Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1148 Economical (Second update)

The Emperor of Latovinia, who returned to the royal city, met with the regent Victor von Doom in the drawing room.

During his absence, Victor von Doom's work had been going well, and the Emperor had not found himself needed at all. Except for this. The regent called up the database of the encrypted data channel. Have you forgotten that there are still some guests staying in Latvinia? Heinri who was rescued from prison by the Hell Knights during the Wakanda Civil War. Xi Zemo has now been imprisoned in a new prison, waiting for disposal. The Avengers... you have simply moved the entire Avengers here, and those people are not very peaceful.

Oh, I really forgot. Salomon laughed awkwardly, But our offices are not far apart. Do you really need to use mental projection to talk to me?

Because you left all your official duties to me! Victor von Doom's tone was filled with anger, as if he was very dissatisfied with the emperor's lazy behavior. I am now supervising the progress of the experiment in the underground prison, and in five minutes I have to approve a series of building plans. If your butt is still sitting on the throne, then urge the Ministry of Interior to speed up the handling of the banking crisis and private lending in the Albanian province. Progress, if the economic problems there are not solved for one day, our infrastructure construction in the Albanian province will encounter great difficulties, and the construction of the Bosnia and Herzegovina shipyard will also encounter difficulties. The navy is more economical and affordable than the sky aircraft carrier, and we must get Send out a navy to control the Mediterranean and Black Sea, as well as those nuclear submarines...

Victor von Doom couldn't stop talking.

Many projects in Latovinia are now under construction, and Hell Knights have been sent to various places to eliminate rebel forces and ensure that various orders from the emperor and regent can be carried out without hindrance. The reason why Latovinia was able to achieve such astonishing results in the First Expansion War was not only the amazing combat effectiveness of genetically modified warriors, but also the strategy and technology brought about by the high mobility, high informatization and targeted missile clearance of air and space operations. Advantage. Behind these advantages are the money and materials accumulated by the Eternal City over the years. When it increases investment in local economic construction and has not yet waited for returns, the navy, a relatively economical service, has become the first choice - for other countries in the world. It is said that building a navy is a huge investment, but for Latovinia, the navy is a relatively cheap service, because the Void Fleet is prohibitively expensive, even with the Tianjian Space Station as a logistics transfer station. Not much money can be saved.

Latovinia's current economic situation simply cannot afford to fight a second expansion war. The reason why NATO countries have not launched a full-scale offensive is simply because they are temporarily unable to cope with the powerful personal combat capabilities of the Emperor of Latovinia. If Mars is still unable to repair the space starship before the second phase of the expansion war, then Latovinia must have a naval fleet capable of controlling the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Manufacturing floating ships is not a big problem for the sages of Mars, and it can also devote some manpower and resources to the expanding Mars foundry. But even if it were built, no one except Victor von Doom and the Emperor of Latvinia would be able to teleport it from Mars to the surface of the earth. This is not an economical military branch that the interior department wants. Doing so would run counter to the original intention of building a navy.

The Mars Foundry has come up with a design blueprint, including a giant offshore platform for aircraft such as the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft, Skyhawk assault transport craft, and Vulture fighter jets. As for the frigates, the Mars Foundry recommends purchasing old-fashioned ones from the former Soviet Union. The ships will then be modernized, which can save a lot of money. Before the emperor could make a comment, the regent continued on his own. Anyway, we don't really need a powerful navy. After the starship repairs are completed, there will be no need for a planetary navy other than nuclear submarines. Now we only need an offshore dock to start building this project, if the deal goes well. , the first batch of modified frigates will be able to cruise in the Mediterranean in about six months.

My friend, you can decide this kind of thing alone. The Emperor of Latovinia spread his hands and shrugged. I know that you and I regard power as a tool rather than an ability. I don't mind you sitting on the throne to exercise this power. You are the regent and my agent. I don't need to express to you again how much I love you. Trust. Even if you advocate buying Syrian refugees from Turkey to work as laborers, I will agree with your decision. This is my trust in you.

An ordinary person would definitely be moved by this speech, but Victor von Doom laughed twice, fully expressing his disdain after seeing through the emperor's intention. This is no reason for you to be lazy. He said, It's better to say this to Stephanie. Those Hydras you have tamed like to hear this kind of thing.

Okay, okay! I will handle official business until dinner time! The Emperor of Latvinia raised his hands in surrender after his excuse was exposed. But don't let me stay for one more minute. I promised Bayonetta that I would go back to eat. It’s time for dinner. That means I still have four hours to deal with the bank, talk to the infrastructure project reviewers, and meet with the Army staff. Let me see what other work arrangements I have…”

This is a work report. I don't understand. Don't I just need to cooperate with law enforcement to shoot videos? Steve Rogers, accompanied by Sam Wilson, sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for the call. I I thought we wouldn’t have any other work after filming the video.”

Actually, since we can't go back to America, we need a job now, Sam Wilson shrugged. Natasha Romanoff asked him to tell Steve Rogers in a tactful tone that now they have been completely rejected by the European and American cultural circles. As long as they step outside the border of Latvinia, all the intelligence agencies of the CIA and NATO will follow them. There will be no place for them in the world except Latvinia. While this was a far cry from the short-term job Steve Rogers originally envisioned, reality forced them to stay here. Here we can really help the people, instead of staying in the base to train and wait for bad things to happen, right? Sam Wilson said, Now that the remnants of Hydra have been eliminated, we have to find something to do Do it. Doesn’t the peaceful streets bring a greater sense of accomplishment than killing some super villain?”

Including having those kids call you Birdman?

Oh, I admit that the cultural and entertainment industry here is a bit...out of touch with the times, but I believe that one day those children will realize that my name is Falcon and not Birdman. Sam Wilson laughed. And they also gave Bucky free treatment, didn't they? It is said that they also plan to replace him with a more advanced prosthetic leg, a free one.

Do you know what Xiaona is doing recently?

She has been a bit mysterious recently, but this is her usual style. I don't think there is any benefit for us to inquire about those things. If she thinks we need to know, she will tell us. She is in the same boat with us now. She It won’t harm us.”

Sam Wilson's calmness made Steve Rogers uncomfortable, but he sighed and chose to compromise with reality. As long as they don't send us on missions overseas. Steve Rogers said, I hope Latvinia and the United States will be different, you know what I mean? We can't be the enemy of any country to fight against competitors. Tools, that’s why I rejected the Sokovia Accords, and I hope you think the same way I do.”

Are you serious? I don't think Latvinia needs us to do that. They have super soldiers.

Steve Rogers clenched his fists and was speechless. Maybe I'm old. The world is changing too fast. The super soldier army that I used to stop is now beginning to appear. Stark's planetary defense plan is also in progress, and I can't stop any of them, because They all have a purpose. But I think...Sam, I think we have to make sure these plans don't fall into the wrong hands, you know what I mean?

There's no way we can do this. Think of Halley Field, just one super soldier could beat the crap out of us, Sam said, using street slang. Anyone knows better than to mess with those big guys.

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