Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 622: Space-time fusion

The latest website: "This is the trump card you use to deal with the blood god? I don't know what it is."

The Nemesis was very disdainful. The Hulks didn't talk nonsense. While shouting, they rushed towards the Nemesis.

With a wave of Nemesis' hand, all the Hulks fell to the ground and turned back to Dr. Banner - Nemesis used reality gems to modify the rules of anger, making the Hulks lose their anger.

Conqueror Kangs were stunned. They didn't expect their killers to be so vulnerable - they have only researched the ancient god-level Hulk, and the creation god-level Hulk has not yet been researched.

"Hulk's power comes from anger. With the blood god's ability, it is easier to strip away this anger."

Nemesis said: "Your plan is doomed to fail from the beginning, because you don't know how powerful the blood **** is. Although you are very smart, you have never contacted the **** of creation."

Speaking of which, the Nemesis sighed inwardly. He also underestimated the Blood God. Otherwise, he would not have lost this battle, and he would not have lost so miserably.

"Our plan for The Incredible Hulk isn't finished yet."

A conqueror Kang shouted in dissatisfaction: "If it is completed, it may not be able to deal with you."

"We will not surrender, we are conquerors, not conquered."

Another Conqueror Kang said: "However, we can cooperate. Obviously, your enemy is also the blood god."

"You can block the light of your heart and are barely qualified to be my subordinates, not puppets."

While talking, the Nemesis put away the Infinity Stones, and Kang the Conqueror breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling that he might lose himself at any time just now is really terrible.

"The most important thing in cooperation is the purpose of both parties, and we want to rule this multiverse."

Conqueror Kang asked, "My dear lady, what is your purpose?"

"My purpose is to devour the Blood God and destroy the universe."

Nemesis evolved into a high-back chair and sat down and said, "I'm not interested in the multiverse. You can occupy it yourself afterwards. Now, I want you to do one thing."

Conquerors Kang were a little dissatisfied with the aloof tone of Nemesis, but they didn't dare to attack. A female conqueror Kang asked, "My dear lady, what do you want us to do?"

"Merge parallel time and space to rebuild the sacred timeline."

The goddess of nemesis said, all the conquerors Kang was stunned, and one of the conquerors Kang frowned and said: "Ma'am, merge parallel time and space, we conquerors Kang, there will be only one left."

Parallel time and space merge, the same individual will be randomly wiped out, leaving only one, similar to the situation of the earth and the mutant planet.

"There has always been only one emperor. When has a group of emperors appeared?"

Nemesis said disdainfully: "Besides, I am not asking you, I am ordering you."

"That makes sense."

A black conqueror Kang said bloodthirsty, and other conquerors Kang snorted coldly when they heard the words, their brows were full of killing intent, there can really only be one emperor, or conqueror.

Conqueror Kang asked: "My dear lady, why did you merge parallel time and space? Is it to deal with the blood god?"

"Yes, the blood god's biggest reliance is the ocean of the soul. Once the parallel time and space merge, the ocean of the soul will be out of his control."

Nemesis nodded, and he said: "In addition, the merger of parallel time and space will generate huge chaotic energy, and this energy is even enough to destroy the universe, for example, the main universe where the blood **** is located."

In fact, this is only one of the purposes of the Nemesis. His main purpose is to restore his strength—parallel time and space merge, and the infinite gems will be completely unified. At that time, he will be able to summon his own gems and restore his peak strength.

Once he regains his peak strength, let alone the clone of the Blood God, he will not even pay attention to the original Blood God. After all, when he was born, the multiverse did not exist at all.

"Energy enough to destroy the universe?"

The eyes of all Conqueror Kang lit up at the same time. This is the ultimate weapon they dream of. With it, the speed of conquering the multiverse will be at least three times faster.

Conquerors Kang looked at each other and said to the goddess of nemesis: "My dear lady, we are willing to merge parallel time and space for you."

"Very well, let's start, your wisdom, plus my ability, it's not difficult at all to rebuild the sacred timeline."

The Nemesis nodded in satisfaction. What the black conqueror Kang can do, the Nemesis plus a group of conquerors Kang can naturally do it.

