Chapter 1227

After Stark accepted Maya’s news, he just happened to be free, and he became a little interested in the Black Prison Group.

However, after a few taps, he called up some surveillance pictures around the black prison group.

And the next second was the sound of the J.A.R.V.I.S alarm.

“Sir! It is detected that regular armed personnel are marching towards the black jail group. It looks likely to be an intruder.”

The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S rang throughout the studio.

At the same time, in various monitoring screens, those suspected of being officially armed are also marked in red.

“So fast? J.A.R.V.I.S, tell them to come out and gather!”

Stark glanced at the screen and hurriedly walked out.

“This time, Leo’s men asked us for help. It’s impossible to just watch them die.”

Stark murmured as he walked.

But in two minutes, a few people walked out of the other rooms.

“What happened? Tony?”

Rogers, who rushed past in the evening because of an information task, did not understand, but asked in surprise.

And those who came out one after another were Dr. Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Barton at the same time.

Even directly under the reminder of J.A.R.V.I.S, Hawkeye Barton and Black widow Natasha Romanoff came out fully armed.

As for Dr. Banner, he was still wearing his white lab coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking at everyone suspiciously.

“What happened? Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Captain, when did you come here?”

And Rogers also seemed to have discovered something wrong. “Is there any task?”

Stark looked at the people in front of him and said solemnly.

“Do you remember Zoster?”

“The executive chairman of the Black Prison Group, didn’t they follow Leo? What’s wrong?”

Rogers said directly that he knew best, after all, he had been talking with Zoster for a long time before.

“Yes, it’s Leo’s little brother. Now they are in danger and they need our help. How about, how many?”

Stark looked at the people in front of him and said.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and waved, a three-dimensional picture appeared in the air, and more than a dozen figures marked in red quietly sneaked into a building in the middle.

“According to their request for help, the opponent this time is the Assassin’s Association.”

Stark said quickly again.

“Leo had explained it before, but he didn’t expect that Leo didn’t find them, but they came here!” Barton said in surprise.

“This time the enemy is not easy to deal with. Assassins above the gold medal in the hands are all difficult enemies.” Natasha Romanoff said very experienced.

“I’m going to get the equipment, get ready to eat and set off.”

Rogers moved in shape and hurried to his room.

And Barton walked directly to the apron.

Dr. Banner looked at everyone with a little horror, “Am I going?”

“Don’t, you just stay here, and if one fails, you will dismantle the black prison group directly. You don’t need to take action this time.”

Stark hurriedly looked at Dr. Banner and said something.

The movements of several people are extremely fast, Stark also put on Mark 43, as for Rogers, he is still a normal sportswear, holding his iconic shield in his hand.

After the three of them got on Quin Jet, Barton also took off directly to the destination.

And Dr. Banner sat in the command room.

“All the combat information about the assassin of the Shouhehui has been sent to you. The enemy is fast. You have to be careful.”

“The last time three Gold Medal Assassins died in the Black Prison Group, this time the number will definitely not be less than the last time. You have to be prepared. I doubt they have other goals this time.”

Banner said to everyone in the command room.

Natasha Romanoff sorted out his equipment while sitting on the fighter plane while still talking.

“If I face a gold medal assassin, I am afraid I will not be able to deal with other people in a short time. Faced with two gold medal assassins, I may have to retreat further.”

Natasha Romanoff said so bluntly, and although he was very clear about the opponent’s combat effectiveness, he could even perceive that it was not the first time they played against each other.

“Now that they have sneaked into the black prison group, I believe that Zost and the others are already prepared.”

“The top assassins of the Shouhehuihui are all a bunch of lunatics, relying on those excitement potions to support the entire operation. They will not have empathy, and they will not be merciless to anyone.”

“It is not Zost and the others that need to worry about, but the ordinary people who are still in the black prison group.”

“S.H.I.E.L.D has been dispatched and began to isolate the entire black prison group.”

“I’ve never heard of such an organization, Barton, we have to be faster.” Rogers said, looking at the information.

However, the Avengers Building was only less than ten kilometers away from the Black Prison Group, and in front of Quin Jet, it was just a slap in the face.

As everyone talked, Quin Jet was already hovering above the destination.

Stark looked at the crowd and said, “There are currently 27 people targeted by J.A.R.V.I.S. This number is not 100% accurate, but it is certain that there are at least 27 people.”

After speaking, Stark, who was already wearing the armor, jumped and jumped out of the cabin.

He took up an energy firework and slammed directly into the building.

And Rogers on the side seemed to leap out too impatiently.

Even if At the moment is still forty to fifty meters high from the roof, Rogers just put the shock gold shield under him and hit the roof of the building straight.

Natasha Romanoff was not as impulsive as the two. When the fighter was almost completely stopped, he jumped down, hurriedly following Rogers’s footsteps, and hurried down.

As for Barton, he calmly stopped the fighter plane and walked down with the equipment in his hand.

As a long-range attack, he doesn’t need to be in such a hurry, instead, he needs to be steady and calm.

Although the people of Shouhehui were monitored by J.A.R.V.I.S, in the eyes of others, they were not aware of the disappearance of these people.

In the darkness, after these people entered the surveillance range of the Black Domain Group, they seemed to have disappeared in the form of Ghosts.

However, many people are still being monitored by the black jail gang.

In the entire black prison building, everyone became vigilant with the sound of a not strong alarm.

At the moment is on the first floor of the building. Apart from the three iconic metal sculptures in the hall, only four powerful combat forces arranged by Zoster have stayed here.

Among the four, Ryze was among them, and the other ordinary people were all removed.

Only four people guarded this floor, staring at the door closely.

In the eyes of the four, but a flower in front of them, there are more than a dozen dark figures shrouded in black robes.

In the next second, all the TVs of the men in black pulled out a sharp long blade with gleaming silver light from their waists, and slashed straight at the four of them.

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