Chapter 200

Jean Grey went to rest. Unexpectedly, during her rest period, the security personnel searched the entire base.

When Qin Grey woke up the next day, she just walked out of the room and found notices posted everywhere.

Jean Grey hurriedly stopped a security guard and asked him what happened.

The security officer told Jean Grey, “A Mutant defected last night. The Mutant who defected may take the secrets of this base out.”

So they need to arrest him.

Jean Grey took a breath. She felt that this would not be true, but it was just a rhetoric.

The reason they want to say this is that they want to find people on a large scale who used their powers last night.

They want to find out all the restless Mutants. As for how to deal with these restless Mutants, it is not for them to decide.

Everything depends on the nature of this Mutant base.

Danger is approaching her, but Qin Grey has nothing to do. She feels that even Zhou Luo can’t do anything about this kind of thing.

“How to do?”

At this moment, when Jean Grey was thinking about how to deal with the matter, a security officer came to her and asked her: “The patient escaped to you last night. Do you know what’s wrong?” Is it abnormal?”

Didn’t they come to search their room last night?

Jean Grey’s heart trembled, she suspected that the other party might just want to find a detail, to find something.

Jean Grey shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know. I slept soundly last night.”

She might have been on the suspicion list of others, and Jean Grey reminded herself that she must be cautious and can no longer hold the handle for others.

She took a deep breath, not allowing herself to show a vigilant look.

She tried to relax as much as possible, and looked at the security personnel in front of her. The security personnel frowned and looked at her, seeing that there was nothing unusual about her, and then let her go.

“If you are aware of something, you must tell us, because it is very important to us, understand?”

The security officer raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and Jean Grey could not help but withdraw a step when she felt a strong force coming to pat her shoulder.

The huge amounts of strength came from the palm of the security personnel, and there was an electric current in the palm of the security personnel. Just now, when she was electrified, her pupils shrank into pinpoint File size.

“¨ “I’m really sorry. My Ability is related to electricity. Recently, I have had some problems in my practice. I can’t control Ability freely. I will attack people involuntarily. I’m really sorry.”

The security guard didn’t smile, and it didn’t look like he was sincerely apologizing.

Jean Grey’s pupils shrank again, and she only believed half of the words of the security guard in front of her.

Maybe the other party tried this deliberately (Nuo Wang Zhao), she definitely can’t express any dissatisfaction.

She smiled, then turned and left.

The security personnel looked at her back, but did not say anything, and soon left here.

Danger is approaching him, and Jean Grey doesn’t know exactly when this danger started, maybe not just after she used psionic powers tonight.

Jean Grey narrowed his eyes slightly, there was a little more in those eyes. .

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