Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1178 Universal Laws (First Update)

This was a violent man whose build and scars spoke of a man who had fought hard and won unimaginable victories. This is a warrior, even his breath smells like blood. Stephen Strange was dragged out of the small room assigned to apprentices by Modu early. After washing, he was sleepily visiting Kama Taj before attending the apprentice's morning class. He saw the man standing in the square. The man in the center - he originally thought that after yesterday's experience, nothing that happened here would surprise him anymore. However, when he discovered that the wooden door that led him to Kama Taj did not lead to the streets of Kathmandu, but to a steep snow-covered cliff on the mountainside of the Himalayas, he felt unbelievable again.

He even saw snow leopards hidden among the black rocks and snow. Not only did those ferocious predators not harm him, but they walked towards him and lay down in front of him and rolled lazily. It wasn't until another mystic in a robe came out with a bucket of fresh meat and fed the snow leopards in an orderly manner that Stephen Strange realized that those wild animals were actually wild animals raised by Kama Taj. In addition, there are many wild animals that can make wildlife biologists ecstatic, and Stephen Strange has never seen so many wild animals in his life.

Now he saw an astonishing sight again. The mystics who had put on smart clothes attacked the tall man with fists, kicks and spells. When faced with high-temperature sparks that could scorch rocks, the man only relied on his own agility and strength. , using body movements that were almost impossible to see, he quickly knocked down those mystics, even leaving them unscathed. This surprised Stephen Strange who saw the sparks of the collapsed spell igniting the fallen leaves and causing a small commotion. He did not think that that kind of speed and power could be possessed by humans. There must be some secret that he did not know. , and these secrets are the key to curing him.

Mordo noticed his gaze, because the vitality and health revealed in that man made Stephen Strange envious. It's still too early for you. Wait until you learn how to use the power of the spirit before you can learn how to use the body. He explained, Generally, mystic apprentices have to learn the latter first, but your situation is a little different. Same, so the Supreme Master agrees to let you conduct theoretical study first.

I studied karate in college and used to go to the gym before I was injured. Stephen Strange said. I had always been healthy before the car accident. I had regular physical examinations and never smoked, drank alcohol, or had contraband. So, There is no need to waste time learning... martial arts.

After you understand a little bit of theoretical knowledge, you will understand why Karma Taj wants to learn martial arts. Mordu ignored Stephen Strange's boasting. In his eyes, this guy was just returning to his old ways. Obviously, what the Supreme Mage said makes sense. Stephen Strange is always so arrogant. Even if he glimpses the tip of the iceberg of the outer dimension, he cannot weaken his arrogance. “Don’t question His Holiness’s teachings, which we have followed for over a thousand years to protect humanity and the planet.”

I don't want to practice with that big guy.

You can't do it even if you want to. You can't see him usually. He is very busy. Today he came back just because of official duties to help teach and fill the vacancy caused by the transfer of another mystic. Modu said, You shouldn't Put your mind on other things... pay attention to your steps, this step has not been changed in more than a thousand years, and many people have fallen here.

At this moment, Stephen Strange seemed to finally remember the purpose of his trip. What are we going to do? Should I start studying? How are you going to heal me? he asked hurriedly. Should I start meditating or chanting some incantation now, like Jonathan Pangborn did?

Don't worry, you still have a lot to learn.

Wait, wait! Stephen Strange stretched out a finger tremblingly, I just want to heal my hand, I don't want anything else. Do you understand what I'm saying?

You have no say in this matter. Don't question His Majesty's decision. Modu opened the door and pushed him in.

Stephen Strange saw the Supreme Mage again a day later, but this room was completely different from what he had imagined. There was no fireplace like in the magic movie, no tableware flying around or flickering lights to make the place look more Magic” some. However, he saw the golden-armored giant standing behind the Supreme Mage. The extremely gorgeous armor made people unable to take their eyes away. At the same time, it made Stephen Strange look indescribably familiar. When he was distracted by the presence of the golden-armored giant, he saw an iron-gray robot that was taller than the golden-armored giant standing in the corner of the room. The giant cannon on the robot's shoulder and the multi-barreled muzzles on its arms. The dark golden giant bullet chain that was mounted shone with a cold light under the light source that came from nowhere.

I thought this place would be...

More magic, I know what you want to say. The Supreme Mage sighed, then turned to the Imperial Guard standing beside him and said. Relax, Hammurabi, and don't think about killing everyone in sight.

The order given to me by my lord is to protect your safety in the absence of Mordu and to solve some minor troubles for you that you are unwilling to solve. Hammurabi replied stiffly. When Stephen Strange saw the golden-armored giant pointing its blood-red eyepiece towards him, he couldn't help but take two steps back in fear. This is a stupid person who has no idea who he's dealing with.

So... you actually also conduct scientific research?

My disciple is very interested in this. He believes that this is the only way for human beings to ascend. The Supreme Mage kindly invited Stephen Strange to sit on the futon in front of him. Yesterday was just for you to use your shallow human spirit to understand what we are going to face. Today is your enlightenment course.

I remember! Stephen Strange suddenly pointed at the Guards and shouted, I saw you on TV, the Guards of the Emperor of Latvinia! I don't usually watch international news. But I will definitely remember such a conspicuous thing! You have mastered very advanced technology, you can cure my hand! Hammurabi was unmoved by Stephen Strange's surprise, His Holiness Nor was he offended by his rudeness. The guards lowered their heads, waiting for the Supreme Mage's order. Whether it was to kill this disrespectful person or throw him off the cliff, Hammurabi would follow the monarch's will and the Supreme Master's instructions to complete it. He was waiting for the order. At the same time, he also turned on the power switch on the halberd, and the bolt gun was loaded after receiving the command.

If there's any chemical that scares Stephen Strange, it's not in his brain.

Relax, Hammurabi. The Supreme Mage sighed, If you are willing, then your initiation courses should be postponed. Since you are unwilling to learn magic, then ask my disciples if they are willing to use Use scientific methods to heal your hands.

Maybe we should give up on him, teacher. Stephen Strange has no mentality to face up to his responsibilities. He is a pure supporter of neoliberalism and a vested interest. At least he was a vested interest in the past, and now he is a victim of neoliberalism. Or, but this does not change his stupidity. The tall man who Stephen Strange had seen in the square walked in and stared at him with an uncomfortable calm gaze similar to that of the Supreme Mage. Looking at him. The cost of making such a fool understand our responsibilities is too high. We don't have time. What's more, it's not that there are no alternatives. Eliminating him is not a problem.

What does it mean?

It means, it's time for you to leave. The Emperor of Latovinia said calmly, I will send you back to the garbage dump in New York, where you can live however you want. Considering that you may tell Kamatai Ji's existence, I will first clean your memory instead of sealing it. Only in this way can we ensure that irrelevant people will not learn our secrets.

Wait, wait! I'm willing to learn!

It's too late. The Emperor of Latovinia gestured to grab Stephen Strange's collar.

I don't know what you want from me! The former doctor was also irritated at this moment. He shouted, What on earth do you want from me! I am already penniless! I just want to cure Good hands!

There are no gifts in this world, Stephen Strange. The Emperor of Latvinia ignored his weak resistance and dragged Stephen Strange up, only his toes could barely reach the floor. You have to pay a price. Exchange of equal value, this is the rule of the magical world. You must pay something of equal value to heal your hands. First of all, you must learn to be polite, otherwise I will make the place you want to heal come back again. one more.

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