Chapter 1277 The Connection Between Stark And Longya

Li Qian looked at the nearly synchronized movements of the two in front of her, naturally very curious.

“How did you know? Are there clairvoyance eyes in your Ability?”

“I don’t know, but we can perceive it.”

Wanda and Pitnor still looked at Li Qian and said so.

In fact, the two of them also had speculation in their hearts. When they were imprisoned at the HYDRA base, the last experiment they did was to get in touch with the spiritual scepter.

After Pietro came into contact with the scepter, he passed out in a coma.

But Wanda is different. After she walks in front of the mind scepter, she absorbs the energy of the original mind stone.

Even the effects caused at the same time caused all the monitors placed by HYDRA to be damaged, and it is impossible to observe what happened in it.

It was only when they entered again that Wanda was found unconscious on the ground. As for what happened during the blank time, even HYDRA didn’t know.

But the twins succeeded. Unlike the other experimental products, most of them did not live for two hours after being exposed to the original mind stone.

And even if you insist on surviving, you can’t control the energy in your body at all. When this kind of energy overflows, many people explode and die.

So Wanda and Pietro were the only ones who survived.

And even if they were, they couldn’t control their Ability in the beginning.

Pietro couldn’t control his speed at all, and would often hit the wall instantly and be seriously injured.

As for Wanda, it is even worse. When her Ability cannot be controlled autonomously, just like Professor X when she was a child, she will involuntarily ingest a large amount of law-controlled memory fragments, which will have an impact on her consciousness.

Unlike Professor X, her Ability is forcibly inspired, and her emotions are easily assimilated and affected by the emotions of others.

During that time, Wanda, who was originally a normal girl, began to feel dark and bloody.

Fortunately, Pietro has been with her during that period of time, otherwise no one knows what Wanda will be like, but it is definitely not a good situation?

Because the Ability of both of them is inspired by the original mind stone, they have a special feeling for the original mind stone.

Now the original soul stone is on Leo’s body, although it is said that it is sealed in the storage space, but Leo’s body is still contaminated with the breath of the original soul stone.

This is why both of them know that Leo is back.

The people who were planning to return to their respective rooms had gathered at the door of Leo’s room.

“Can you perceive what he is doing?”

Li Qian asked with some concern.

The twins shook their heads at the same time, “Our feeling is very weak, we can only say that we know that he is in the room.”

But the three of them were very happy about Leo’s return.

Finally, Li Qian knocked on the door of the room, but there was no movement inside.

After a few more trials, there was still no intention to open the door.

The three of them looked at each other a little, not knowing what to do.

“Is he really in the room?”

Li Qian was a little confused.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other again.

Wanda said, “I can open the door, but I think it’s better not to do this. Maybe he is already asleep.”

“Why don’t we come back tomorrow morning and have breakfast together.”

Pietro also scratched his head and said.

Li Qian thought for a while and agreed with this decision.

Finally, the three of them returned to their own rooms, but this time, the three of them had no desire to go out to play again.

It’s just that I don’t know whether there is anyone in the room, I’m full of attention.

As for Leo, this time he fell asleep selectively, and he didn’t even perceive the knock on the door.

Definitely, it’s also because their knock on the door is not threatening.

Once someone breaks in, or is hostile to Leo, he will still be awakened.

Leo this time, just wanted to relax and take a break, he hadn’t fallen asleep like this for a long time.

After Li Qian returned to her room, she quickly reported the news.

Lao Zhang, who was in the Shanghai Longya Sub-base, did not pay too much attention to the news. After all, Leo had already returned just over an hour ago.

Although Leo only came back for more than ten seconds that time, and the whole person’s mental state seemed a little abnormal.

But Lao Zhang didn’t think too much about it. After all, Leo didn’t have any injuries on his body. He just felt something wrong in his breath, but that was a golden legend. How could there be a problem?

Although Lao Zhang didn’t care too much about the news, he would definitely report the news.

The strange thing is that Zhang Lao didn’t even get through the call with Commander Zhang Huan.

You must know that in his phone level, Zhang Lao has extremely high authority.

If Commander Zhang’s current communication level is not as high as his own, he would first connect his own communication signal, but this time, he did not get through.

“Is there something going on again?”

Lao Weiwei Zhang thought nervously, after all, once Commander Zhang Huan’s phone was connected to a call of this level, nothing good would happen.

At the moment, Zhang Huan, who was far away in the capital, got a call from a person he had never thought of.

“Hello, this is Tony Stark, there are some things I need to tell you.”

When Zhang Huan received this call, even the first second he couldn’t believe it.

He definitely knew that the person who was able to call his personal mobile phone must have been verified by layers and he could almost be sure of the identity of the other party.

The most important thing is definitely that J.A.R.V.I.S didn’t hide the idea of ​​this call record at all, otherwise, relying on the power of Longya, the information of this call would not be found at all.

Although it took a few minutes to turn, Tony Stark still relied on his identity to speak directly with the commander of this secret agent organization in China in this short period of time.

Compared to this call, it is much easier to make than Nick Fury’s call.

After all, that guy is always fascinated and can’t reach him at all.

Zhang Huan looked at the Stark projected in front of him with a serious face.

“Hello! I’m Commander-in-Chief Longya, just call me Zhang.”

Zhang Huan silently looked at Stark in front of him, and didn’t say much, but he understood that Stark was willing to contact him proactively, and there must be his purpose.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, I am afraid that this matter has an inextricable relationship with Leo.

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