Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 93: Gather intelligence

"Agents of SHIELD?!"

In the antique store, Li Ran looked at the content displayed on the data panel, and raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

Although he expected that S.H.I.E.L.D. would make contact with one of the parties involved in the Chinatown incident, Ye Wen, he did not expect to take action so quickly.

Moreover, through Ye Wen in the martial arts hall, he looked at the young white man who was completely unaware, completely unaware that his identity had been exposed.

Li Ran secretly complained in his heart.

Are you sure you are an agent of SHIELD and not Hydra?

Well, at this stage, before the Hydra is completely exposed, there is nothing wrong with saying that it is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. What's more, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. has been corroded and disintegrated from the inside by Hydra in the past few decades, there will always be some loyal agents appearing, and this one is just one of them.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Being looked at by Ye Wen's gaze a bit unnatural, the young white man immediately asked.

Out of confidence in the disguise, he didn't think it was because of his exposed relationship.

"It's nothing." He looked back silently, although the true identity of the person in front of him had been exposed in Li Ran's eyes, but he still decided to continue the trick. Face is not.

Thinking of this, Li Ran manipulated the avatar in the martial arts hall and took a pose: "Although I have promised to teach you martial arts, I will naturally not break my promise. However, as the saying goes, practice martial arts first, train your heart, and if you want to truly practice Wing Chun well, First of all, you must practice the basics, and the best martial arts in charge are just castles in the air, not worth mentioning..."


Ye Wen talked a lot, but the SHIELD agent in front of him obviously didn't pay much attention.

After all, he came to investigate intelligence, not really to learn kung fu.

However, what he didn't know was that Ye Wen, who was opposite him, didn't really want to teach kung fu.

If it was said that Li Ran was still thinking of teaching the other party a few hands to look at without knowing the identity of the other party's agent, Li Ran naturally put out this idea when his identity as a SHIELD agent was revealed. Anyway, the other party didn't really come to learn martial arts, what did he teach so enthusiastically.

After a simple exhortation, Ye Wen looked at the young white man: "Then, what is your name."

"Mike, master, you can call me Mike."

Nodding his head, regardless of whether the name is true or false, Ye Wen immediately said, "Mike, since you want to learn Wing Chun, you must first stand firm on your horse steps."

"Horse step?"

What Ip Man said next involved the core basic knowledge of kung fu.

Even Mike, who is a SHIELD agent, doesn't know everything. After all, to put it bluntly, he is just an ordinary 5th-level agent within SHIELD, and the assigned task is only to contact and collect information, not a more important task.

"Horse stance is the foundation of all kung fu. As the saying goes, if you practice boxing without practicing kung fu, you will be empty when you get old. This kung fu refers to the basic kung fu, which is what I call the horse stance."

As he spoke, Ye Wen straightened his body, raised his fists to his chest with both hands, and bent his knees inward in a strange posture: "From today onwards, you must practice this posture every day."


"So, this is what you learned when you went to the martial arts gym?"

SHIELD, New York Branch.

Nick Fury looked at the strange posture the agent was posing in his office, and couldn't help raising his only raised eyebrow.

"To be precise, the name of this movement is the two-character pincer Yangma, which is the basis for practicing Wing Chun."

"That's not what I want to ask." He opened his mouth and interrupted the explanation of the man in front of him. Nick Fury said with a straight face: "Agent, remember your mission, it's not true that I asked you to go to Chinatown. I want you to learn the so-called Wing Chun, what I need is information about the other party and what happened in Chinatown before."

Nick Fury's remarks made the agent quickly get out of the atmosphere of martial arts, put away his horse steps, and looked at the eye-catching one-eyed director on the opposite side, he immediately swallowed: "I understand, director. "

"Then tell me, agent, what have you found?"

"After my investigation and inquiries of the residents near Chinatown, as well as the investigation and evidence of the police system, it can basically be concluded that the destruction of Chinatown mainly came from a guy named Fire Cloud Evil God?"

"Fire Cloud Evil God?"

A name that had not been heard before, which made Nick Fury repeat subconsciously.

"Yes, what's interesting is that we also found the name Huoyun Evil God in the internal report of the police system, which originally came from the mouth of an Asian man named A Xing who did not have any identification. From the description of the police report, And time went backwards, and finally we found the other party's trace in the previous Manhattan incident, according to the news report at the time a Chinese man kicked away the flying cement stone."

Nick Fury is no stranger to the Manhattan incident mentioned by the agents. The trouble caused by the military, and even the location where the trouble is currently hidden, is also under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"After that, where did this Ah Xing go?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head, the situation in Hell's Kitchen was chaotic, and with the secret activities of the Hand, even S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't keep all the information in its hands.

"However, the other party briefly appeared in Harlem for a few days before, and dealt with a gang leader in Harlem, and mentioned more than once that he was from a place called Penglai."


"We did some research and only found a description of a place called Penglai Immortal Island in some Chinese myths and legends."

These descriptions of the agents made Nick Fury fall into a brief contemplation. Unlike ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, he has experienced various wars and knows many secrets unknown to most people in this world. Therefore, The clues will not be ignored because of the lack of information.

After a moment of silence, Nick Fury brought the topic back to the target person.

"So, what about this guy in the martial arts hall?"

"People in Chinatown have always called him Master Ye, but I asked him about his name before, and he said his name was Ye Wen."

"Ip man."

With this somewhat convoluted name in his mouth, Nick Fury looked up and was about to say something when there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

Pushing open the door, Agent Hill walked in with the information: "Director, we have found some important information."

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