Chapter 1281 Leo is not there, but there is still his legend

Stark’s face was a little weird, but he didn’t answer Natasha Romanoff’s question directly.

“Recently, the company does have a lot of things to deal with. She is quite busy. I believe her very much.”

“What is Leo doing in recent days? It seems that he is not in a good mood?”

Natasha Romanoff looked at Stark weirdly and asked.

Stark also glanced at Natasha Romanoff.

“Where did you get the information?”

“But what Shouwa will do in Thailand is too much. Leo is really not in a good mood after returning from Thailand.”

“Leo, don’t make any mistakes, he is related to the safety of the entire world.”

Dr. Banner said nervously.

“Is he still in China? I heard that he seems to be traveling with two girls. Shouldn’t he…?”

Natasha Romanoff looked a little weird again, looked at Stark and asked.

This sentence reminded everyone present, otherwise everyone would soon forget that Leo is just a boy who has just grown up.

It’s not surprising that anything happens at this age, even now it’s a bit late, especially for them who were born in the United States.

“Which girl does he like, is he a Chinese girl?”

Even Rogers couldn’t help asking, he was not gossip, he was just worried about Leo.

“It could also be the girl named Wanda. In fact, he is also pretty and about the same age as Leo.”

Natasha Romanoff said with a smile on the side.

“Stark, you have to pay attention to this. This is not a small problem. He is Leo, a golden legend!”

Barton also said from the side, after all, everyone knows that Leo and Stark have the best relationship, better than everyone present.

“He just wanted to go to China to relax, and I have known him for so long, he almost never returned to China, this time I went to China to see what happened.”

Stark didn’t care too much about it. He had known Leo for so many years, and he trusted him very much.

It just made him have some things that he didn’t understand. According to the information he got, Leo had always lived in the United States and never returned to China, but his fluent Chinese was so native.

Even if he had been living in China before being adopted by the Jenny and his wife, how did he achieve this for a 5-year-old child?

But thinking of Leo’s strange and powerful Ability, he didn’t care too much about it.

“Captain, what’s the matter with you? There has been something wrong with your situation since just now. Is there anything that you can’t tell us?”

Barton, who was sitting next to Rogers, suddenly looked at the captain and said in a horrible speech.

Rogers was suddenly a little embarrassed when asked about this topic, but he said immediately.

“No, I’m just thinking about what the girl who can attract Leo is like, and the boy in the state of love usually does some incredible things. Did he say when he will come back?”

Rogers successfully changed the topic to Leo again, and everyone looked at Stark.

“I didn’t ask about it. He stayed as long as he wanted. There hasn’t been anything lately. Besides, I don’t think his current state is suitable for another mission.”

Stark looked at several people frankly and said, with a face of protection.

“Does Leo come back with any extraterrestrial specialties? The last time the Baker Stone almost made the scientists in the bureau go crazy. The sandbox base is still studying those stones.”

Natasha Romanoff’s mention of this also made others curious.

The last time Leo gave Stark the Baker Stone, there was still a lot of it left after the strengthening was completed. Later, because I couldn’t bear the crazy harassment from S.H.I.E.L.D, he gave out a few pieces.

But most of them are still in Stark’s hands. Originally, he wanted to hand it over to Peibo, but recently there have been some emotional problems between him and Peibo. Those Baker stones are still in Stark’s hands.

However, this thing still firmly attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D, and was crazy about this magical stone from the universe.

Although what S.H.I.E.L.D hopes most is to allow Leo to bring back those higher-tech products from the outer planet, so that the earth’s technology can make a leap forward.

But this is definitely not easy to talk to Leo directly, and it’s even harder to get Iron Man Stark to help spread the word.

Moreover, they also understand that since Leo didn’t do this, he must have his concerns. I am afraid that it is useless to say more. It would be better to expect him to bring some alien souvenirs back.

If something can be discovered, the human body strengthening agent may be truly popularized. At least there will be more super soldiers like Captain America, which are also very scary.

A super soldier with horrible training and a physical fitness that surpasses ordinary people’s combat power is absolutely beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

It’s like the Winter Soldier created by HYDRA. Maybe those guys’ combat effectiveness can’t be compared with large firearms, but sometimes they can play a role that 100 tanks can’t do.

“You should just ask him these questions! Maybe there is really something to gain.”

Stark didn’t want to disturb Leo because of this problem, especially in this situation.

Although Leo is not here, Leo has firmly occupied the center of their topic.

In the face of this boy who has the world’s top combat power but is still a teenager.

These guys who are committed to maintaining world peace certainly cannot avoid this topic.


Leo didn’t know that the current Avengers had gathered to chat, and the topic was still himself.

Because after the trip over the past few days, everyone is ready to head to the northeast. Halfway through, they are planning to go to Wuhan to look for the man who left the address for Wanda and Pitnor.

After all, this is one of the main purposes of Wanda and Pitno South China.

The second is to have a good taste of Chinese cuisine.

Although Leo has no idea how many times faster than the plane, but in the journey of the past few days, he has not shown the slightest Ability.

In the past few days, Leo was like a normal person, eating the same and sleeping the same. Except for a phone call to Jenny and George in the middle, the rest of the time was so plain.

It’s just that there are many more smiles on his face, more youthful breath, more familiarity and intimacy.

The words and emotions displayed are not much different from that of a normal boy.

At the moment, all four of them got on the Dragon Tooth and prepared a private jet for them.

Li Xiaotian and his team members stood outside and did not follow.

He is only in charge of the Shanghai sub-base, and then Leo’s itinerary is left to others.

“It’s the first time I’ve been flying in Longya’s private jet. This looks really good.”

Li Qian looked at the surrounding environment and said.

“This is the first time we fly.” Wanda and Pitnor said.

“Stark was going to give me one before, I didn’t want it.”

This is Leo said.

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