Suddenly, I discovered that there was a row of very small words underneath the drone.

It clearly says made by Stark Industries.

At this time, the drone projected a figure, none other than Tony's image at home!

The image appeared along with a loud sound, which seemed to be some kind of pop music.

This way of appearing is very consistent with Tony's flamboyant character.

It's really lively, Qin Luo, it seems like you are in a lot of trouble.

Tony's image is very clear, and his facial expressions are fully expressed.

That mean look of gloating over misfortune made people want to punch him twice.

Qin Luo shrugged his shoulders indifferently, It's just a small trouble. You are very well-informed. How do you know the situation here?

Hearing this, Tony's face showed an arrogant look: Of course, nothing that happens in New York City can escape my eyes, let alone such a big thing.

I'm paying attention the whole time. Why are you using your sword? Where's your long red sword?

Qin Luo smiled and said, It's okay to use them interchangeably. The swords are all the same to me.

Tony seemed to be very interested in Qin Luo's Meteor Blade.

So he tentatively asked: How about selling me the red knife? You can set the price as you like.

Qin Luo smiled and said nothing, just shook his head.

What the system produces does not belong to this world.

If he gave Tony the knife, he might be able to research something based on his personality.

It will all be troublesome then.

Tony was not surprised by Qin Luo's rejection. He curled his lips and gave Qin Luo an internationally recognized gesture: Stingy guy.

After hearing the conversation between the two, General Ross's heart sank secretly.

Originally, he expressed doubts about the authenticity of Qin Luo's words.

After all, Tony's status is there and no one can access it.

The period between Tony's accident and his rescue was the most critical period for General Ross to capture the Hulk.

Although I heard some news, I didn't pay too much attention to it.

His mind was on Hulk.

But now, the relationship between the two seems to be very unusual.

Due to all the things that happened to Hulk and Abomination, he was already under a lot of pressure. If he wasn't careful, he might be doomed.

If Qin Luo is really what he said, he has become an unscrupulous super criminal and caused serious consequences.

Then he is bound to be implicated, and his final end may be miserable.

Coulson never took his eyes off General Ross.

Noticing the other party's uncertain expression, it immediately became clear that the general had intention of retreating.

It's just that the cruel words just said were spoken, and if he retreated because of the threat from the other party.

It was really difficult to save face, not to mention that General Ross's men were watching not far away.

It was also a big blow to his prestige.

Now General Ross is just one step away.

At this time, Coulson rolled his eyes and prepared to give General Ross a step.

In the current situation, it would be best to be able to calm down the conflict between the two parties smoothly.

Coulson stood in front of General Ross and said with a serious face: I think it's better to forget about General Ross. Mr. Qin Luo was invited by our SHIELD.

We at SHIELD will be responsible for any consequences.

General Ross is not a fool, he knows that this is a step given to him by Coulson.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to use the slope to get off the donkey.


General Ross snorted coldly and took a deep look at the ancient dagger in Qin Luo's hand.

He waved and left the scene with his men.

Qin Luo was still chatting with Tony and didn't even look at General Ross again.

Tsk tsk~ Sure enough, except for Rhodes, the military is full of unlikable guys.

Tony curled his lips and said with great disdain.

Now I seriously doubt that you two have any kind of relationship.

Qin Luo looked at Tony with a little vigilance.

Fake! What are you talking about? Don't you know that I once slept with the 12-month cover girl of Penthouse magazine?

Tony's reaction was loud, and his voice became a little sharp.

Qin Luo was amused by Tony's appearance and laughed, and seemed to be in a good mood.

When Coulson saw this, he came over with a kind smile on his face.

Mr. Qin Luo...

No more nonsense.

Qin Luo's smile stopped abruptly and instantly became as cold as ice, and he coldly interrupted Colson's words.

Coulson, a good person, could naturally feel Qin Luo's displeasure and disgust at this time.

There was a resentful look on his face and he didn't say anything more.

Qin Luo lazily struggled with these people and flew directly with his sword towards the sky.

Since it wasn't flying very fast, Tony's drone could keep up.

Qin Luo just chatted with Tony above the sky, gradually drifting away.

Seeing Qin Luo's figure disappear.

Colson couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

He now seriously doubts whether Nick Fury made the right decision.

Coulson had a hunch that perhaps turning against Qin Luo would be SHIELD's biggest mistake.

It's just that these issues should not be considered by him.


Sighing, Coulson took the SHIELD team onto the plane and left the scene.

As for the streets that were almost in ruins, other people would naturally take care of it.

3rd boss

A military base somewhere.

When General Ross came back with his men.

It was already getting dark.

The reason why I came back so late.

In addition to comforting his daughter's emotions.

The rest of the time, he basically spent in the hospital for examinations.

Ever since he was hit by Qin Luo's murderous intention wave.

General Ross felt unspeakable discomfort all over his body, and there was no comfortable place anywhere.

My nose would ooze blood from time to time.

It can't be wiped clean no matter how hard it is wiped.

As a last resort, he came to the hospital for a physical examination.

The result was not very optimistic.

General Ross suffered multiple unknown injuries to his internal organs.

In fact, it’s not just the internal organs.

Bones, muscles, cartilage tissue and other places have been damaged to varying degrees.

It's just that the injuries to these places are relatively minor compared to the internal organs.

Generally speaking, General Ross's injuries were not particularly serious.

But it is very troublesome to treat.

It will take at least a few months to recover.

As for whether there will be any sequelae, it depends on General Ross's recovery ability.

Learn the test results.

General Ross almost lost his temper on the spot.

At the same time, I also felt deep fear.

If someone had told him before that he could hurt people with his aura.

It is estimated that he will only sneer, and may even wonder if there is something wrong with the other party's mind.

But now he had to believe it.

General Ross even doubted that if he had not chosen to leave, he would have endured the impact of that momentum for a while longer. Will he die on the spot?

No one gave him this answer, but General Ross was basically certain of it.

He will die, and his death will not be pretty.

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