Chapter 1274 Leo, don’t be impulsive

Recalling what happened in Thailand again, Leo was still surging with blood and anger.

But when he opened his eyes again, the anger in it quickly calmed down.

It has already happened, and even oneself cannot recover it.

What made him feel heartache was that the people inside were full of joy when they saw Leo, but what they were happy about was not being rescued, but death.

Almost all the people who had been tortured saw Leo’s first sight, not for Leo to save them, but for Leo to kill them.

The scary and weird wounds on them, missing internal organs, broken limbs, no one has a complete body.

But they still maintained their terrifying vitality under that inhuman potion. The potion was frantically draining their life potential, using every cell and every trace of energy in their bodies.

The consequence of this is that after these few minutes of carnival, it will be squeezed dry into a corpse.

In these short few minutes, they have to endure countless pains, they just want to die, nothing more.

They said that the state they showed made Leo a little afraid to treat them, as if that was hurting them.

They didn’t even have the idea of ​​letting Leo go back to get the rough time stone, because they had no desire to live.

It feels like they have been resurrected, and they will choose to end their lives by themselves, not wanting to live in this ugly world.

In the end, Leo buried everything there, and no one came out of the entire building.

Those who can survive inside don’t want to live at all, but those who want to survive inside don’t deserve to live at all.

The entire building was buried directly underground, turning into a huge amounts of tomb, burying everything in it.

Leo came out alone with the information in it, and he was full of pain.

At the moment Leo stood up from the water, and the drops of water on his body turned into smoke and disappeared in just two or three seconds.

“J.A.R.V.I.S, what time is it now?”

“It’s 8:45 a.m. US time. Mr. Leo, you spent 57 minutes in the bathroom.”

“Has it been so long? Where’s Tony?”

Leo put on his clothes and walked out.

“The boss, At the moment, is waiting for you to have breakfast with you, Mr., in the lounge.”

J.A.R.V.I.S still said in a hurry.

Leo went straight out, burying all the bad moods deep in his heart. This kind of depressed mood didn’t have to affect others.

In the lounge, I just opened the lid of the takeout box when I saw Stark. The ingredients inside were also hot. It just felt like eating steak in the morning was a bit bad.

Stark’s mentality is not that fragile, and after his own adjustments, he quickly recovered.

So Leo came out one step earlier, and the breakfast was ready again.

This kind of service of preparing breakfast twice in a row, even Pepper Peibo hasn’t experienced it.

“Come over for breakfast.”

“Where is the meat sauce noodles before?” Leo asked in a puzzled way.

“That’s already cold, I have taken care of it.”

Stark replied somewhat silently.

Leo didn’t say much, and sat down directly opposite.

“It turned out to be a well-done steak. Don’t you usually like to eat half-ripe? When did it change its taste?”

Leo asked curiously after cutting a steak.

Stark looked at the steak on the plate, and suddenly lost his appetite.

“In fact, I think breakfast with cereal and milk is also a good choice. Why do you want steak?”

When Stark heard Leo’s question, he suddenly put down his knife and fork.

Leo glanced at him again, “You won’t be curious as well, take a look at what I did.”

Stark looked at Leo and nodded silently.

“I only looked at what happened in Thailand, and I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t expect that the Shouhehui would be so frantic, but unfortunately I was a little late.”

Leo also shook his head somewhat lowly.

Stark was only concerned about the effects of war. He was committed to making the world no longer have wars. He tried to stop everything.

Although the name of Iron Man is well-known all over the world, the effect is not as good as he imagined.

It’s definitely not bad. Even if it only relieves a war, it saves many people behind it.

What he didn’t expect was that those huge organizations wandering in the gray area could do such an extinction thing.

Perhaps they did not cause as much damage as war, but all they did was to make the darkness of this world a bit deeper.

Originally, Stark wanted to discourage Leo’s impulsive behavior, thinking that before he did something, he needed a more perfect plan to reduce the casualties of more innocent people.

But after seeing what happened in Thailand before, Stark found that he couldn’t say anything.

Innocent people! Yes, there are innocent people in those dark organizations! !

Leo silently ate the steak in front of him, and it was quickly wiped out.

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, I discovered that there were a few faint fingerprints on the knife and fork.

Leo’s mood was not so calm, and he had a deeper thought about the dark side of the whole world.

There used to be a saying, ‘existence is reasonable, and where there is light, there is darkness. ’

But now, Leo can’t wait to wipe out all those organizations.

No matter it is for any reason, they shouldn’t do such a thing, how can they still be called people?

“What do you want to do next?”

Stark asked Leo with his eyes fixed on him.

“Clean up the darkness of this world.”

Leo said something silently.

These words are not what Stark said, but he also understands that when this scope is expanded to the whole world, the darkness will never be swept away.

“There is a corner of darkness where there are people. Killing alone cannot be done.”

“I know, but this will allow more innocent people to survive!”

Leo said coldly.

“No, you will only cause more innocent casualties. We need a plan, Leo, don’t be impulsive.”

Stark looked at Leo and said anxiously.

Leo’s strength is beyond doubt. If he wants to do something, no one on earth can stop him by force.

It is precisely because of this that Stark must stop him to prevent him from going the wrong way and causing more serious consequences.

This is a truth that the top people in the world understand.

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