Chapter 301: Jotonheim?

“At this time, two Giants of Jotunheim invaded Asgard, entered Odin’s treasure house, and were killed by the guarded Destroyer armor.”

“Oh huh!!”

Leo raised his eyebrows, gave a weird cry, looked at Loki and smiled.

Loki glanced at Leo, ignored Leo’s weird smile, and continued.

“Thor and I followed Odin to the treasure house. The soldiers guarded had already died. Thor was very angry and petitioned Odin, hoping that he would attack Jotonheim as Odin did before to defend Asgard’s majesty.”

“Thor was very arrogant at the time. He kept arguing with Odin about the war. In the end, Thor’s tough attitude angered Odin, and Thor was also very angry.”

“Later, his friends came, Sif, and the three others.”

Having said this, Loki couldn’t help but pause. Although Loki was also active with them at that time, Sif and others never recognized him, and sincerely treated him as a friend.

At that time, Loki, there were only Frigga and Thor.

“Afterwards, Thor decided to violate Odin’s rules and went to Jotonheim to teach the ice giants, and called them together.”

“We have all persuaded Thor, but he did not listen to our persuasion, he thinks he can be like Odin, the king of Asgard, Odin can do it, so can he.”

Loki looked at Leo, who had been staring at him, and didn’t stop talking in order to see Friga.

“Thor was really arrogant at that time. When he first arrived on Earth, the same was true. Well, I support you.” Leo nodded and said.

“Support me for what?”

“To make trouble at the enthronement ceremony, Thor was not fit to be a king at that time, arrogant, loves war and killing, let Asgard out of his stupid rule, you did a good job.”

Leo looked at Loki and nodded.

“I… forget it, the matter is over.” Loki didn’t make much excuses, and continued talking.

“We went to Jotonheim through Bifrost. It was also at that time that I heard Heimdall’s words and learned that Bifrost’s energy was always on, enough to destroy a planet.”

“To tell you the truth, as a member of the Giants of Jotunheim, how did it feel to be in Jotonheim for the first time?” Leo asked curiously.

Loki frowned fiercely. For this topic, it was the eternal pain in his heart. He hated his identity.

But he has no way to change.

“Nothing,” Loki hesitation as he said.

“Jotonheim is full of frost, it feels very brittle, small movements can cause huge amounts of damage, plus the cold weather, I didn’t see any useful resources.”

“Later, a few of us went to the Frost Giant’s palace. It was dark and dilapidated. Although it was tall, it was damaged a lot, and it still looked very fragile. It often made the sound of building crashes, and it couldn’t be compared with the glorious Asgard. .”

“Lauf appeared, Thor directly asked Lauf about the origin of the invasion.”

“What did Lauf say? The point is here, what did Lauf say?” Leo asked, looking at Loki enthusiastically.

Although Loki didn’t know why Leo wanted to know about this, he didn’t say anything in a hurry.

“He said to Thor,’Your father is a murderer and a thief. Why are you here? Are you looking forward to fighting? You are just a little boy, but you want to prove that you are a man. .’, these are his original words.”

However, Loki expressed his approval, and Leo did the same.

“You don’t know the consequences of this move, but I know. Go back, while I allow it.”

Loki’s tone was deep, vividly imitating Lauf’s tone at the time.

Lauf’s remarks also confirmed Leo’s guess.

“Then the battle started. Even Thor and Sif are the most elite fighters in Asgard, but they can’t defeat the Ice giants more than two or three times.”

“I was shocked by the combat power of those Ice giants. It was also at that time that I knew my true identity. After returning to Asgard, the moment I got the Winter Coffin, I confirmed this even more.”

Giants of Jotunheim touched Loki’s arm. The scale armor that originally wrapped the arm couldn’t stand the cold and shattered, and Loki, turned blue.

“Someone is injured. We persuade Thor to leave, but he is addicted to fighting. He enjoys the thrill of fighting and the fun of fighting.”

“He continued to fight the Giants of Jotunheim. We were surrounded. Heimdall did not turn on Bifrost because of Asgard’s danger. Since I notified Odin earlier, he came and took us back.”

“That’s it, I really don’t know what’s so good about it.” Loki actually got up from the ground, patted his body, and said as he looked at Leo.

“Just like his sister! Go on, what did Odin say after you know the truth? You went to murder Odin with Lauf, what did you two say?”

Loki looked at Leo as if he must break the casserole and asked, so he had to continue talking about the past.

The past is the past after all, it has passed.

“I went to the treasure house and took the ancient winter coffin that only the Ice giant can touch, the truth I know about myself,”

“On the other hand, Odin said, ‘after the war, I approached the temple and found a young baby, not like a giant’s child, abandoned, suffering, and self-defeating, Lauf’s son’.”

“I questioned him angrily, but Odin said that his plan is to form an alliance with Jotonheim and bring permanent peace. I don’t believe that there will be the next thing. I didn’t want to assassinate Odin. I just wanted to… .”

“I know, I know, don’t get excited.” Leo said quickly, looking at Loki, who was getting louder and louder.

“Do you know that Odin conquered several other realms, why just form an alliance with Jotonheim?”

“Why?” Loki asked.

“Because…. First, when you went to see Lauf, why did he believe you and stepped directly into this obvious trap?” Leo suddenly smiled.

“Because I promised to return Winter Coffin to him personally, he agreed, but I looked a little excited at the time, and some weird.” Loki thought for a while, recalling what he said at the time and said.

“Personal? Did you kill the Giants of Jotunheim that revealed your identity before?” Leo smiled weirdly.

“I stabbed his heart with a sword.”

Leo shook his head and murmured softly, “It’s a pity, Lauf has given his life for the children.”

“What are you talking about?” Loki couldn’t understand Leo’s words at all.

“You tidy up, tomorrow, let you have a chance to see Friga.”

Leo didn’t say much, the whole person moved in blue light and disappeared in front of Loki.

Loki shook his hands lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a big doubt in him, “The power of Tesseract? Leo, what on earth do you want to do?”

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