Marvel: God-level foodie

Chapter 118 The Fear of the Flame King

Johnny didn't bother to pay attention to Surtur's unwilling roar.

The next moment, terrifying ice-cold power erupted, surging directly from Johnny's palm, and then extended towards Surtur's body.

Spread by this terrifying power, Surtur's arms were quickly covered with a thick layer of ice.

However, just when the power of ice-cold spread to the giant sword in Surtur's hand, the light suddenly became stronger on the long sword filled with flames, and a burst of powerful energy burst out, instantly making the sword body spread The cold power dissipated.

Feeling the unleashed icy power being annihilated, Jonny let out a sigh. Thinking of the artifact Surtur just mentioned, the Twilight Sword, he suddenly became somewhat interested in this giant sword.

With a flick of Jonny's mind, he waved his other hand casually, and an ice blade condensed by the power of extreme cold emerged, shooting towards Surtur's wrist holding the sword.


Amidst the screams erupting from Surtur's mental power, the extremely cold ice blade slashed across, directly cutting off Surtur's arm, and a large amount of magma-like flesh and blood were clearly visible.

The giant sword that was originally in Surtur's hand was also in Johnny's hand.

"The artifact Sword of Twilight... Surtur, it seems you are too useless and have wasted this artifact."

The giant sword is very huge, but it can be held with Johnny's strong strength, but it doesn't match his figure, and it looks strange.

After holding the giant sword, Johnny immediately felt the power of this artifact. The blazing flame energy and the destructive power that shattered everything all showed the power of the Twilight Sword.

It's just that this giant sword is in Johnny's hands, and it can't be commanded like an arm, but it keeps arguing. Obviously there is no correct way, and it is difficult to exert the super power of the artifact.

"Ah! You dare to hurt me, I'm going to kill you! Give me back the Sword of Twilight! You humble ant!"

After losing one arm in pain, Surtur roared crazily. On the other intact arm, the ice covered with cracks began to appear, and he was already desperately trying.

It's just that Surtel never thought that even he holding the artifact would be no match for Johnny, let alone now.

Not only was the artifact taken away by Johnny, he also lost an arm.

Surtur struggled desperately, but in Johnny's eyes, there was not much trouble.

Johnny slowly raised his hand, combined the energy of the universe and the power of extreme cold, and blasted away at Surtur's other remaining arm!

Compared with Surtur, there is a big difference in size between Johnny and Surtur. Surtur's arms are like towering pillars, and Jonny's fist, compared with this huge arm, looks like a giant. So insignificant.

But when such a seemingly ordinary punch came out, the unparalleled energy condensed to form a fist composed of pure energy, with a terrifying energy impact, it hit Surtur's other remaining arm .

The energy fist bombarded Surtur's frozen arm, and a terrible energy impact erupted immediately. The air oscillated and twisted, and the powerful aftermath of energy formed a violent explosion.

The huge explosion was accompanied by the sound of Surtur's frozen arm exploding.

Under the crazy roar of Surtur's mental power, his other arm finally completely shattered and fell off his shoulder. After the huge pieces of flesh and blood separated from his body, they completely turned into flame energy and dissipated in the air.

This was also the result of Johnny not wanting to kill Surtur immediately and showing mercy.

Otherwise, Surtur's body, like his exploded arm, would be completely turned into pieces of flesh and bones all over the floor.

"Ah~! Damn human! I want to kill you! Ragnarok is coming. At that time, I will transform into the Lord of Fire and destroy Asgard. After destroying Asgard, the next one is Mi Degalt, all humans will turn into ashes in front of the great Lord of Fire! And you will kneel at my feet and be turned into charcoal by me!"

Surtur, who had lost both arms, was covered in molten blood, and his face was terrifying. He screamed in pain and roared crazily.

However, Johnny's two attacks had already severely injured him. After consuming too much power, Surtur could no longer maintain his huge body. Became too small.

While Surtur's body was shrinking, his body's breath was constantly sluggish, his struggle became weaker and weaker, and Johnny's spatial confinement became much easier. With the shrinking of the confinement space, the shrunken Surtur The space occupied is completely wrapped.

Listening to Surtur's cries of pain and threats, Johnny's eyes turned cold and his aura rose.

Regarding the Midgard that Surtur mentioned, Johnny knew that the so-called Midgard, also called the Middle Court, refers to the earth.

Accompanied by the violent aura on Johnny's body, which ebbed and flowed, Surtur only felt the pressure around his body surge, and there was a clear look of panic in his eyes.

Johnny snorted coldly, and the cosmic energy quickly condensed into a big hand, slapping it down towards Surtur.

The transformed big hand was much larger than Surtur's shrunken body. With a slap, Surtur could not resist at all, and was knocked to the ground directly, lying in front of Johnny without any suspense. .

The solid rock ground could not withstand the force of Surtur's impact and exploded directly.

With Surtur's body as the center, spider web-like cracks opened on the ground.

No matter how unwilling Surtur was and how he struggled crazily, under this terrifying power, it was difficult for him to even move, let alone stand up.

"It will be much quieter this way... Surtur, if you answer my questions honestly next, maybe I will make it easier for you. I am very interested in artifacts like the Sword of Twilight, tell me Talking about its origin, how else can we control it?”

Looking at Surtur who was completely suppressed on the ground, his breath was sluggish, and a large amount of blood was constantly being lost from the broken parts of his arms, Johnny showed no mercy and asked coldly.

"Let me go...I'm going to kill you...the humble human being...the dirty ant!"

Johnny was already completely familiar with the control of gravity. This level of gravity just made Surtur miserable, but he could still manage to speak if he wanted to.

However, what came out of Surtel's mouth was not what Johnny wanted to hear.

"If you want to get my Sword of Twilight, just dream... Ants are just ants, and they will never master the power of the dragon..."

Surtur was particularly tough on Johnny's threats. Even in such a difficult situation, he still chattered endlessly and did not intend to reveal any useful information.

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