Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 357: advance

"Blood God?"

Hearing this name, everyone in the bar fell silent. Those who participated in the plane battle knew how powerful the Blood God was.

The blood **** even destroyed a large plane in the end.

"Blood God is indeed very strong, but His Majesty Odin is definitely stronger than him."

A soldier said: "His Majesty Odin also destroyed the planet when he was young."

"The problem is that His Majesty Odin has been in a coma for several years, and it is one thing whether he can wake up or not."

Skorch said: "Even if His Majesty Odin can wake up, he will not be the opponent of the Blood God, because he is old."

This point, everyone could not deny. They looked at Thor in the magic light curtain and couldn't help sighing. Compared with Odin, Thor was still too weak.

"The Earth Federation is about to be established. According to me, Asgard should apply to join the Earth Federation. In this way, everyone is their own."

Skorch said excitedly: "After you become your own person, you can go to Earth at will, ha, I really want to see the filming process of those movies on site."

"Join the Earth Federation?"

The soldiers in the bar couldn't help it. Qi Qi stood up and surrounded Skorch. Skorch couldn't help but swallowed and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Of course I beat you."

The soldiers grinned and punched Skorch at the same time, and Skorch's shrill screams sounded in the bar.


"Odin, this is your heir? Is this what you mean by being able to fight?"

Orochi looked at the light curtain and sneered: "Asgard's face has been lost by him."

"He's been working hard."

Odin sighed. Compared with a few years ago, Thor's strength has at least doubled. The problem is that the people around him are improving faster than him.

Those superheroes are all monsters, especially a certain **** surnamed Wang, who actually mixed into the **** of creation? Damn, the illegitimate children of the God of Creation are not treated like this.

Orochi snorted coldly: "Work hard? A fool is a fool no matter how hard he tries. Odin, all of your family should be damned."

"Brother, you are boring."

Odin shook his head. At this moment, he sensed something and looked at the magic light curtain in surprise.

This battle is not over yet.

In the competition arena, Hela couldn't help but scolded Thor through voice transmission: "Thor, you really gave us Asgard and shame on us Odin's royal family."

"Shame? Yes, I embarrassed Asgard, I'm sorry Asgard."

Thor's consciousness was too confused to hear Hela's voice. He looked at the sky, full of decadence and guilt.

"This is the rhythm of becoming the Fat Thor!"

The bald-headed Wang Bert in the audience rolled his eyes, he thought for a while, and a little thunder light appeared out of thin air in his hand, a little thunder light that contained the origin of thunder and lightning.

This is a little thunder and lightning concept that the Dragon Soul clone got from other universes - although it is only a little, the value is still incalculable, and all gods will do everything to get it.

Anything related to a concept is a treasure, and it is only a hero like Wang Bert who can give a concept to others casually.

"A friend, let's help you."

Wang Burt shook his head, and the thunder light traveled through the void into Thor's body.

Affected by the origin of thunder and lightning, Thor's mentality began to change, from decadence and guilt to unwillingness and resentment.

Why is fate so cruel to him? He didn't want to betray his friends, but he was forced to fight with friends. He didn't want to lose, but he lost, and he lost in a mess.

"I don't want to lose, I don't want to embarrass Asgard, I don't want to betray my friends, I don't want to be king, I don't want to hurt Loki, I don't want to..."

The resentment accumulated for several years broke out at this moment, Thor felt his consciousness exploded, and in a daze, he seemed to see a big tree, a big tree that covered the sky.

On the tree, there are nine worlds that are moving all the time, that is, the nine worlds.

"world Tree?"

Thor was thoughtful. At this time, a rune suddenly lit up on the World Tree. When Thor saw this rune, his consciousness immediately fell into it.

The meaning of this rune is, thunder and lightning.

Wang Burt's source of thunder and lightning accidentally helped Thor to unlock the power of Asgard's runes, which is the source of the World Tree.

In the arena, Hulk, who was cheering, suddenly sensed something, turned his head sharply to look at Thor, and found that he was floating with dazzling thunder light all over his body, and there were faint runes flickering in his eyes.

Although the thunder on Thor's body was not strong, Hulk had a creepy feeling. He clenched his fists and prepared to strike first. At this moment, Wang Bert's voice sounded in his mind: "Thor is here Promotion, don't disturb him."

"Promotion? This guy is lucky."

