Chapter 1088: The Future Leo Sees

“Pietro, do you remember the scene I showed you?”

Wanda looked at Pietro who was slightly confused and said.

“I don’t remember very clearly. What I feel is less than one-tenth of yours. My memory is vague, but I also saw that horrible scene. You mean, this guy was…”

Pietro looked at Leo before him, then looked at Wanda and whispered.

“Everything you feel is not real, but the fear I saw in Stark is so real, as if it really happened. I can’t describe the shocking feeling.”

Wanda looked at Pietro in front of him, with a bit of confusion and pain in his eyes.

“I originally thought that Stark’s arrogance would only destroy the entire Avengers, and would only make him extremely painful, but I never thought that the cost would be so high.”

Wanda also didn’t know what was thinking in her mind, but she felt very confused.

It’s impossible to say that you don’t hate Tony Stark.

But to kill him, but at such a price, it may hurt so many people, and even affect the development of his hometown of Sokovia.

But if this makes Stark feel the extreme pain, the price to pay is even more terrifying than destroying the entire Avengers, and it will even affect the entire planet.

Revenge on the Avengers, revenge on Stark, this is the last stubbornness they can persist at the HYDRA base.

But now, the appearance of Leo seems to have directly eliminated the idea of ​​their brothers and sisters, causing them to forcibly lose this idea.

If it’s an ordinary person, maybe it’s really desperate, just want to accomplish the purpose of revenge in his heart, or even ignore it and kill Stark directly.

But for Wanda or Pietro, this is absolutely not allowed and unacceptable.

They cannot accept that they sacrifice the interests of more people for their own selfishness, especially for those who have to make sacrifices, they are all innocent.

Therefore, Leo’s words more and more silenced the two of them.

Pietro looked at Leo in front of him, and the look at Leo in his eyes was not like ordinary people watching the golden legend, but more wanted to get an answer from Leo.

“You can really see the future? Then do you know what happened to us? What was going on when we were ten years old, and who started the war?”

Wanda also shifted his gaze to Leo, wanted to get answers from Leo, or did she want to verify something?

Leo looked at the gazes of the two people in front of him. There was desire, expectation, and a trace of fear and worry. There was also a vaguely hidden anger, which might burst out at any time.

“The future I see may be a little different from what you imagined. What I see is just a few things that I see from a single perspective, but I don’t know everything.”

“If you describe it more appropriately, it might be like watching a movie and knowing most of the future, but it’s impossible to cover everything.”

The twin brothers and sisters, whose eyes were gradually disappointed in front of Leo, also calmed down.

“So, I may not be able to answer your question. I don’t know the true details of when you were ten years old.”

“But I understand a little bit about your future. Are you sure you want to listen? This is not a good thing. It may even affect your subjective thinking and even your decision on the future.”

Leo looked at the two with a little caution in his eyes.

To be honest, about the future, from the moment Leo entered this universe, it has changed.

As for whether to tell the original character of the original fate, this is also a difficult decision, and even a bit difficult to swallow.

However, Leo is willing to give them such a choice, let them decide this, whether they are willing to know, one of their countless futures.

“I tried to tell Stark, but he chose to refuse, because he understood that knowing this is not a good thing. The past cannot be changed, but the future is full of variables and choices.”

“The future I’m talking about is not the real future, but it is also a choice. This will also affect you. Do you really want to know?”

Pietro’s eyes were slightly tangled, but he still nodded.

“Yes, I want to know whether I chose to take revenge on Stark in that future, and whether my revenge succeeded.”

“I hope you can talk about this from a fair perspective, rather than weaving stories to lie to me, otherwise you will definitely regret it if you let us know the truth.”

Wanda looked at Leo in the same way and said, with a few crimson energies surging in his hands, as if even if he couldn’t see through your thoughts, he wanted to try hard.

Want to know the truth of what Leo said is very simple. If everything said is too outrageous and does not fit his personal choice at all, then Leo is talking nonsense.

Even if one of Leo’s answers is wrong, the twin guns will feel humiliated and launch an attack on Leo.

“Well, I can tell you, but I still ask you to remember that this is just one of countless kinds of futures and does not have much reference value.”

Leo looked at the two people with a slight seriousness in front of him and said so, and he said slowly.

“It was also after this battle. Although there was no stop from me, the two of you still did not choose to kill Stark. Perhaps you want to make Stark die more painfully and let him destroy himself.”

“Therefore, just watch Stark take back the rough mind stone, and you, are in SOKOVIA, waiting for news.”

“But what you waited for was not the imaginary situation, but someone threatened you and asked you to go to the SOKOVIA Central Church for a comment.”

“You both went, and Wanda realized that he couldn’t see through that guy’s mental situation, and finally realized that he was not alone.”

“It’s the robot that Stark created with the help of the original stone of the mind and the Ultron program he originally conceived. It can even be said that the mechanical life has the Ability of self-thinking.”

“His words that can avenge and kill the Avengers, let you two successfully join his team, can be regarded as a real cause for Avengers’ attention.”

“The robot is called Ultron, and takes you to snatch Vibranium, so that it will be discovered by the Avengers and fight a battle.”

“Your record is great. Except Pietro curiously played Thor’s hammer, Wanda successfully defeated them and saw everyone’s fear, except Hawkeye, who was defensive because he was controlled by the mind.”

“Ultron took Vibranium away, Pietro rescued Wanda, but Wanda, in pain and anger, summoned Hulk to Roar forcibly, dispelling the reputation of the Avengers.”

“It was only when Ultron used the robbed mind stones, Vibranium and the Cradle of Life to create a true semi-mechanical body that Wanda finally realized what he was thinking.”

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