Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1141 Unfair Duel (First Update)

This mission was the happiest Salomon had been in a long time.

Out of a sense of responsibility, he also called an ambulance using his prepaid mobile phone, and briefly treated Stephen Strange's injuries from the car accident, and then stuffed the unconscious hapless guy back into the twisted driver's seat. He also carefully checked the fuel tank to ensure that the smashed sports car did not cause fire and explosion hazards, and summoned a spirit to wander nearby to deal with possible wild animals to avoid Stephen Strange's death before the ambulance arrived. Lost his life.

After doing all this, Salomon whistled happily and opened a portal, abandoned the stolen car on the roadside, and planned to go to a barbecue restaurant in Texas to buy some barbecue pork ribs. Return to the manor in Oxfordshire.

The pleasure of walking down the hillside with an aluminum alloy baseball bat and cracking the palm of the unfortunate guy far outweighed the painstaking efforts he took to send Wanda Maximoff to obtain the Mind Stone and obtain a seat in the industrial aristocracy from Wakanda. Wait for action. For a person whose daily life is full of wars, this level of violence is just as mild as a child playing house in a kindergarten. He is not a gangster who would feel happy because of violence. What really makes him feel What makes him happy is that this kind of mission represents the boring, sometimes absurd and bizarre daily life he has experienced.

The emperor of Latvinia, the monarch of the Eternal City, and the mystic of Kamathaj. These three different identities bring completely different pressures. These titles are constantly created as his life trajectory continues to move forward. As well as the responsibilities brought by more titles and identities attached to these titles, they are gradually testing the humanity he cherishes most. What's more, he is a dictator. He must eliminate the selfish desires that are common in humans to ensure that his decisions are rational and fair enough. Only in this way can he gain support. He is responsible for the system he has established, not just for votes like politicians in a constitutional democracy - the latter who are responsible for the system are so rare that they are written down in history textbooks and biographies, and even ignore their Bad behavior, such as Churchill's promotion of poison gas and colonial oppression.

Such was the price of the crown, and it wasn't until he sat in those seats that he truly understood the pain and burden of the Sorcerer Supreme. What's worse is that his crown will become heavier and heavier, his responsibilities will become greater and greater, and there is no day of relief in sight. The people he has saved may also die in his hands because of his ideals, which is very important to him. has a very negative impact on mental health.

Now that the Supreme Mage has carried the survival of the human race on his back for more than a thousand years, it is understandable that he would do some ridiculous things to relax - Constantine reminded him many times to pay attention to his manners during non-official times, but Salomon was always Ignore it, he doesn't want to pay so much attention to etiquette when eating with his family. He will not be like Modu who always asks the Supreme Mage to pay attention to his manners and majesty. If he wants to eat roasted pork ribs, he can hold it with his hands, and if he wants to use a knife and fork, he can use a knife and fork, even if his hands are sticky after eating. It doesn’t matter if it’s mushy.

Just when Salomon went to pick up the meal from the barbecue restaurant he had reserved, in the modified medical room of the Tianjian Space Station, medical staff from Mars and the Eternal City, dressed in red and white robes, were being dissected around the iron bed. The open human body works in an orderly manner. The parallel automatic surgical machinery on the operating table stretches out hundreds of robotic arms of different thicknesses and functions from above to assist medical staff in fixing the patient's body, exploring wounds, suturing large and small blood vessels, cauterizing wounds, aspirating accumulated blood, etc. While the ticking instruments were delivering drugs and nutrients to the body that was barely maintaining life, it was also closely monitoring the body's various data and adjusting the delivery efficiency in real time.

Hammurabi stood aside in a white sterile protective suit, overseeing the three-hour operation.

Others failed to see clearly the entire process of the fight that took place in the Wakanda palace, but Hammurabi watched the entire process.