"Blood God, I hope you like the gift I gave you."

Nemesis murmured to herself: "In the long years, you are the first man who made me feel happy and hopeful."

The anticipation of Nemesis is not only because of the world behind Wang Bert, but also because of Wang Bert, who likes accidents, and accidents make him feel alive.


Because there is enough food, and Wang Bert used his spiritual power to guide secretly, the earth gradually returned to order. At the same time, the people forgot about the tyrant old Tony. They only remembered that Iron Man and other superheroes brought back a lot of food from aliens. , once again saving the earth.

After stabilizing the overall situation, Tony occupied the Stark group and began to rebuild the Avengers. He was ready to make a grand plan in this universe and become the absolute protagonist.

"Morgan, you have to finish your meal before you can have dessert."

Tony said to Little Morgan who wanted to eat dessert. Although Little Morgan was a little reluctant, he nodded obediently and said, "Got it, second dad."

Looking at Little Morgan, who was eating bread again, Tony felt like he wanted to cry. This is the little padded jacket he wanted. It's not like the one in the main universe. When he is more than one year old, he will fly his head and hit his father. Black Heart Cotton.

"It's all the fault of the blood god."

Tony gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for the Blood God strengthening Jr. Morgan and Jr. Murphy, how could his home become hell? To make matters worse, he was the one in charge of being the sandbag.

"Your feelings are much richer than old Tony."

Pepper, who was eating the salad, sighed: "Whether it is from the appearance or the heart, you are very similar to the son of old Tony. It is hard to imagine that the two of you are actually the same person."

"Why do you feel like you're taking advantage of me?"

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "There is a blood **** in the main universe, I have hardly suffered any setbacks, and my mentality is naturally young. Little Pepper is similar to me. By the way, she has practiced successfully and looks younger than me.

Pepper, after you go to the main universe, you can learn 'qi' from her, and then use old Tony as a sandbag. You don't have to worry about him getting angry. The more you hit him, the more he will love you. "

"You actually have such a hobby?"

Pepper was surprised, and she asked, "Are you kidding yourself?"

"No, I'm helping old Tony get back to normal, lest he go to extremes again."

Tony said righteously: "If something doesn't work out, it's fine to fight once. If it still doesn't work, then two."

"Two beats, two beats!"

Little Morgan didn't know what Tony was talking about. She shouted happily. Pepper laughed dumbly. She asked, "Will everything really be business as usual after old Tony is resurrected?"

"Rest assured, there will be no problems. The cloning technology of our main universe is very mature."

At this moment, Tony said, a warning came on Friday: "Mr. Stark, a group of steel suits are approaching. According to the test, they are Mark's steel suits, but the serial number is not from our universe."

"People from other universes? It seems that Kang the Conqueror is on the move again."

Tony stood up immediately and said, "Friday, tell the Avengers to be vigilant, Pepper, you take Jr. Morgan in the house and don't go out."

Pepper nodded: "Okay, be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, I am the strongest Iron Man in the world."

Tony walked out of the house arrogantly, and Pepper shook his head helplessly and said, "It seems that it is not easy for me in the main universe. At such an old age, I have to continue to take care of children."

Tony before his transformation was a big kid.

In the forest outside the house, a group of steel battle suits stopped in front of Tony, and Tony said with contempt, "Mark 50 battle suit, outdated technology."

"I now finally know why people want to beat me so much."

The visor of a battle suit was lifted, revealing the head of a middle-aged Tony. He looked at Tony and asked suspiciously, "Wait, are you a little too young?"

"I'll tell you, can I live to be at least a thousand years old?"

Tony asked, "Which universe are you from? What do you want to do?"

S1 Tony was silent for a while and said, "I want to kill you, kill Pepper, kill Jr. Morgan."


Tony was shocked, he shouted: "Are you really my peer? You actually want to kill Pepper and Jr. Morgan? Even if the sky falls, I won't kill them."

"The problem is, the innocence really fell."

S1 Tony sighed and said: "Parallel time and space are about to merge. At that time, only one of the peers will survive, and the rest will be obliterated. I want to ensure that it is my Pepper who survives. My little Morgan."

"Parallel time-space fusion? Sacred timeline?"

