Martial Sage

Chapter 880

Chapter 880: deterrent force

See Tu Yu looked back.

Tang Hao mouth evoke a hint of a smile come.

Ever since Tang into the land of the Western Regions, the real battle, but it is not marked with a few games.

Tang generals of divinity, the general has not seen, overwhelmed’d let him Datang real strength.

“I want to stand up and see, but we Datang this tradition, if you are interested, go under a high as possible.”

“But before that, Yang Cheng on wood, I have to talk to you.”

When he finished, Tang Hao playing in the hands of the cups, watching Shuer listen Tu Yu, slowly she said.

“Up to the generals, down to the pawns, the pawns we Datang, killing no one is like nature, like the massacre of the people.”

“It just means we are a deterrent, as half of the contest this contention forward. If those tribal leaders who have not seen Bing Feng Tang generals, why would mind convinced?”

Says here, Tang Hao stop the hands of the action, he raised his eyes and smiled.

“But you do not have to worry about, Tang says it will do that is to let you wood Yang Cheng autonomy, not in big Tang Bingzu of wood Yang Cheng predatory, that I can guarantee.”

Paused, Tang Hao in the hands of the jade cup Aiji knock on a few, he continued.

“But we Datang one hundred thousand soldiers, came scaled up, empty-handed, will not work!”

“I want very simple, outside the ranch and horses, half owned by our people to take over the border, even as compensation.”

“Every year you want to Datang presented horses and fur, as the number of your own set. We will not intervene in the internal government of your tribes, nor will be additional benefits, after all, greed also have a limit.”

Says here, Tang Hao put down the cups, peering look Tu Yu.

“What do you think?”

He was suddenly so I asked, suddenly feel between Tu Yu Yi Zheng, also dumped out of the hands of the fermented rice, floating down one place.

Caught in between the two armies, open space.

A man standing in the center, toward the people around clamor.

Suqing Jie looked intermediate arrogant figure, look at the drive side of Mo, Knut mouth.

“How? Not go play?”

At Lengheng soon Cheng Mo, patted Ma On Shan, Tao.

“What is urgent na!”

“Besides, we are not human Dragon Tang generals that role, first pulled up but how much benefit?”

“I’m going to play the last one, to wait at Plaza, a pioneer of this place, I can be in just the right hands!”

Listen Cheng said at the silent Zhefan, Suqing Jie thought for a moment, to go along with it.

Voices, there is a man on horseback stand, standing straight into the open space, the only soldiers scream Road.

“Come! Let me enjoy the taste of your brilliant idea!”

Bao falling moment, riding the red face of a war immediately Han folder girth, carrying spears rushed up.

“watch out!”

When the fall of the discourse, horses already rushed to the front of the body that figure, hands gunpoint shining stab each other down.

Han lifted hands in open space ring Knife, come stop.

Horsehead contact moment.


Spears and handle solidly coming together.

Gold song, the Mars scattered, from the moment coming from the spear tip, red face arm Han suddenly startled, slightly numb.

Horses that pass, reddened cheeks against the background of the red surface, become more rosy.

Han teeth red face, wheeled his horse, Bao He soon.

“Come again!”

Moment, the horses hooves whipped straight into the past.

Under long knives and spears to pay again hit number, Suddenly a red face Han knock left girth, close to the opponent.

Suddenly his arms force, spears poke long knives came the blow, taking advantage of the gap, piercing the other lower abdomen.

They looked fierce fighting together, only to let the same mind Juncu Tu Yu-turned-blood boil.

Especially to see the red face moment Han Doo turn tail gun, his face showing a touch of excitement.

“It seems that brawny red face, is going to win!”

Heard the words, Tang Hao micron eyes, a faint smile.

“not necessarily!”

“It should be red face Han going to lose!”

Between words, the field of battle scene changes once again.

The spear was stabbed missed shank, two horses staggered moment, mention Han Bao He soon.

“Give me dismount!”


When the fall of the voice, face red backhand knife Watch Han vest.

Sudden scene, let the game surprise Han red face, waving to the hilt printed on the back, burly body roll straight down, falling down horse.

That put a knife Han cupped hands cupped fist, shouted.

“excuse me!”

That red face some awkward Han from the ground up ground, face significant ashamed.

“Indeed pawns General Don brought out, named Ma Xueyibujing, shame!”

After reading this a hearty battle, Tu Yu sigh, exclaim.

“This general decline, although the horse, with a spear touches fill the gap, he was winning until then, the pity.”

Heard the remark, Tang Hao broke into a smile.

“Definitely No, this is only our army of Captain, not the generals.”

Yu surprised face coating, Tang Hao look stunned, shocked channel.

“Just a Captain?”

Tang Hao did not explain, smiling little head, after a moment, turned his head, revealing a hint of mysterious smile.

“Guess, his opponent is what rank?”

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