hao showed a chill, stood up, staring at the figure that slowly swayed away.

“At the beginning of the construction of the righteous warehouse, it was for the purpose of responding to natural disasters and relieving the victims.”

“In Qingzhou nowadays, although the people have surplus grain, there are not a few beggars. If you bit on a law when the grain is abundant, you are not afraid that the official will rule you out of the crime of hoarding and disturbing the grain market?”

“Are you going to let the officer take the imperial decree and confiscated all the food you have hoarded?”

Hearing this, the figure in front of him choked, turned around, and walked to Tang Hao, his face turned awkward, and he waved his hand.

“Oh! Master Tang, misunderstanding!”

“It’s not fake that Xiaguan censored grain, and that it’s not enough to store it. Xiaguan’s behavior is also for the Tang Dynasty!”

Slowly waving his right hand, greeting the guards on the side of the hall, Qi Feng continued.

“The requisition of grain from the righteous warehouse is a grain requisition contract from the government office.”

While speaking, the guard handed the contract to Tang Hao.

As Tang Hao looked it up carefully, Qi Feng patted Tang Hao’s arm, and walked back slowly behind his back.

“The drought in Qingzhou, the locust plague came again, and the grain harvest failed, lest the army’s heart would be unstable, so the officials bought grain only to replenish the army’s reserves and stabilize the local army’s heart.”

After talking, Qi Feng has moved to the front of the case, holding the case with the help of the maid, and slowly sitting in place.

He raised his wine glass comfortably, took a sip, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Tang Hao on the opposite side.

“Master Tang.”

“You and I are both working for the court, it is not easy.”

“Especially in this disaster year, when I am concerned about Qingzhou’s safety, my subordinates are also broken!”

Looking at the sapphire jade cup on the case table and the crystal clear glass cup, Tang Hao gritted his teeth fiercely.

“In this way, Master Qi didn’t intend to borrow this grain?”

Qi Feng put down the wine pouch in his hand, his forehead wrinkled into a word “Chuan”, and the corners of his mouth were shrunk in embarrassment.

“Master Tang, calm down.”

“The officials are worried about the disaster, but unfortunately they are powerless. As the saying goes, repaying debts is justified. As for the food and disaster relief, Master Tang will definitely not be able to repay this debt.”

“Why donate food to the next official?”

After all, Qi Feng rolled a grape and threw it into his mouth, very proud.

Hearing this, Tang Hao’s heart moved slightly.

A person who took out evidence, bit the law of Tang, and did not want to give food, wanted to donate food?

Tang Hao condensed his eyes, looked at the relaxed figure, and said solemnly.

“How much do you plan to donate?”

Qi Feng tilted his head, showing a hint of teasing.


Without waiting for Tang Hao’s words, Qi Feng said quietly.

“Xiaguan was originally a small official in Qingzhou, with a meager salary and a small donation. I hope that the adults will not laugh.”

“If it is really his own food, Master Tang only needs to speak, and the next official will give it all, dare to leave one, and is willing to give it to the head.”

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