We have said that the Hell Knights will appropriately adopt Wakanda's suggestions. This does not mean that you have the right to command. Legion Commander Malcolm is about to be petitioned by the Wakandan nobles and Princess Shuri endlessly. was inundated with requests. The pleadings of those Wakandan nobles made him irritated, and Princess Shuri's chattering voice made him tighten his grip on the handle of his plasma pistol. Mars engineers have reported to me that the building strength of the palace can fully support a round of missile bombing. You have no reason not to let us use missile armored vehicles. If we want to force En Jadaka to leave the palace, then we must tell him that we Able to destroy this building!

If you bomb with missiles, then the noble children hiding inside will die. Princess Su Rui also held her breath, Our purpose is to protect them, not to kill them! If those noble children die, then All Wakandan nobles will hate Latvinia, and whatever your master wants to do will be thwarted by them!

That is the mission of the Wakandans, not ours. The Hell Knight has only one mission, and that is to carry out the emperor's will. The emperor's will is to crush all enemies in front of us, even the Wakandan nobles Same thing. Legion Commander Malcolm held down the irritable First Company Commander beside him. The adjutant and the Legion Commander's guards promptly dragged away the First Company Commander who activated the Executioner's Tomahawk and attempted to execute Shu Rui, lest Aparisha's temper destroy Vakkan. Diplomatic results with Latvinia.

Malcolm used his own efforts to suppress his desire to kill.

Although he still charged forward in this battle, the Wakandans surrendered too quickly. There were only a handful of weapons and battlefields that could pose a threat to the Hell Knights. This time, the street battle in the Golden City was definitely not one of them. He only found it boring. and boredom. We don't care whether the Wakandans saw your brother fighting with En Jadaka, do you understand? The Legion Commander approached Shuri like a lion standing on a cliff looking down. Shuri even heard that Get the smell of blood that has not yet been cleaned from the gaps in his power armor. We are completing your request now, and in this case we must follow our way! Note, you only have requests!

Just as the Hell Knights were at a stalemate with Wakanda, Hammurabi, as the emperor's representative, brought a verbal order. This order made Malcolm give up the idea of ​​using missile armored vehicles to launch melta missiles and plasma missiles, and instead ordered the Hell Knights defending on the outside to take the reserved individual magazine missile launchers and fire clouds towards the palace. Explosive bombs.

After a round of fire coverage, the Wakanda Palace lost its former glory.

The precious pigments and thick rock walls that had not peeled off for hundreds of years were burned black by fuel, revealing strong enough vibranium supports. The strong tempered glass was shattered by successive blast waves. All the plants planted in the palace courtyard blinked. It was burned into coke and then exploded into ashes by the impact. Those who died from the high temperature were lucky. The cloud bombs covered the palace with a blazing blanket. All oxygen was quickly consumed, and everything that could be ignited was burning. People and objects that were unfortunately affected by the negative pressure were squashed alive. Even people who were far enough away would feel suffocated. Only those who were lucky enough could survive.

After the explosion, En Jadaka invited T'Challa into the palace courtyard, which was still radiating residual heat, for a wrestling match. Although no one was allowed to watch, Hammurabi relied on his superhuman dexterity to sneak into the courtyard and witness the whole process. He said that this was not a fair duel. The display of the portable extradimensional energy indicator he carried showed an energy waveform with an astonishing peak. This special waveform showed that Tetechala did not rely solely on his own strength and skills. In battle.

The thing used by the Guards seems to have a simple structure, like a compass, but inside it is engraved with silver a large number of miniature reliefs and a large number of prayers that cannot be seen clearly by ordinary people's naked eyes. This is a handmade product. The blind ascetics of Kama Taj spent more than ten years carving it bit by bit with extremely fine steel needles. The external electronic device that displays the data was made by the scientific research department of the Eternal City and is equipped for People who do not possess second sight or sixth sense detect supernatural forces.

Hammurabi was certain that a spirit was helping T'Challa to win without his knowledge.

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