Chapter 800 Leo Coming in Time

At the same time, a ray of Tai particles from the rocket at the front of the battlefield slammed into the head of a mecha fighter.

The powerful ether ray instantly penetrated that guy’s head, even penetrated, directly hit the other person behind him, and killed another.

So the rocket caught the eyes of all the soldiers in an instant, and they all started shooting.

The cannon in his hand was aimed directly at the Milan, and hundreds of gunfire shot directly at the Milan.

Although the Milano has just been refurbished, the defense is still average.

Faced with hundreds of lasing artillery fires, many horror pits were blasted in the hull in an instant.

The entire Milan, tens of meters in length, was trembling after being hit. Outside the hull, a huge explosion sounded.

Under this condition, the Rockets’ arms did not tremble at all, pulling the trigger one after another.

The fighters who have any threat to their side will be sniped one by one.

Almost every shot can kill two people. If the angle is more precise, you may be able to kill three people in a row.

However, with the attack of the rocket, the attack on the rocket sniper window is getting stronger and stronger.

However, after more than a dozen shots, the entire sniper port was covered by artillery fire, which made the rocket lose the opportunity to continue shooting.

After closing the sniper point, it was bombarded by the attacking fire in the next second.

At the same time, there were a lot of attack artillery shells, which directly fired in and burst in the empty cabin, forming a life restricted zone.

The Rocket hurriedly waved to the back, and the whole person rolled to hide aside, “Hurry up, it’s dangerous there!!”

Said quickly to Karina, who had shrunk in panic because of the attack.

When Karina heard that, she also hurriedly crawled to the side with her hands and ran directly to Groot’s feet and curled up.

After all, it now appears that the entire Milan is under attack, and no place is safe.

I have to say that Karina’s choice is correct. The Rockets put Groot in a relatively safe place. At least in the Rockets’ view, there will be no impact in a short time.

This time, the Rockets saw Karina’s action and didn’t say anything. Pulling the hand mine box as a whole, walked towards another attack point.

He was still muttering, “This is the most defensive place on the Milano. It should be able to hold it for a while.”

As he said, he looked out again, “However, there are at most three minutes and twenty seconds before they can attack.”

The five fingers moved slightly, and the sharp black claws flashed with light.

However, his hand was still placed on the trigger, pressed against an extremely weak point on the hull, and then shot.

A powerful etheric ray was suddenly launched, directly penetrating the heads of both of them again.

The position that had just attracted the firepower of the crowd began to change again.

Following the mecha legion, the commander gave an order, and half of the soldiers rose directly into the air.

The jet mecha behind him and under his feet gushed out high-energy particles, soaring into the sky.

At the same time, at the top of the ship of the Milano, it was also subjected to a powerful attack. A powerful explosion suddenly sounded, and the entire Milan was trembling violently.

Although the attack power of these mecha fighters is not so strong, but in such a situation where there are so many concentrated fires, the Milan can resist a breakthrough in 20 seconds at most.

The powerful vibrations and explosions made Karina on the Milano bit her lip and curled up on the ground, not daring to move at all.

Groot, however, gradually awakened from the sound of such destruction and destruction, and his body gradually began to move.

Rocket’s eyes were full of solemnity, the sharp claws in his hands popped out, and he was ready to grab his legs in the next second.

But before the Rockets started, they heard a few different sounds outside.

At the same time, it was also outside the window and saw another tiny figure, breaking out of the Milan.

Obviously Milan is also an extremely dangerous place, but this figure is still obliged to come back here.

Carrying the body of this mecha warrior on his shoulders, holding a shield, charged towards the Milan.

Nothing seemed to be able to stop the sharp blade in his hand.

But such a weird behavior was naturally discovered by the mecha troops in the air and began to attack, so the attack on the Milano was greatly slowed down.

But the sprinting figure was bombarded on the ground by a few shots and couldn’t move.


When the Rockets saw this scene, their eyes were full of excitement and unbearableness, but there was nothing to do.

Faced with such a huge fighting group, they have no way to deal with it.

If the Milan can still move, maybe the Rockets can take these people around in the void, but now…

Jason was seriously injured again, but it delayed the fire speed of everyone hitting the Milan.

The golden light recovery speed on his body can’t keep up with the speed of destruction. Even if he has a lot of physical shields to consume attacks, it is already on the verge of life and death for Jason.

At the same time, there was a bloody glow on the Rockets’ thighs.

Jinguang lit up from the body and began to repair the injury.

In the next second, there was a violent Roar howling in the air.

A behemoth descended from the sky with a very fast speed, directly colliding hundreds of meters of mecha fighters in mid-air.

However, this giant violated the laws of mechanics, lost its inertia, and stopped at a distance of five meters from the ground.

As for the mecha fighters who were knocked down by it, they were all sunken underground, causing serious internal injuries. Don’t even think of it in at least a short time.

At the moment, Leo, standing on the red whale’s back, looked at the remaining hundreds of fighter armors in mid-air. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled all of them to the ground, his body distorted. It’s shameful.

“I was treated just now, and I’m dying again, Jason, you are really life-threatening.”

Afterwards, Leo suddenly grabbed Jason, who was buried in the pit under the corpse, and brought it back.

Not far away, many mecha fighters were shooting at Jason who had been unconscious in the air, and many people were shooting at Leo.

Leo frowned, “Ronan’s remnant? I didn’t expect that other legions would come down before the Darkstar boarded, and almost an accident occurred.”

Reaching out and waving abruptly, all of the hundred armors on the right suddenly turned around, breaking the safety threshold forcibly, and directly crippled the manipulator in it.

And the metal fragments sputtered turned into sharp metal thorns, and suddenly penetrated to the other side, and solved a hundred enemies.

The red whale’s figure pressed downward, crushing all the guys who attacked his belly to pieces.

The Rockets took back their bloody claws without a hassle, and shook their hands, “It’s not too late to come.”

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