Chapter 1050 The Power of Affecting a Planet

The huge energy explosion in the star core space nearly doubled the entire underground space.

Obviously there is a spherical space with a diameter of nearly 30 kilometers, which is directly impacted by the energy and expanded to nearly 40 kilometers.

The resulting huge shock sensation caused the entire planet to be resonated by it, even above the surface.

This powerful energy impact and physical shock directly hit the surface of the planet along the rock formations of the star, causing huge amounts of changes on the surface of the entire planet.

And the No. 2 unit that was sent to the surface by Leo suddenly appeared in the sky above the surface of a kilometer.

The super body performance made the spacecraft quickly stabilized. As soon as the rocket pushed the grip, the second plane immediately rose into the sky.

Even if there were no signs of life on the ground, the rocket did not stay at all, and was not prepared to hover at this low altitude.

Similarly, at the moment the second unit appeared on the surface, it was detected by the Milano in the sky. Among them, Xiaojie and Lorelai, looking at the sudden appearance of the second unit, their faces bloomed. A faint smile.

The rocket also quickly spotted the Milan at an altitude of six kilometers.

Get close to it immediately.

“I’ll go, who is driving the spacecraft on the Milano now?”

“Loreley? Or Xiaojie?”

Gamora asked a little skeptical of life.

Jason’s face also changed slightly, and he quickly said to the Rockets, “Be careful, don’t go directly to the match now. Whether it is Xiaojie or Lorelai, they may not be able to get it.”

“Howard, you take Gamora and Jason back to the Milano. By the way, is Chen Haoran on the Milano?”

The Rockets naturally understood, but looking at the rickety Milano, they thought of Chen Haoran again and asked.

“Let’s go back to the Milan first.”

Gamora looked at Querna’s unconscious body behind him, and said slowly.

“It’s easy to say that I can actually go back alone. Although I am not as good as a rocket in driving a spacecraft, this spacecraft can still be handled.”

Howard Duck murmured.

However, he grabbed Gamora and Jason. They were supposed to be stunned for two seconds, and his figure flickered and disappeared into the second plane.

In the Milan, the light blue light flashed slightly, and Howard Duck appeared in the cabin with Jason and Gamora.

Xiaojie, who seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, had already left the cockpit and came to the main cabin, directly seeing the three people who appeared in front of him.

There was a bit of joy on his face.


Xiaojie looked at Jason and shouted, although he hadn’t seen Jason for long, but under this situation, Xiaojie still had a strong dependence on Jason.

After all, Xiaojie is still a child.

Gamora walked straight to the cockpit without any feeling.

Gamora, who has never had any childhood and dependence, can’t experience this feeling at all.

If Gamora was still holding this dependency when she was a child, she would no longer know how many deaths she had, and only relying on herself was the real strength.

Definitely, when faced with Thanos’s feeling of powerlessness, Gamora naturally wouldn’t face it by himself. Seeking strength to resist him is the most correct choice.

Jason rubbed Xiaojie’s head, showing a slight smile, “Come with me, ready to dock with the second machine, see clearly, next time you come to operate.”


Xiaojie also immediately followed Jason’s pace.

Howard Duck watched this scene, but he couldn’t help but curl his lips, “These guys are really boring.”

Afterwards, Howard Duck looked out and looked at the mountain covered with huge gravel on the ground, and he couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

“The power of terror is abnormal.”

Gamora and Jason took Lorelai’s position instantly. The originally slightly trembling fuselage quickly stabilized and moved quickly towards the second plane.

The second plane also began to merge with Milan.

The Milan, which has a huge vacancy in the middle, opened the reserve door and quickly docked with the second plane. The docking was successful! The whole process did not exceed thirty seconds.

Both of them are masters of flying the spacecraft. Although Gamora and Jason are no better than Quill and Rocket in the driving of the spacecraft, they are also top pilots.

The second plane merged with the Milano, and everyone on the second plane walked out of it.

Several branches stretched out of Groot’s hand to wrap around the rocket.

Nebula came out holding Quill’s body.

The Mantis Girl walked out of the second plane silently, looking at everything around her, she was always a little trembling.

It was Chen Haore who appeared in everyone’s surprised eyes, and screamed Roar at the praying mantis girl, which finally calmed down the mantis girl’s heart.

“Chen Haoran, how did you come out? Didn’t I see that I was hammered to the ground by the giant?”

The Rocket, who broke free from Groot’s warm embrace, looked at Chen Haoran and asked with a smile.

“It’s a trivial matter, what about the boss? What’s wrong with Quill?”

Chen Haoran looked at Quill lying on the side, but frowned slightly and asked.

“Quil and Leo are still in the center of the earth, vying for control of the planet with Yigo. Yigo is very strong, and we have no way to resist.”

The Rockets also had a slightly heavy face, and said solemnly.


Chen Haoran looked at Quill on the side, and didn’t understand what the Rockets meant.

“Quil’s consciousness is still on the planet, to be precise, in the core of the earth.”

Gamora walked over and said something.

“Oh, how can Quill do this? Great, but I think since there is a boss, there should be no problem.”

Chen Haoran looked at the two people in front of him and said calmly.

Although the boss sometimes does things unreliable, but the strength is undoubtedly strong.

Before Chen Haoran’s words fell, the Nebula in the cockpit just shouted, “There is something wrong below, it seems that something is going to come out.”

After listening, everyone rushed into the cockpit and looked at the results detected by the spacecraft on the screen.

I saw in the screen, above the entire star, from the center, a large amount of red light burst out, and it continued to spread out along the star.

Even the entire star body will be completely saturated by this red light in less than half a minute.

“This is… an energy wave?”

The Rockets on the side looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

“It should be called a shock wave. How can such a powerful shock sensation occur in nature?!!!”

Gamora looked at the data that appeared in front of him, and muttered incredible.

“This should be the ghost of Ego.”

The Nebula said, “The epicenter is at the deepest part of the core and can affect the entire planet. The pressure at the center is as huge as a black hole.”

“Is this really a movement that life can make?”

“Then the most central bosses, are they okay?”

As soon as Chen Haoran’s words came out, everyone was silent.

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