Chapter 169

The left and right are just some boring variety shows. Zhou Luo felt boring, so he left the remote control aside.

Not long after, Polaris came out of the bathroom and rubbed his wet hair with a towel.

Seeing Zhou Luo looking over, Polaris gave a smile that he thought was beautiful.

His gaze stopped for a moment on her face, and Polaris smiled brighter.

Zhou Luo retracted his gaze and stood up from the sofa.

“I’ll go out for a while, and you will take care of the piano.” Zhou Luo’s expression was a little serious, and she knew it was a serious matter, and she didn’t stop it.

It’s time for him to explore the treasure place of Time Gem. If there is no problem, he will go as planned.

After speaking, he put on his coat and went out, and his figure quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

Polaris is not restrained by herself. After blowing her hair, she tuned the TV program to the news channel they usually watch.

The host’s solemn voice made people feel drowsy and uninterested in the news.

Soon, an anecdote caught Polaris’s attention, and she got up from her chair and stared at the TV.

At the moment it has been an hour since Zhou Luo left, and it happened to knock on the door.

Polaris hurriedly opened the door for him, and before he had time for slippers, Zhou Luo saw Polaris’s weird look.

“Zhou Luo, you came back just right. Come here and read this news.” Polaris was very anxious, and his brows rushed together.

Slender refers to the TV screen, At the moment TV screen is broadcasting an anecdote.

Zhou Luo shook his heart and turned his head to look seriously.

I saw a weird surveillance video playing on the news. In a store, things were disappearing quickly, and even the things in the glass shelf cabinets with locks were looted.

Without seeing any external impact, the cabinet broke by itself, and the contents fell out one by one.

Within a quarter of an hour, the shop was looted…

It’s incredible, they won’t believe what ghosts and gods say.

Then there is only one possibility left, Zhou Luo and Polaris looked at each other.

Both people have the same idea, and they uttered their guesses before the news anchor.

“It’s a mutant invisible man!” Two identical voices sounded at the same time.

Mutant’s invisible function, in addition to avoiding ordinary people’s naked eyes, can also avoid any intelligent machines, such as surveillance cameras.

Therefore, even if there is a monitored store, the people who ransacked the store did not leave any traces of cobweb horses.

Both of them saw a slight change in each other’s eyes, which was interesting.

Without evidence, the police cannot find the criminal.

Zhou Luo’s face became particularly ugly. Aside, Polaris looked at him worriedly. He is a person who can’t rub the sand in his eyes. It’s hard to accept it.

They work so hard to maintain the harmony between Mutant and ordinary humans, but there are always some Mutants who like to use this advantage to destroy this harmony.

Zhou Luo was very angry, and Polaris knew it.

“Zhou Luo, alas.” She sighed, not wanting him to be too stressed.

“This kind of thing is always unavoidable.”

“I know, but we can still do nothing, can we?”

He has to do something. He also has this Ability. For a long time, he just felt that the use of force would not cure the symptoms.

Zhou Luo made a decision quietly, and this decision did not affect others. He stood up and saw the change in his expression, Polaris knew what he was going to do.

Polaris said: “No matter what you do, I will support you.”.

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