Hulk couldn't help but scolded, strode to Thor's vicinity, don't get me wrong, he didn't want to shoot, he wanted to protect Thor.

After the battle, the Hulk still has feelings for this Husky friend.

The audience also discovered the changes in Thor, and was surprised. Is there a sequel?

"Thor, don't let me down."

Archduke Sarah muttered to herself excitedly. It is worth mentioning that she held an umbrella in the box to prevent any more dust from falling.

The Inhuman Kingdom pays too little attention to hygiene. When the battle is over, be sure to complain to them.

"What's the situation? Thor's body is turning thunder."

Tony scanned Thor with his glasses and said incredulously: "His skin, his muscles, his bones, even his internal organs, are all thundering."

Strange said: "To be precise, it is elementalization. It seems that Thor was promoted by the Hulk."

Tony expressed puzzled: "Elementalization? What do you mean?"

"You can think of it as energization, where the body becomes energy."

Strange said: "Only the gods who understand the origin can be elementalized. Thor has already touched the edge of the ancient gods, and the ancient gods may be hopeful in the future."

"Ancient God is hopeful? Shit, why are the people around me hanging up? I'm the only one who honestly upgrades."

Tony cursed unhappily, bullying honest people?

Tony didn't know, in the eyes of others, he was also open or super hung.


Damon looked at Thor, and a light flashed in his eyes. He had never known what his next step should be, but now, he knows, that is elementalization.

Turn yourself into flames, turn yourself into flames completely.

"Hmph, count him lucky."

Hela was also a little surprised, but she didn't take it to heart, because she had confidence in herself, not to mention Thor, even Odin, she could defeat it.

"The power of runes? Your son is lucky."

Orochi couldn't help but snorted when he noticed Thor's change, and Odin said with a bright smile, "He has always been lucky."

Having a friend of the **** of creation, Thor is of course lucky.


It didn't take long for Thor to let out a loud roar, and the thunder light on his body swelled outwards. Hulk's complexion changed and he hurriedly stepped back. These thunder lights made him feel dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, the storm battle axe automatically flew back to Thor's hand, Thor's momentum skyrocketed wildly, even the void was trembling, and even space cracks appeared.

Thor was suddenly sober, he stood upright in the air, and shouted arrogantly: "Hahaha, I am the master of thunder and lightning, I am Thor, the **** of thunder."

"True secondary school." Hulk complained.

"Hulk, thank you for your help, otherwise I wouldn't be so strong."

Seeing the Hulk below, Thor shouted with a grim face. In order to show his strength, he swung his axe to the side, and an axe shadow composed of lightning suddenly appeared, with a pitch-black space crack blasting at the defense hood Up, the protective cover shattered with a bang, turning into light spots and dissipating.


Surrounded by exclamations, this is the defensive cover of the main ship level, which means that Thor can easily destroy a main ship.

"Thor, Thor, Thor..."

Many spectators switched camps and shouted Thor's name loudly. Thor became more and more excited, holding his axe and laughing.


In the Asgardian bar, all the Asgardians cheered at the same time, and they knew that Thor would not let them down.

In the soldier's bar, a group of soldiers looked at Skorch, who was beaten into a pig's head, and sneered: "Now you know who is powerful?"

Skorch shouted stubbornly: "The Hulk will definitely win."

The soldiers gritted their teeth angrily, wishing they could beat Skorch again.

Hela's partner looked at Thor, frowned and said, "You're right, there are experts here."

"I'm not talking about him, he's nothing."

Hela snorted coldly: "I'll clean him up in a while."

"This guy is so flattering."

In the arena, Tony said unhappily, Strange nodded and said, "Yes, I'm as flat as you are."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Only Tony rolled his eyes. The juggler must be jealous of his charm.

"Thor, you're getting more and more beating. Since that's the case, I'll have a good time with you."

Hulk grinned and sensed the anger of the earth, and to his surprise, he sensed not only the anger of the earth, but the anger of the universe.

That is, his authority changed from the earth to the universe.

"Bert helped me escalate my authority? Hey, this boss can really follow."

Hulk was about to borrow anger from all beings in the universe. At this moment, Wang Bert's voice sounded in his mind: "Hulk, you should control your anger and become the master of anger."

Hulk blinked: "Control anger and become the master of anger? This is unlikely, right?"

"Nothing is impossible. This source of anger is given to you, and you can understand it well."

