Chapter 880 Silver Guard Retreat

Thousands of Vanguard Guards were all smashed in the head and then buried in the rubble.

The hull of a transport ship several hundred meters high, but naturally dumped, is enough to crush a third of the beast tide vanguard.

Naturally, the remaining four-handed vanguard was buried under the surrounding powerful explosions, violent impacts, and countless broken walls around them.

The powerful impact force generated huge amounts of vibration and strong Shockwave within a few kilometers around, and the offensive generated was enough to cause an ordinary person to be instantly shaken to death.

In this way, it is also a fatal blow to those vanguards who are physically tough.

The horrible shock and shock caused almost all the remaining vanguards to lose their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the consequences of the crazy fall of the transport ship were also huge. There were seven huge cabins around the entire parking lot, but five of them all collapsed into ruins.

Even the brand-new spacecraft was seriously injured and needed an overhaul.

The huge smoke and dust it brought up blurred everything around it.

But in the eyes of everyone, listening to the painful and wailing not far away, they also understand that the horrible beast tide that was so powerful just now has been solved by the boss.

In the high altitude, Di Fan was riding in a spaceship, his face solemn and tangled looking at the place below that was shrouded in huge smoke.

“Thanos, this guy is really coming!!”

“Can’t you go to other places? Damn, this guy is not easy to mess with, there are bastards on both sides!!”

However, Difan still looked at the scene below with eager eyes. Although he had guessed what was happening, he didn’t see it with his own eyes.

But Difan looked at his inner collection room in the distance, “Fortunately, Quill and the others are here to watch the spacecraft. If it affects my collection, it would be a jerk.”

With a wave of his hand, a large number of inspection boats rushed towards the center of the smoke.

The huge amounts of smoke and dust naturally buried everyone in it, but the golden space cover shaped by Leo blocked all the impact.

Everyone just felt a slight shock on the ground, and then…there was no more.

Everything was over, everyone survived safely, and even the injuries on everyone’s body were almost recovered in this short period of time.

Leo frowned and looked at everything around him, waved his hand, and the golden mask dissipated, and the huge smoke around him suddenly poured into everyone.

Leo’s body was slightly floating, and a pair of huge amounts of golden light wings spread out behind him, and the blue light in the middle suddenly bloomed.

The wings suddenly waved in the air. On the light wings, huge amounts of space storm were rolled up out of thin air, and the weird spatial fluctuations suddenly dispersed to the surroundings.

The light blue light quickly swept all the surrounding dust, quickly gathered and condensed, and finally, directly transformed into the air and made a few boulders and fell down.

And the sky, which was still filled with thick smoke just now, became clear immediately.

As a result, Thanos’ vanguard team, along with Ebony Maw and the Q-type transport battleship, have all been sacrificed.

However, the dozens of vanguards that had survived, still crawled out of the wailing vanguard corpses, and continued to rush towards Leo.

Seeing this, Leo just stretched out his hand, and from the wreckage around him, dozens of metal rods flew out instantly and penetrated it.

There was no more threat around, except for the dozens of rescue airships hovering in the air, all gathered in the sky, making Leo’s face a little unsightly.

Difan quickly dissipated the surrounding rescue boats, and slowly flew down on the high-level battleship, and walked towards Leo.

“Dear Sir Leo, it seems that you have been targeted by Thanos. Do you have any plans?”

Di Fan looked at Leo respectfully and said.

Looking at the midair, Leo’s slightly blue wings were shining behind him, and there was also a trace of greed in his eyes, but he was deeply pressed by reason.

“Quil, what are you going to do?”

“We are going to Sandal Star first. After all, Jason still has a small shop there, so he can also be our foothold.”

Quill picked up the Elemental Gun from the ground and said, “Leo, you can also get me that kind of golden light. At the critical moment, it can still save my life.”

With that, Quill leaned over and said with a smile.

Leo didn’t mind reaching out and pressing on Quill’s body, bursts of golden light flooded into Quill’s body.

Difan looked at the scene in front of him with no surprises, “If you want to leave, I think I need to prepare quickly. If Thanos’s Black Order is dispatched, I think, Thanos himself will not be long. arrival.”

At this moment, Di Fan couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

You know, that is the overlord of the universe Thanos, the notorious overlord of the universe, and the rule of destroying half of life on every planet is known to the entire universe.

Even Emperor Fan understood that he would never be Thanos’s opponent. If it weren’t for the huge supplies that he had given to Thanos Legion every year, perhaps Thanos should deal with himself.

But Difan also had his own means, even if Thanos really wanted to attack him desperately, he also had a way to escape.

The only pity is that this will abandon all of his own collections. For the price of this point, Difan will never do it until the last moment.

Quill looked at the Difan in front of him, and he just picked up the luggage on the ground, “Then we won’t wait, just this first ship, it will be a brand new Milan, ready to set off.”

Howard Duck walked aside in a dressing gown, and stepped onto the spaceship with his own duck steps.

Chen Haoran also boarded the spacecraft under Leo’s sign.

Quill and Rocket are both top-level spacecraft pilots, even if it is a brand-new spacecraft, for the two of them, a little familiarity is enough to fully operate.

When everyone saw that Leo didn’t mean to board the ship, they happily drove the spaceship to the nearest jump point outside of the void.

Leo was left alone in the land of nothingness.

When Leo arrived, he looked at Di Fan simply, “Is the virtual gold I want, are you ready?”

“For the time being, only 10 million tons have been prepared, and there is still a need to maintain the normal operation of the Void Land. The time is too short. We need some time to continue collecting Void Gold.”

Di Fan looked at Leo and said.

Isn’t it a virtual gold? For Difan, it’s just a number. Since Leo wants it, just give it to him.

You know, in Leo’s hands, there are two infinite rough stones. In the past thousands of years, in the entire universe, there have never been two rough stones in the hands of one person.

And the combination turned out to be terrifying space and power.

Difan was imperceptibly, already pouring the balance of victory to Leo’s side.


On holy place number one, Supergiant walked over.

“My lord, Black Tongue Tactician, and his fleet, are lost.”

Above the throne, a tall purple figure shook his body slightly, and his eyes suddenly opened.

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