Queens, New York.

A police car pulled up to the side of the road.

A middle-aged white policeman with blond hair held a cup of black coffee in his hand. He leaned against the police car and stared dimly at the bright lights of New York City in the distance.

"It's another busy day today, Chief George."

A young white police officer accompanied Director George with a sneer: "It's so late, and you still insist on duty."

Facing the compliments from his subordinates, George shook his head: "I don't know what's going on, but I always feel flustered."

George couldn't describe this feeling. Maybe it was a sixth sense that came from being the New York City Commissioner too many times?

All in all, he always felt like something big was going to happen tonight.

And just when this thought flashed through his mind.


The intercom in the car made a piercing tone, and the female operator's voice rang out from the device: "All units, please be aware that there is a situation on the Brooklyn Bridge. Many witnesses claimed to have seen a terrifying lizard monster there. It was moving with terror. "He headed towards the city center at a high speed, damaging several cars and injuring pedestrians."

Listening to the announcement on the intercom, George's assistant also had a look of disbelief on his face, right? His police chief also has this "super power"?

Faced with the admiration and shock in the eyes of his subordinates, George just shrugged helplessly and said: "Get in the car, young man, we will be very busy tonight."

The subordinate nodded and followed George into the police car. At the same time, police cars in various neighborhoods also sounded their sirens and roared towards the Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge.

A transportation hub connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan.

No matter it is day or night, the bridge is full of cars and traffic.

But today, things are a little different.

The driver and passengers who were supposed to be sitting behind the wheel were nowhere to be seen in the car, and everyone was swinging their arms and legs like crazy.

People were running on the huge bridge, as if they were avoiding something.


The front cabin of a BMW exploded and was crushed by a pair of huge green legs.

A huge creature swung its legs, and its torso was covered with green prismatic scales. They looked ferocious and terrifying under the illumination of the orange lights on the bridge.

"They all deserve to die."

The giant green lizard is like the lizard-men mentioned in some old stories, with a human-like torso and a ferocious face.

Especially the thick lizard tail at the back, which can smash a car into pieces with just a flick.


Shrill sirens rang across the Brooklyn Bridge.

"Everyone, bring your weapons, turn on the safety and allow free fire!"

George, who hurried over, immediately spotted the monster walking on the Brooklyn Bridge. After being briefly shocked, he asked all police officers for permission to use deadly weapons.

If you don't shoot and kill such a terrifying monster, should you wait for it to attack celebrities and dignitaries in New York City?

After hearing George's command, many police officers also raised their guns and aimed and fired without hesitation.

Based on their rich experience in dealing with black men over the years, the shooting skills of this group of police officers cannot be said to be bad, but can only be said to be fast and accurate.

"Bah bang bang!"

The gun barrels roared and emitted green smoke, and the bullets roared and pierced the night, leaving empty marks.

"Da da da!"

But the bullets that were capable of killing people and piercing the skin only scratched out red sparks when they landed on the lizard monster.

"Oh my God!"

"Director, bullets can't hit that guy!"

"We need big guys with heavy firepower!"

Listening to the noisy voice coming from the intercom, George's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He also saw it, but the problem was that the New York Police Department didn't have heavy firepower.

What they usually need to do is maintain law and order and beat Brother Hei. But do they need to use RPG to deal with Brother Hei?

Of course, there is no need. A single stun gun can make these guys fall to the ground and twitch all over.


George watched in horror as the lizard monster raised its tail and rolled up a car, then suddenly swung its tail and roared, slamming the car into the many police officers who were shooting.

"Director, get down quickly!"

The deputy reacted, looked at the police car that looked like it was flying towards them, and rushed towards his chief.

But obviously, the deputy's speed couldn't keep up with the speed of the car thrown by Dr. Lizard.

And if it falls at such a high speed, it will instantly smash the two of them into pieces.


George stared nervously at the police car, whizzing down, but what flashed through his mind was his daughter and wife.

If they die, they must be very sad, right?

With this thought, George closed his eyes, and he could even smell the smell of gasoline coming from the minute.


A sound like a heavy object falling sounded in my ears, but the expected pain did not occur.

George looked around and saw a thin young man wearing a red hood standing in front of him.

"Hey, Mr. Policeman, don't be stunned and leave quickly."

After seeing the news broadcast, Peter rushed here as quickly as possible and rescued George.

He held the police car tightly with both hands and then threw it away slightly.

The boy rubbed his sore arms and ignored George, who looked suspicious of life. He turned around and stared at the huge lizard monster. He jumped on the spot a few times and muttered like a chatterbox: "This is really a lizard monster." big guy!"

It can only be said that Peter, wearing the mask, completely let himself go.

Then, under George's shocked gaze, Peter took a sudden lunge and jumped up on the police car like a trapeze artist.

However, because Peter had not yet developed spider silk at this time, he could only rush towards Dr. Lizard like a reckless man.

"Hey, big guy, your opponent is me!"

Peter shouted and waved his fists, jumping up and down, which quickly attracted Dr. Lizard's attention.

"small bug!"

A ferocious look flashed in the monster's dark green eyes: "Eat it, kill it!"

It roared and waved its claws, and its two powerful thighs stepped on the car and exerted force!

It hit Peter like a cannonball!

But it was obvious that the power of the Spider Sense was not unfounded. Peter just twisted his waist slightly, then stepped on Dr. Lizard's chest with his legs and flew out upside down.

Peter, who was lying on the ground, grabbed the car next to him, pulled off the door, and threw it at the lizard monster: "You like throwing things, right? This thing is for you!"

The roaring car door hit Dr. Lizard hard on the cheek, causing his head to twist and his body to sway. At the same time, Peter did not miss this opportunity and ran again to speed up towards Dr. Lizard.

"Lizards should stay in the water!"

Peter jumped up and kicked the monster in the cheek, but the moment his legs were about to touch Dr. Lizard's chest, the monster's staggering figure suddenly stood up, and the lizard tail behind him whizzed at Peter. At the same time, a deep laugh came from his throat. Voice: "You've been fooled, little bug!"

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