Tony was stunned for a moment. He said, "Dude, there must be other ways. We don't need to kill each other. We are positive people."

"I really am a positive character to my universe."

S1 Tony said: "I will make your death easier. After killing you, I will kill Iron Man in other universes."

After finishing speaking, S1 Tony put on his armor and raised his arms together with the other steel suits. Immediately afterwards, their palms lit up with pulse cannons.

"Things are troublesome."

Tony sighed and equipped the anti-Iron Man suit with his right hand. Then, he swiped in the air. Except for the Mark 50, all the other steel suits were divided into two and fell to the ground.

Although the Mark 50 battle suit was not divided into two, the visor was torn open, and S1 Tony stood in a daze.

S1 Tony shouted in disbelief: "This is unscientific, how can you be so powerful? I even detected time fluctuations just now."

"I'm sorry, my brother is not on the same level as you guys. My brother is the number one Iron Man in the heavens and the world."

Tony stepped forward and knocked out S1 Tony. Then, he walked back to the house and shouted to Pepper: "Pepper, pack up and go to the Avengers base, things are a bit troublesome."

Pepper asked, "How much trouble?"

"It's very troublesome, there are a group of Iron Man who want to kill us, and there are countless superheroes who want to destroy the earth."

Tony shrugged, and he shouted: "Friday, the highest level of alert, and also, notify the blood **** of what just happened."

Pepper asked in surprise, "Don't you want to be your own savior?"

"How could I not hold such a thick thigh? More importantly, I may not be able to solve this matter, and I need the Blood God to watch it for me."

Tony said: "I really want to be a savior, but I'm not the kind of impulsive young man with no sense of responsibility. I can tell which one is more important."

Pepper looked at Tony appreciatively and said, "If I have a son in the future, I hope he will be like you."

Tony complained: "Thank you, by the way, are you really taking advantage of me?"

In the Avengers base in the suburbs, the Avengers gather, and across from them, are a group of Avengers who are exactly like them - these Avengers are locked in energy cages.

The captive avengers looked at themselves on the opposite side, with a look of doubt about life, did they make a mistake, why are the avengers in this universe so powerful?

"I really didn't expect that I was so weak and stupid before."

Thor looked at himself on the opposite side, and complained: "He actually kicked the door and came in to fight me one-on-one. Is his brain full of muscles?"

It is worth mentioning that Thor's complaints cannot be heard by the opposite S1 Thor, because the energy cage will isolate the sound.

"Isn't this an accepted fact?"

Loki said with contempt, S1 Loki was also here, and she was easily handled by her, but my sister has seen the world.

"It's not that we were weak before, it's that we are too strong now."

Steve laughed and said that Team America from the opposite universe didn't come with him, so he was in a good mood.

"Yes, we are too strong."

Everyone nodded. They not only loaded the CPU of the creation **** level, but also participated in the battle of **** level and ancient **** level one after another. Their strength is no longer what it used to be.

Only Dr. Banner was a little embarrassed. Although he had improved a lot, he was almost beaten down in the face of the angry Hulk, and he finally defeated the opponent with wisdom.

Dr. Banner thought to himself: "That thing needs to be researched as soon as possible. I am the strongest avenger and can't hold everyone back."

"Thank you for being embarrassed to say that I love Hyun every day, aren't you the same?"

Tony complained: "Okay, stop showing off, think about what to do next, parallel space-time fusion is not a trivial matter."

"I just asked them and they're from the same universe."

Steve said: "After their negotiation, UU Reading decided to destroy the earths of other universes so that their earths would not be affected.

Now, we have to consider two things, the first one, how to prevent people from other universes from coming to our universe to make trouble? 80% of us will be very lively here.

Second, what should we do? To clear the Earth from other universes like they did, or to do nothing at all? "

"With our strength, we should be able to crush other universes."

"That is to say, we have the ability to solve Earths in other universes," Falcon said.

Spider-Man shouted, "Mr. Falcon, how can we do such a thing?"

"I'm just making a suggestion. If you don't want to, I can't do anything and I can't do it."

Falcon explained first, then said, "Peter, would you like you and your aunt to be replaced by someone else?"

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