Wang Burt smiled and incorporated the concept of a ray of anger into Hulk's body. No matter what, Hulk was also his hard-core younger brother and could not be treated badly.

The source of anger entered the body, and Hulk felt that the power of anger in the body became much more submissive and easier to use, but that was all, he didn't know how to control anger at all.

What the Hulk is good at is using rage.

"Forget it, just start the fight and study it later."

Hulk thought to himself, at this moment, his body suddenly shrunk and turned back to the thin Dr. Banner. Seeing this, the symbiote immediately changed Banner into a suit.

"Banna, what's the situation?"

Hulk was stunned, how could Banner take the initiative to cancel his transformation?

In the past, Hulk agreed to cancel, or if he was tired of playing, Banner could change back to his original state.

"I seem to have learned to control my anger."

Dr. Banner blinked, his mind moved, he became Hulk, then he changed back to Banner, then he became Hulk, and then he changed back to Banner... It was a lot of fun, but only suffered the symbiote, or else Stop changing and undressing.

"What's the situation?"

The audience was stunned, and Tony said: "Hulk, is this a bug?"

"It's quite similar."

Strange smiled and said: "He seems to have mastered the source of anger, and the ancient gods are hopeful in the future."

"An ancient **** is hopeful again? Isn't this ancient **** too cheap, why is everyone looking forward to it? Also, are there more people hanging up today?"

Tony complained again and again, and the others nodded in agreement. It's okay for Thor to hang up. Now Hulk is also hanging up, so why not let others live?

"Banna, have you had enough?"

Hulk asked angrily. In the past, he and Banner shared the steering wheel, but now, the steering wheel has become Banner's.

"Enough, ha, Hulk, don't try to trick me again."

Banner changed back to his original form and laughed. He has completely mastered his anger. In the future, if he wants to become Hulk, he will become Hulk, and if he wants to remain unchanged, he will remain unchanged.

Hulk couldn't help but ask, "How on earth did you do it?"

Dr. Banner said proudly: "Hulk, the most important thing to do is to know how to use your brain."

"Use your brain?" Hulk thought thoughtfully.

Thor was condescending, looked at Banner curiously, and asked, "Hulk, what's the matter with you?"

Dr. Banner shook his head: "I'm Banner, not Hulk."

"I don't care who you are? Was it fun to play just now? Now it's my turn, and I will definitely repay you."

Thor snorted and raised his axe. Dr. Banner saw this and waved to Thor, all of Thor's anger was absorbed by him.

The anger on Thor's face quickly disappeared. He was stunned for a moment, then put away the lightning and fell from the sky in front of Dr. Banner.

Thor asked curiously, "Banner, what did you just do? I feel an unprecedented calm, just like I was with Jane just now..."

"Stop, I don't want to hear about you and Jane."

Dr. Banner hurriedly waved his hand, and he asked, "Do you still want to beat me?"

"Banner, I don't want to beat you, but I have to beat you."

Thor sighed and said, "I must become an elder. Only in this way can Asgard rise. My friend, you must admit defeat."

"It seems that there is still no escape from a battle."

Dr. Banner sighed and turned into Hulk. Then, Hulk asked Thor condescendingly, "Thor, do you know what is the most important thing in doing things?"

Thor asked in confusion, "What?"

Hulk laughed, and suddenly his head slammed on Thor's forehead, and Thor staggered back, his consciousness blurred for a while.

Hulk took the opportunity to grab Thor's head and gave him a knee-jerk so fierce that even the void sank.

Thor flew upside down and landed on the ground with a bang, completely unconscious.

"The most important thing in doing things is to know how to use the Hulk smiled proudly, Banner, and Tony they all complained at the same time: "Is this the way to use the brain? "

The audience was stunned. After a while, some people cheered for Hulk, while others yelled, this big green guy is too despicable.


Hela and Orochi were both laughing, and Odin's face was black like something. To be honest, he really wanted to take the spear of eternity to kill Hulk. He had seen a lot of bastards, and he had never seen such a bastard.

"Damn earthlings."

The warriors of the Asgardians ran wild on the spot. Many people rushed to the palace and asked Heimdall to send them to the arena. They wanted to cut the bastard.

"Hulk, you're an asshole."

Heimdall scolded, and his and Odin's plans were completely smashed by the bastard. This time, it was a bit noisy.

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